7.7/10 7,415. AKA: High Life, Golddiggers of 1933, Golden orgy, Altin arayan kizlar. Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Gold Diggers of 1933 is a Pre-Code Warner Bros. musical film directed by Mervyn LeRoy with songs by Harry Warren (music) and Al Dubin (lyrics), staged and choreographed by Busby Berkeley. gold diggers of 1933 is a mischivious masterpiece containing some of the most moving and visionary sequences of coreographic history. This being a Busby Berkeley number, she is draped in a garment made… All in one evergreen collection: 10 animated specials you've grown up with and loved -- including 3 new to DVD! Watch on Prime Video rent/buy from $2.99. A woman thinks a flirting man is the co-respondent her lawyer has hired to expedite her divorce. Use the HTML below. Gold Diggers of 1933 Photos View All Photos (10) Movie Info. A multimillionaire decides to boycott "filthy" forms of entertainment such as Broadway shows. Synopsis The Biggest Show On Earth! The Gold Diggers of 1933 é o segundo dos três filmes que o coreógrafo Busby Berkeley realizou na Warner Bros. em 1933.Situado entre 42nd Street e Footlight Parade, é um dos melhores musicais pré-Código Hays do estúdio [1] e talvez o mais significativo musical de Berkeley daquela era. Get the best deals for gold diggers of 1933 at eBay.com. 0 Vorige 1 Volgende. AKA: Scheherazade Tell Me a Story, Bleach Movie 4 Hell Chapter / Hell Verse, the harem, Egri Csillagok, The Twilight Samurai. (1933). 42nd Street is a 1933 American pre-Code musical film directed by Lloyd Bacon, and a script by Rian James and James Seymour (plus uncredited contributions by Whitney Bolton), adapted from the 1932 novel of the same name by Bradford Ropes. The studios shot and distributed alternative footage for some scenes to avoid censorship problems in certain states and countries. Find trailers, reviews, synopsis, awards and cast information for Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933) - Mervyn LeRoy on AllMovie - The second talkie version of the Avery Hopwood's… The second talkie version of the Avery Hopwood's theatrical war-horse The Golddiggers of Broadway, Gold Diggers of 1933 was the second of three back-to-back 1933 Warner Bros. musicals benefiting from the genius of … When opening night comes, the juvenile lead can't go on forcing Brad to take the stage. Includes bibliographical references Chorus girls Polly, Carol and Trixie are ecstatic when they learn that Broadway producer Barney Hopkins is putting on a new show. We're back in the pre-code era this week for a look at Mervyn LeRoy and Busby Berkeley's hit musical Gold Diggers of 1933. Winifred Shaw, Hugh Herbert and Glenda Farrell are also featured. The adventures of an egoistic con man and his glamorous accomplice. Starring: Joan Blondell, Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Warren William, Aline MacMahon. Gold Diggers of 1933 subtitles. Goldgräber von 1933 (Originaltitel: Gold Diggers of 1933) ist ein US-amerikanischer Musicalfilm des Regisseurs Mervyn LeRoy aus dem Jahr 1933, basierend auf dem zwischen 1919 und 1920 282fach aufgeführten Bühnenstück The Gold Diggers von Avery Hopwood. It stars Warren William, Joan Blondell, Aline MacMahon, Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell, and features Guy Kibbee, Ned Sparks and Ginger Rogers. --"Gold diggers of 1933, screenplay by James Seymour, David Boehm, and Ben Markson, from the stage play by Avery Hopwood." The songs were written by Harry Warren (music) and Al Dubin (lyrics). Tot hun grote verbazing wil de jonge componist Powell, die vaak zelf op zwart zaad zit, $ 15.000 investeren. 