Gladiator. I rate this movie 10 out of 10. One month free trial! Gladiator Trivia Questions & Answers : Movies D-G This category is for questions and answers and fun facts related to Gladiator ., as asked by users of Quizzes There are a few scenes with the infrequent drinking of beverages that may or may not be alcoholic in nature. Either you are a hero, or you are a villain, and in a time where one of the only ways to keep action movies fresh and intriguing is to screw with the morality of the characters, it is honestly refreshing to see a movie where the hero has pure morals get the attention it deserves. If you want to watch a film that shows you how to make a film then watch this. Language is nothing to worry about, and there is one kind of disturbing scene where a character tries to seduce his own sister (You can just skip it). From the plot to the way it was shot. Recommend it totally though. Check out the exclusive movie review and see our movie rating for Gladiator Join / Sign Up Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices. Maximus cares about the soldiers he commands, his country, his friends, and of course, his family. It's not designed to be a tentpole action film for teenagers, and it's not designed to be a disturbing drama for adults. Russell Crowe is a great actor (you forget he's acting) and the consummate hero which is so rare today. The game's animations and sounds are, because of its age, fairly simple and that translates well to the smaller screen size of iPhone, iPad and Android devices. He doesn't play fair, and there is a creepy, rapey subplot of him trying to get with his sister. On the other hand, this movie has true evil. Despite its scope and huge amounts of bloody violence, this film has more redeeming qualities to balance out the heavy material. My Ratings: [3/4] Unfortunately, there were a few parts that should be skipped through ( such as the beginning scene ) if you have younger children 12-. By Fred Harvey The History Place 5/13/00. Some versions cut the scene, though. It employs depression as a substitute for personality, and believes that if the characters are bitter and morose enough, we won't notice how dull they are. ‘Gladiator’ Movie Summary. Maximus escapes his … The soundtrack is one of the most beautifully written pieces I have heard and should be valued with the likes of the Lord of the Rings . A woman and her child are killed by crucifixion and burning, not seen. There are also some references to two characters being tortured and executed off-screen (all we see are partial images of their corpses). (this was later changed to 17) X rated movies were for adult audiences only. Maximus's family is crucified and burned offscreen, though their charred legs and feet are seen hanging. Which, of course, is expected from a movie about gladiators, but nonetheless, be careful when watching it. Sean T Super Reviewer May 05, 2014 Personally, I don't think Gladiator deserves its R-rating. However, that doesn't mean everyone should watch it. Synopsis Maximus is a bonafide hero, and Commodus is a real villain. This movie is special because it isn't tailor made for any crowd. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. Gladiator won Best Picture for 2001 but I don't believe it's 100% worthy of that accolade. Maximus is inspirational, and in my opinion, someone that many of us should try to be more like. This movie is special because it isn't tailor made for any crowd. The tone is established in this scene, and the movie never lets up until the credits roll. It is an inspiring, mesmerizing, beautiful, action packed flick. They pray for guidance and fight to be united with their loved ones. While Gladiator handles itself brilliantly at times and features a great final hour, the film is very tedious and doesn't entertain for the majority of the duration. The powerful general is unable to save his family, and his loss of will allows him to get captured and put into the Gladiator games until he dies. If Common Sense Media doesn't see the honor in that and consider Maximus and his quest as a positive message delivered by a positive role model then I have to question all of their ratings. 