... Best PS4 external hard drives for 2021. Iden and Del have no choice but to fight their way across the station. After that advance to the next main objective and you will encounter a large group of enemies, aim to the largest crowd and you should kill five enemies easily. Collectible 4/4: To the left of the path to the platform are some TIE Fighters being worked on and on the right, is one TIE Fighter without a wing. It's safe to say that if you liked the first Battlefront game you’ll like this one too. Star Wars Battlefront 2 (released on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4) features a full campaign, boasting a prologue and 12 missions. Use it to unlock new abilities if this is the first mission run (Cooldown Bonus, Detonite Charge) and swap them out if desired. Under Covered Skies is the ninth campaign mission in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II. As soon as you land your X-Wing on the landing pad and exit the cockpit, head straight ahead -- to the end of the platform. Follow Del to the Imperial docking station on Bespin. All 23 Collectible locations. The disguises work until they reach Hask's office. Cache Grab Make your way through the Imperial encampment towards the Tower, marked on your HUD. The TIE fighters on their tail are also having the same dilemma. To their advantage, the destroyers cannot fire at the cloud car for risk of accomplishing the same thing Iden is attempting to do. There’s a high concentration of Imperials here, so use cover smartly and your power-ups efficiently. Top Contributors: Gloftus, Stevryu, Ragga_Fragga + more. It’s dark there, so you might miss it. The primary goal is to take out all the fuel cells on a refinery, causing it to explode and crash into the one beside it, causing a chain reaction. You will get this naturally through story progression but here's my walkthrough of Mission 8: Under Covered Skies. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Their secondary mission is to take out the Refinery Stations floating above. Collectible 1. Shriv remarks that the First Order could be the Resistance’s largest threat. Battlefront 2 Collectibles in Mission 9 Under Covered Skies #1 From the area where you and Del land your X-Wings, head straight towards the large hangar door. Stars Wars Battlefront 2 Collectible guide. There is an Imperial shuttle nearby and TIE fighters on yet another pad further down but they are well guarded with Stormtroopers and an AT-ST. Destroying TIE fighters may also slow down the amount of damage the Cloud Car takes while doing so. Iden is unable to get to his ship in time to stop him, so she and Del must fight their way off the station. Getting to their ships however proves to be more difficult now that the entire station was on alert and their ships were on the opposite side. Although the star card and loot crate systems are indeed atrocious, beneath that is still a very decent and enjoyable game. The intel they received also included information regarding the station. Iden sends her ID10 Seeker Droid into hiding for the time being, telling it stay hidden until she calls for it. Han Solo has returned to the Rebel Alliance, but not empty handed. Hask will talk to you through a hologram, seeing through your plan and escaping in a Star Destroyer. The information contained on a datacube provided by a spy named Paldora reveals that Iden Versio's father—Admiral Versio—has been running operations on Bespin and Sullust. I assume you mean the sequence when you fight him and some escort TIEs above Jakku. There are no Imperials on the pad but there are Stromtroopers checking cargo not far off. Discussion I’ve seen a few posts talking about how hard this level is, but after watching some play throughs on YouTube I’m starting you think my game is actually bugging. There are two staircases that lead down to the level below. Have ID10 scan it to add it to your collection. This Star Wars Battlefront 2: Under Covered Skies Hidden Item Collectibles Guide will tell you where to find all of the different unique Hidden Item Collectibles scattered throughout the Under Covered Skies mission. Have ID10 scan it to add it to your collection. Once detected, enemy forces will come in strong and several will run directly at the player, including heavies. Iden and Del resign themselves to leaving on any space-worthy fighter they can find. I recently replayed the campaign on the hard difficulty, and like you I had some trouble. Page Tools. There are plenty of barriers to use for cover so it may be best to use them and clear out sections at a time rather than trying to run through them. The collectible box is right at the top of said stairs. Use the heat sink to help keep the cloud car's only weapon from overheating for a few seconds. To the right of the back-most stairwell, you'll find your first collectible of the Under Covered Skies mission. Look for the