1 Biographical 1.1 Commodus 1.2 Maximus 1.3 Marcus Aurelius 1.4 Other characters 2 Historical 2.1 Political 2.2 Architectural 2.3 Linguistic 2.4 Military 2.5 Gladiatorial 3 References In the movie, Wikipedia:Commodus appears to be in his mid-to-late twenties, single, wiry, with dark hair, and right-handed. It's a great movie for sure, and after a stretch of flops a welcome return to form for Ridley Scott, but I can't help but peg Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon as a better movie - and even then I'm quite partial to Traffic. The following review will be spoiler free. We were unable to submit your evaluation. Age rating. Most of the sexual references will go straight over kids heads. An opponent is also cut in half by blades on a chariot's wheel during combat; graphic, but brief. Gladiator is beautifully shot and acted, and the battles are so realistic, this film really captures the fright of gladitorial combat, and how terrible some things were back then. begins after General Maximus destroys the last of the barbarian resistance.. Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius is morose, and wishes to leave a more positive legacy on his death. Only some references. Mobile support for Gladiator was added back in 2012, and the slot is now available via both dedicated apps and responsive mobile casino sites. The best movie i have ever seen (and I am a film critic). In other words, the characters are not portrayed in a black-and-white way. I would say it's okay for under +12's if they can handle brutal violence and minimal sexual content. All you need to know about Gladiator, including release date, plot, rating and film budget. R: Strong Graphic violence, intense sequences of action and war and for Gore. The violence can be quite heavy, and for anyone younger than 13, it can be really disturbing. The Gladiator. While there's no sex or foul language, the film is a virtual bloodbath. Hollywood has ventured back into the Colosseum for the first time in forty years and produced a very interesting but slightly eccentric film about the bad old Roman Empire. Gladiator. Pretty graphic and has incest so not for younger crowd but it's an amazing movie. Other than that it's basically just violence. All I can say is I wish 2020 used films like this to make films, real actors, real emotion and an ending that justifies its self. And lastly, the only reason I gave it 4 instead of 5 stars, is because its not necessarily one of my favorite movies. Gladiator is rated R, and with good reason. Loved it, This movie was great my dad just let me watched it I'm 13 and i would say 15 +. DreamWorks Pictures released Gladiator on May 5, 2000.Ridley Scott directed the film starring Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, and Connie Nielsen. One of the reasons I let my young son (I also gave my young daughters the option to watch) is BECAUSE of the positive message and role models. Not a full for anybody easily scared or traumatised as there are some quite graphic scenes. Use these free activities to help kids explore our planet, learn about global challenges, think of solutions, and take action. Multiple scenes showing bloody violence, much of it in brief shots. Title: Gladiator (2000) 8.5 /10. It is one of the only rated R movies that I would recommend to a middle schooler or high schooler. Gladiator is one of the greatest movies of all time. 4/5 On violence. He tells Maximus that he will appoint him Emperor on his death so that Maximus can return government authority to the Roman Senate. RatingM: Consumer AdviceModerate violence, moderate themes, moderate coarse language: Year of Release2000: Primary Format - Movies/TVDVD The big battle scene that opens the film, for example, is full of guys getting run through and getting limbs chopped off. As a Spaniard I took great pride in Maximus being known as the "Spaniard" in parts of the movie! Gladiator - Upon the murder of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (Richard Harris), his trusted and successful general Maximus Meridas (Russell Crowe) becomes unlawfully imprisoned and condemned to the gladiator games by Marcus' twisted son, Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix). © Common Sense Media. The movie makes a point that the needless violence and bloodshed of the Roman Gladiators was extreme, and the fact that people took pleasure in seeing bloodshed as a sport is incredibly messed up. | The point of this film is to be truly spectacular, like nothing ever seen. However, Maximus gains fame as a gladiator and uses his power to cause further damage to Commodus' … Gladiator is a movie that will be timeless. The violence is the only thing parents really need to worry about. This movie is definitely very violent, the beginning is not violent at all there's just a lot of violence in the middle as Maximus is climbing the ranks as a fighter but after this sequence of him fighting it tames down. Sure, there are only a handful of fight scenes, but they're insanely brutal. Dont watch this if you love this if you love film. There isn't any inappropriate sex scenes or foul language. For content advisory, the biggest issues of the film are its violence and a character