exit door. Discussion The part where you need to reach the tie fighter platform, I have gone stealthy but I get spotted too easily, I have made it 3 times but each time I would get over powered and die, Right when I think I made it. If you can easily beat (100 to 50 or less) the AI on hard you are ready for Multiplayer. Start with Droid Run, then Drop Zone, then Turning Point. At the bottom of the lift is a supply crate. At the second one, in front of the hangar, at the top of the stairs is the level’s first collectible. Once you’ve reached the target area, you’ll have to destroy the supports keeping the inner part of the station and the outer part of the station together. Head downstairs and over towards your objective marker. After you’ve donned Stormtooper armor, you’ll have to infiltrate the Overseer’s Tower, and without ID10. Anyone know how to beat Under Covered skies? Under Covered Skies Mission Spoilers in Single Player Mode: Doing this for a friend who’s frustrated at the last part where you had to take down ATST walker but the problem is if this is a bug where there are hundreds of stormtroopers swarming at you where you’re spotted or fired at them and keeps spawning over and over till you fail. It's not great, but at least it has a weapon. Iden and Del approach the station and find a landing pad in the lower sections where they assume their ships are less likely to be detected. Iden and Del need to find a turbolift in order to get to Hask. Grab cover when you need to, use your power-ups when you can, and just keep moving towards the platform. Mission I: The Battle of Endor • Mission II: The Dauntless • Mission III: The Observatory • Mission IV: The Storm • Mission V: The Outcasts • Mission VI: Royalty • Mission VII: General Distress • Mission VIII: Under Covered Skies • Mission IX: Cache Grab • Mission X: The Battle of Jakku • Mission XI: Until Ashes • … Star Wars Battlefront II Summary : This follow-up to the 2015 Star Wars multiplayer battle game promises "bigger and better worlds" and content from the new films in the Star Wars franchise. Apparently Admiral Versio has been refueling there for months, and Commander Hask is overseeing the operations there. Play a few hours of missions on hard (medium) difficulty to practice. Once the area has been cleared, make your way to the turbo-lift. Race back to the Tower and hold off the Stormtroopers trying to rush you there. This will take her to the top where she will converse with a hologram of Hask who is well aware of their presence and has already left the tower. Welcome to Star Wars Battlefront II, the game that everyone loves to hate. Heck, one time I was respawned ON TOP OF a thermal detonator, in view of 2 enemies. Players will need to take out the fuel cells. To do this, they would have to take out several cells connected to a single refinery. Continue until Iden reaches the Overseer's tower and the central turbolift. Mission II: The Dauntless is one of the milestones in Star Wars: Battlefront 2. It isn't long though before the Imperial are aware of their presence. They spot a shuttle on one platform and TIE fighters on another. Mission I: The Battle of Endor • Mission II: The Dauntless • Mission III: The Observatory • Mission IV: The Storm • Mission V: The Outcasts • Mission VI: Royalty • Mission VII: General Distress • Mission VIII: Under Covered Skies • Mission IX: Cache Grab • Mission X: The Battle of Jakku • Mission XI: Until Ashes • … Han Solo has returned to the Rebel Alliance, but not empty handed. Their ship makes the jump to Bespin first, Del and Iden make their way towards Chinook Station via X-Wing fighters. Chinook Station on Bespin has been turned into a staging ground by your old squadmate Commander Hask, and capturing him is your best lead for tracking down Admiral Versio. Under Covered Skies Walkthrough of Star Wars Battlefront II in 60fps. After you’ve taken out the three supports on the three stations, the level will end. The information contained on a datacube provided by a spy named Paldora reveals that Iden Versio's father—Admiral Versio—has been running operations on Bespin and Sullust. Iden informs him that they will just board the destroyer, steal the informatio… On top of the crates is the level’s second Collectible. Mission 8: Under Covered Skies. spoiler. How to unlock the Under Covered Skies achievement in STAR WARS Battlefront II: Complete the mission "Under Covered Skies" Hask has already departed and contacts them via holographic comm to taunt Iden. Collectible 2 Playing as Take them out and head back down the turbolift. Each soldier in Battlefront 2 only has one primary weapon, unless one of their Abilities is a secondary firearm. Mission I: The Battle of Endor • Mission II: The Dauntless • Mission III: The Observatory • Mission IV: The Storm • Mission V: The Outcasts • Mission VI: Royalty • Mission VII: General Distress • Mission VIII: Under Covered Skies • Mission IX: Cache Grab • Mission X: The Battle of Jakku • Mission XI: Until Ashes • … While seeing him make a break for it in his capital ship, a TIE Fighter will arrive firing at your position on the platform. To save time, I have skipped most of the cut scenes. Once inside, the fight takes to the air. Under covered skies glitch? Iden is afraid however that the Rebel fleet command to which she, Del, and Shriv are assigned, may not approve. Completing this ends the mission. Page is locked. The second they step outside of Hask's office to his the tower's landing pad however, a TIE figher will appear putting Iden and Del under heavy fire. It's recently acquired paint job (courtesy of Del after the Theed incident) is obviously not Imperial standard and would raise suspicion. Leia understands and formerly 'asks' Iden to bring him in, thus bypassing the chain of command. Hask cuts the comm transmission and puts the station on alert. Question about Battlefront 2 campaign..Is it really hard, or am I just terrible?..maybe some spoilers. Collectibles The TIE fighter can't be destroyed so there's no choice but to run back inside and deal with the now gathered Stormtroopers. General Summarize your bug In the beginning of Campaign Mission: Under Covered Skies when landing the X-Wings on the under spire of the structure, my game continuously freezes with audio tearing and then the game crashes to Xbox Home This is digital copy as well Iden Versio There doesn't seem to be any shortage of grenades to deal with either. Once there, you’ll take a lift to the upper level. Regardless of which direction you leave from the tower, the AT-ST will not be avoided and will need to be destroyed. After clearing all Imperial troops from the area, you’ll make your way towards the Cloud Car still on the platform, and head towards the Star Destroyers refueling. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Product: Star Wars Battlefront II Platform: Microsoft XBOX One What is your issue related to? Of course the fighters are the better choice, so they fight their way to them, only to watch them fly off just as they reach the platform. They still have a refueling station to take out. Their X-Wings are too far away to get to, so they start looking for any ship they can use. Of course a Cloud Car with a single weapon is not going to take out three destroyers but Iden comes up with the crazy idea of blowing up fuel cells on one of the refineries, causing a highly explosive chain reaction and in doing so, take out the destroyers. The ship is small but still has a few abilities - Electronic Countermeasures, Afterburner, and Heat Sink. Collectible 1/4: After landing your X-Wing, head towards the large hangar doors. When the ship gets close to the refueling refinery, the Imperials will realize it's not friendly and send out fighters. They leave the station and discover three star destroyers refueling at the refinery above the planet. After the cutscene, in the middle of Mission 2: The Battle of Endor, you will face a group of enemies outside a bunker.Kill them and go into the bunker, then grab the Barrage weapon that is located inside a box. Keep going until you see the second staircase going down on the left. While catching Hask is a lost cause, they still have the refueling stations to take out. Several of the missions in Star Wars Battlefront 2 are home to secret Hidden Items. Oh, and the elite classes unbalance that mode so hard. The walkthrough for each … ... You’re new to the game so don’t worry too much about it. Collectible 3/4: Near the second collectible is a storage facility/armory. Walk through the corridors and head back outside. The Imperials there once fire on you unless you fire on them or the fuel station. Iden asks if there was any way to board it, and Zay replies that there are too many troopers and that they would be slaughtered even before they boarded. No trophy for these, but you will complete 7 campaign milestones that will reward you with 175 crafting parts, plus 4,000 credits for completing the game. Blast is just kind of a clusterf*** in general. The plan works in Iden's favor, a fueling refinery explodes, taking the other refineries and the attached destroyers with them. Head downstairs after you’ve cleared the area. Once you’ve reached the platform, you’ll notice the TIE Fighters you were hoping to hijack have taken off. Battlefront 2 Mission 8: Under Covered Skies. Bespin Details Star Wars: Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, Campaign Missions of Star Wars Battlefront II (DICE), Campaign of Star Wars Battlefront II (DICE), https://battlefront.fandom.com/wiki/Under_Covered_Skies?oldid=101628. He is no longer pursuing her as he has more important missions to attend to. The Bomber 15 Defeat 50 enemies using Dual Proton Torpedoes with the Bomber ship class. Del spots a Cloud Car and reluctantly, Iden agrees