with incestuous desires. The way the movie was shot from the CGI Coliseum to the costumes worn gave the movie a realistic feel. Gladiator is timeless popular cinema - an event, an experience, and above all else, an epic not to be forgotten. Here are a few things to look out for; I thought that the story was very interesting as a whole. Gladiator is the kind of film that makes you wish others were just like it. In one scene, he leans against her (demanding she open her mouth, which he touches with his fingers) and then slumps against her on a bed, but she leaves. In order to avenge his wife and child who were killed at the hands of his best friend, he has to fight to survive in gladiatorial combat. A film that suits Russel Crow very well. This is a very violent movie. R was for restricted audiences, children under 16 needed a parent to get in. In all, I believe Gladiator is okay for 13+. | This happens in one of the films most memorable scenes, with one of the greatest monologues on film. No doubt in my mind my children and their children will still be watching this movie. In 180 A.D. Rome, a weary Marcus Aurelius is near death, and he names his loyal and triumphant general, Maximus Decimus Meridius, as his successor and protector of Rome. Although they are forced to fight for their lives they live with honor. No nudity. Commodus is incredibly slimy. The dramatic angles and editing made the fight scenes second to none in this movies genre. Personally, I don't think Gladiator deserves its R-rating. There are a few instances of dismemberment and couple of decapitation, we usually see a flash of red. It's an intense movie that deals with themes of loyalty and redemption that I could recommend to older, mature teens and up (though parents, do be wary of the incest theme). I love this movie but it is not for children! This alone would give me good reason to watch it, due to it's heart-stringing nature. What to Watch, Read, and Play While Your Kids Are Stuck Indoors, Common Sense Selections for family entertainment, Check out new Common Sense Selections for games, Teachers: Find the best edtech tools for your classroom with in-depth expert reviews, 5 Ways Video Games Can Help Kids with Special Needs, Which Side of History? It's a thoughtful, uplifting movie with a story to tell and a point to make, but it is still an epic action movie that is designed to thrill more than make you feel good. The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points. My very mature 15 yr. old was able to appreciate it. He asks her to "stay with him", she replies that she will not. Crowe is one of the most watchable of movie actors, fast on his way to becoming a movie star. Even so, I highly recommend it to film lovers. How Technology Is Reshaping Democracy and Our Lives. The effects used to create the colosseum, the famous tiger fight, and some of the gorier killings are highly detailed, incorporating a mix of CGI and in-camera effects. All of the scenes in the arena I found to be riveting and intense, and most of them have blood spurts and bloody injuries, but they aren't too gory. One character has incestuous longings; the furthest it gets is when this person is about to touch his sister lustfully and kisses her a few times. The violence can be quite heavy, and for anyone younger than 13, it can be really disturbing. A man slices off a tattoo on his upper arm, with a bit of bleeding. the only reason it is really rated R is for its violence and gore. Directed by Ridley Scott and Starring Russell Crowe / Joaquin Phoenix / Connie Nielsen / Oliver Reed / Richard Harris, box office chart history, UK gross, US gross and world gross, related news, BBFC certificates | Salty Popcorn Gladiator … Maximus dies of his wounds after the final battle. I was appalled to see a mother bring her young son [maybe 5 years old] into the theater. It is about strength, honor, courage betratal, ruthlessness, survival, and even incest! Gladiator is rated R. R stands for 'Restricted', which means children under 17 require accompanying parent or adult guardian. Most of this is gory. A man treats a graphic wound on his body, which we see up close and for several seconds. Brilliant acting on everyone’s part and a brilliant film. Unlike the heroes in many sword and sandals epics, Maximus doesn't take pleasure in war. Maximus and the gladiator character played by the FANTASTIC black actor are fantastic role models. Men are killed with blows and dull objects, and stabbed with swords, knives, and spears (often with brief blood). Ridley Scott's masterpiece of a film, Gladiator, is credited as the work that managed to reinvent the swords 'n' sandals genre as well as reignite interest in entertainment based on Ancient Greek and Roman culture.Such films as 300 and Troy were all released later in the 2000s and became successful.. RELATED: 10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved The Conjuring Horses briefly and bloodlessly run a child over (not heard) and we later see the blackened lower legs of two corpses. Masterful but really violent Oscar winner. Yes, there are evil people with bad intentions in this movie but all of them are defeated by the GREAT MAXIMUS. Commodus ( Joaquin Phoenix ) is one of those spoiled, self-indulgent, petulant Roman emperors made famous in the age of great Roman epics, which ended with " Spartacus " (1960). But "Gladiator" lacks joy. Gladiator (20th Anniversary Trailer) Brawny, he-man spectacle combined with a surprisingly solid story and buttressed by excellent performances, including the late Oliver Reed's swan song. The movie contains some adult material and parents are urged to learn more about the movie. It is violent at times, but mostly only in the gladiator fights and in the opening scene- people are stabbed, decapitated, slashed, and chopped with swords. Please try again later. All rights reserved. Gladiator is a film by Ridley Scott that was hailed at the time of its release. Review. Use the HTML below. A woman and child are brutally tortured, killed, and crucified mostly offscreen, and their charred feet and ankles are shown. Crowe portrays Roman general Maximus Decimus Meridius, who is betrayed when Commodus, the ambitious son of Emperor M… M was for mature audiences, parents were cautioned but anyone could come to the movie. It's somewhere in between, and because of that, I recommend that you preview it before showing it to anyone who is younger than 15. To provoke a main character into attacking him, the antagonist tells him his wife "moaned like a whore" when his troops "ravaged her again and again". Gladiator 2000 (Age Rating 15), awarded 'Must Watch Movie' with a 5 stars rating. I also found the ending to be quite sad. There is a rather graphic battle near the beginning (as well as a couple other shorter ones), and a few bloody arena battles. So maybe have your kids just cover their eyes during fight scenes. However, it may be a little too bloody for younger teens. No nudity in the movie. Plot Keywords. Meet the cast and watch the movie trailer. Netherlands:12 (TV rating) New Zealand:M; Norway:15 (2000, cinema rating) Peru:14; Philippines:PG-13; Portugal:M/12; Russia:18+ Singapore:PG; Singapore:NC16 (extended version) South Africa:13 (video rating) South Korea:15 There are tons of graphic images, including a particularly bloody battle scene that opens the film. Everything from the acting and directing, to the filming and effects is perfect. An attacking tiger is stabbed with a sword, no blood is shown. The anger and Hate Maximus has for his enemy fuels him through may epic battles in the arena. There is no grey zone in this movie. Subscribe below to receive updates and news about Gladiator. The antagonist of the movie has a sexual desire for his sister. Subscribe updates. Mature is a slave in Ancient Rome who becomes a gladiator under the rule of Emperor Caligula. Regarding his wife, he says it's not his business, and they both chuckle. Taglines Ridley Scott has directed a handful of game-changing films in his time in Hollywood, but Gladiator did what few films have done in history: become a critical and cultural touchstone.. Much has changed since the film came out in 2000, but many still agree that it is a damn good film.. Predictable but amazing. The villain threatens to kill his sister's son unless she agrees to have a sexual relationship with him. Before his death, the Emperor chooses Maximus to be his heir over his own son, Commodus, and a power struggle leaves Maximus and his family condemned to death. Full Review | Original Score: 5/5 Brian D. Johnson Maclean's Magazine A reference is made about biting on breasts. The plot is set in motion when the emperor decides to will his power to Maximus so that the senate can be restored, but his jealous son Commodus kills him. Commodus is an incredibly evil person, but he still has reasons why he acts that way. Plot Summary Maximus fights not only to avenge the murder of his wife and son but also to save the citizens of Rome from the tyranmy of an evil and moral-less Commodus. Detail is often hard to make out due to how quick shots are. Rent Gladiator (2000) starring Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix on DVD and Blu-ray. Common Sense and other associated names and logos are trademarks of Common Sense Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (FEIN: 41-2024986). The film was co-produced and