to take it. Multiple times in one game, I will be respawned in front of an enemy. Their initial goal is to capture Hask and shut down the station. Head inside the facility and immediately hook a right - it’s sitting on top of some crates. Avoid Blast, Cargo, WA, Hero Hunt, and Supremacy. If they miss the Cloud Car, they could unintentionally take out the fuel cells instead. After clearing the platform of Stormtroopers, Del locates a Cloud Car, which Iden reluctantly agrees to taking. Hask is already on his way off of Bespin in a cruiser, Del and Iden now have to fight their way back to their ships. Next ... Prev Page Star Wars Battlefront 2 Collectibles Part 1. Move across the platform towards the next one, focusing on Officers and Heavies when they make themselves apparent. Leia reminds Iden that she is not Iden's commander and that Iden must instead ask Rebel fle… Previous Iden asks permission from Princess Leia to find her father, capture him, and bring him in. 4. Iden asks permission from Princess Leiato find her father, capture him, and bring him in. Leia reminds Iden that she is not Iden's commander and that Iden must instead ask Rebel fleet command for permission. Fighting to the platform is going to be a pain - there are a lot of Imperials and they have an AT-ST that’ll tear you to shreds if it catches you out in the open. Playing in games earn you crates that can unlock credits, boosts, and Star Cards . Don't be too aggressive: Stay behind your teammates, use cover, PTO, be supportive. Star Wars Battlefront Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Players will be directly to reach the platform with the TIEs on it but the second Iden reaches it, the fighters will leave. Use the countermeasures and afterburner to temporarily break missile locks and targeting from enemy ships. Stick to stealth as long as you can, but considering how many enemies there, that shouldn’t be very long. General Distress It’s on the way to the platform, your objective after leaving the Overseer’s Tower. Iden, Shriv, and Zay are in stolen First Order TIE fighters approaching a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, which is hovering above the capital city of Vardos. It will open on it's own but slicing the panel next to it will allow players to see from the security cameras. 4 Collectibles. There is quite a bit of distance however from their location to The Overseer's Tower where Iden assumes Commander Hask would be. Players will need to clear the platform anyway. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Wiki Guide. Mission II: The Dauntless - Star Wars: Battlefront Wiki ... Scavenger • The Dauntless: Scavenger • The Storm: Scavenger • Under Covered Skies: ... • All Too Easy • Armed And Operational • Assume Control • … Hask tells her it's not going to be that easy and that they detected The Corvus the second it went past the blockade. Have ID10 scan it to add it to your collection. In a panic to keep him from escaping, Iden calls her droid and heads outside to the attached landing platform. They make it to the central lift at the tower but to make things a bit easier, the pair don Stormtrooper armor first. Last Edited: 10 Jan 2018 9:31 pm. Iden orders Dio to scan for any vulnerabilities in the destroyer. Star Wars Battlefront II is an action shooter video game based on the Star Wars film franchise. Violence, Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB, Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed, Amazon's The Lord of the Rings Prequel: The Second Age Explained, Essential Tips for Getting Started in Valheim, Little Nightmares 2 Spoiler-Free Puzzle Guides, CoD Zombies: Outbreak Mode Weapon Unlocking, Things to Do First in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, How to Get the New Mario Items in Animal Crossing, Bowser's Fury: 12 Big Tips for Getting Started. This follow-up to the 2015 Star Wars multiplayer battle game promises "bigger and better worlds" and content from the new films in the Star Wars franchise. Redeem the collectible milestones by going to the career menu and select campaign milestones. Head up the stairs towards it - the platform has the level’s fourth collectible. Mission 8: Under Covered Skies. Milestones. After reaching the entrance to the station, Iden 'borrows' two trooper armor sets and she and Del put them on, allowing them to walk past Imperials undetected. Location The afterburner is also great for a short speed burst. Not only would this strike a blow to the Empire, but Hask may be the key to finding the Admiral. Under Covered Skies Collectible 2/4: Outside the Tower, from the door you entered (opposite the elevator) is a stack of crates, near the staircase. Has the level ’ s dark there, that shouldn ’ t worry too much about it Hask... Any shortage of grenades to deal with either is not Iden 's favor a! 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