released by DreamWorks Pictures and Universal Pictures. His look and the way Russell portrays his hate sells the whole movie for me. In all seriousness, there isn't too much objectionable content here outside of the violence, but the violence is very strong, and lasts throughout the whole movie. This is definitely not a movie for children. Really engaging storyline with a lot of violence and really cool foghting. Also with Richard Harris, Djimon Hounsou, Connie Nielsen, Tomas Arana, Spencer Treat Clark, David Hemmings, Derek Jacobi, Chris Kell, Ralph Moeller and Oliver Reed. Gladiator is a 2000 epic historical drama film directed by Ridley Scott and written by David Franzoni, John Logan, and William Nicholson. Maximus is portrayed as a faithful husband to his wife, even though some of his methods of fighting are brutal. While Proximo disagrees with his customer he proceeds to grabbing the mans testicles. It tells the epic story of a man who is sold into slavery after a political assassination attempt. The character Maximus played by Russell Crowe is played perfectly. It stars Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Ralf Möller, Oliver Reed (in his final role), Djimon Hounsou, Derek Jacobi, John Shrapnel, and Richard Harris. Some pretty intense fights (gladiatorial or otherwise), and a violent escape. Djimon Honsou's glutes are seen. This is extremely emotional and depressing to watch. | Gladiator | 2000 | R | - 3.10.3 Betrayed by the new Roman emperor (Joaquin Phoenix), a celebrated and loyal military leader (Russell Crowe) is enslaved and forced to become a gladiator. It also emphasizes the cinematic choreography of Gladiator’s extreme violence (showing the filming from a distance with ball-capped crew and boom microphones in full view), which takes the edge off the carnage somewhat and looks more like big kids in costume playing war. A man asks another man what he says to his dead family. Gladiator movie reviews & Metacritic score: Before Maximus (Crowe), the heroic Roman General, can honor the wishes of his dying emperor Marcus Aurelius (Harris) by … There is no nudity except a male slave in a loincloth, one brief kiss, and Commodus is in love with his sister. He doesn't enjoy killing, and he doesn't think of anyone differently because of who they are. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? RELATED: Top 10 Films Set In Ancient Rome, Ranked According To Rotten Tomatoes The film was a hit back in 1954 and director Daves blends excellent action sequences with good characterizations and performances from his cast that included Susan Hayward, Michael Rennie, Ernest Borgnine, and a … The movies plot is about a man named Maximus that was a leader of the Roman army and double crossed by the emperor's son who later becomes the Emperor of Rome. This film was made by DreamWorks studios, who at the time were trying to push genre boundaries with more adult animated films like Antz and the Prince of Egypt, gothically styled childrens films like Mouse Hunt, and of course, subversive dramas like American Beauty. This movie reminds me that there are things in life worth fighting for! However, that doesn't mean everyone should watch it. He does anything to get what he wants. The awards this movie won could speak for themselves, but I recommend that you find out for yourself how great this movie is. Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. Related quizzes can be found here: Gladiator . 1/5 on language, profanity is used only 3 times and is nothing over PG-13. Maximus sees his family's dead bodies which could be intense to some viewers. Parents need to know that Gladiator is a 2000 movie in which Russell Crowe plays a Roman general who is betrayed by a power-hungry emperor's son and must survive as a gladiator. When Emperor Marcus Aurelius' son Commodus murders his father, he must also do away with Maximus Decimus Meridius, the finest general. I MUST disagree with the Common Sense Media rating of 1-Star for "Positive messages" and 2-Stars for "Positive role models." Fast, free delivery. Family Activities: Use these creative ideas for free activities to move, learn, relax, and connect as a family. Keeping Kids Motivated for Online Learning. Hollywood’s rating system, however flawed it may be, is still there as a guideline [which I consistently see being ignored by parents who bring young children to PG 13 and R rated movies]. Share this Rating. Russell Crowe is amazing and so is Joaquin Phoenix, and Connie Nielsen. I have watched Gladiator about 3 or 4 times now and it's definitely one of those movies I'll never forget about. 8.3/10. Get unlimited DVD Movies & TV Shows delivered to your door with no late fees, ever.