『ゴールド・ディガース』は、プレコード期の1933年に公開されたアメリカ合衆国のミュージカル映画。監督はマーヴィン・ルロイ、ミュージカル場面の演出はバスビー・バークレー、作曲ハリー・ウォーレン(英語版)、作詞アル・ダビン(英語版)。出演はウォーレン・ウィリアム(英語版)、ジョーン・ブロンデル、アリーン・マクマホン(英語版)、ルビー・キーラー(英語版)、ディック・パウエル、ガイ・キビー(英語版)、ネッド・スパークス(英語版)、ジンジャー・ロジャース。, 原作は1919年から1920年にかけて282回上演されたエイヴァリー・ホップウッド作の舞台『The Gold Diggers』[5]。過去に2度映画化され(1923年の『百花笑えば(英語版)』と1929年の『ブロードウェイ黄金時代(英語版)』)、1929年版はその年最高の収益をあげ、本作もまた大ヒットした[6]。脚本はアーウィン・ゲルシーとジェームズ・シーモア。追加の台詞はベン・マークソンとデイビット・ベーム。, 2003年、アメリカ議会図書館は「文化的、歴史的、審美的に重要」としてアメリカ国立フィルム登録簿に保存した[7]。, タイトルのゴールド・ディガース(Gold Digges)とは「男をたらし込んで金を搾り取る女」という意味だが[8]、ヒロインたちのグループ名でもある。, ゴールド・ディガーズたちがミュージカルの練習をしているところに、債権者たちがやってきて公演の中止を言い渡す。, ゴールド・ディガーズのメンバー、純情娘役担当のポリイ、失恋ソング担当のキャロル、お笑い担当のトリキシイの3人は共同でアパートを借りていた。(もう1人のメンバー、お色気担当のフェイは別のところに住んでいる)仕事がなくなって起きるのも億劫。朝食を済ませた後、向かいのアパートから美しい歌が聞こえてくる。ピアノを弾き語りしているのは作曲家の卵ブラッド。, ブラッドのことが好きなポリイは、彼をプロデューサーのホプキンスに引き合わせる。ホプキンスはブラッドの曲を気にいるが、公演を再開するには資金がいる。するとブラッドがその資金を用立てると言い出す。, ブラッドはどこからか15000ドルの現金を調達してきた。銀行強盗でもしたのかと訝しがるポリイたち。, 公演初日、主役のポリイの相手役が腰痛で出られなくなる。急遽、作曲者のブラッドが代役に立ち、ポリイと息のあったデュエットをみせる。公演は無事成功する。, ブラッドの兄のローレンスは弟がショウガールに誘惑されていると思い込み、老弁護士のピーボディを伴ってポリイたちのアパートに赴く。ポリイは不在で、キャロルとトリキシイが相手をする。ローレンスはキャロルをポリイと間違え、金で解決しようとする。, 酒を交え会話しているうちにローレンスは酔い潰れてしまう。トリキシイが寝ているローレンスをキャロルのベッドに運び、服を脱がせる。翌朝、目が覚めたローレンスはびっくりし、口止め料として1万ドルの小切手を切ってトリキシイに渡す。, ローレンスは新聞で弟とポリイが結婚したことを知る。さらにピーボディもいつのまにかトリキシイと婚約していた。ローレンスはアパートに抗議に行く。そこで自分が渡した小切手が現金化されず額縁の中に飾られているのを見て、キャロルたちショウガールが金目当てでなかったことを知る。ローレンスとキャロルは結ばれ、ゴールド・ディガーズの3人全員が玉の輿に乗った。, 他に、性格俳優のスターリング・ホロウェイ、ホバート・キャバノー(英語版)が端役で出演。振り付けのバスビー・バークレーは『Remember My Forgotten Man』前の呼び出し係役[9]。さらに、ロバート・アグニュー、ジョーン・バークレイ、フェルディナンド・ゴットシャルク(英語版)、アン・ホヴェイ、フレッド・ケルシー(英語版)、チャールズ・レイン、ウォーレス・マクドナルド(英語版)、ウィルバー・マック、デニス・オキーフ、フレッド・トゥーンズ、ドロシー・ウェルマン、ジェーン・ワイマン、リン・ブロウニング、タマニー・ヤングが出演している。, 元々のタイトルは『High Life』で、ウォーレン・ウィリアムの役にはジョージ・ブレント(英語版)が予定されていた。, 初期稿はストーリーの官能的な部分に焦点を当てていたが、徐々にショーの舞台裏のシーンが増えていった。『四十二番街』のヒットもあり、スタジオはミュージカルにすることに決定[10]。, 撮影はバーバンクのワーナー・ブラザース・スタジオ。製作費は推定433,000ドル。1933年5月27日に一般公開。, その年の興行成績2位タイ[11]。ワーナー・ブラザーズによると、アメリカ国内で2,202,000ドル、海外で1,029,000ドルの収益をあげた[4]。1,602,530ドルの利益[2]。, 歌うのはジンジャー・ロジャース。一部ピッグ・ラテンで歌われる。撮影中、ロジャーズが歌ってるのを聞いてバークレーが採用[13]。衣装は巨大なコインで飾られている。, ルビー・キーラーとディック・パウエルのデュエット。キーラーのタップダンスと、ビリー・バーティ扮する赤ちゃんのアクションが見もの。曲の途中で女性たちが着替えるシーンでは幕の向こうからライトを当ててシルエットに。幕が上がると女性たちは金属製の服を着ていて、ディック・パウエルは缶切りで服を開けようとする。当初の予定ではエンディングに使われるはずだった[9]。, キーラーとパウエル。暗闇で光るネオン管で出来たヴァイオリンを持った女性たちの群舞が見もの。昔見たヴォードヴィルからバークレーが着想。光るヴァイオリンは後から考えた。このシーンの撮影をしていた3月10日にマグニチュード6.4のロングビーチ地震が発生。, 停電になって、ヴァイオリンのいくつかがショートした。バークレーはカメラクレーンから投げ出され、片手で宙吊りになったまま、高さ9.1mの壇上にいた女の子たちに、技術者たちがサウンドステージのドアを開いて明るくなるまで動かず座っているように指示した[9], ジョーン・ブロンデルとエタ・モートン・バーネット。終曲部はエタ・モートン・バーネットがブロンデルを吹き替えている[1]。舞台美術は大恐慌時代の不安が反映され、ドイツ表現主義の影響が見受けられる。1932年に起こったボーナス行進と、フランクリン・ルーズベルトが演説で述べた「忘れられた人々(Forgotten man)」からバークレーが着想した[14]。プロデューサーのジャック・L・ワーナー(英語版)と撮影所長ダリル・F・ザナックはその出来に感動し、『Pettin' in the Park』に代えて映画のラストに使うよう命じた[9]。, 追加で、ロジャースが歌う『I've Got to Sing a Torch Song』も撮られたが、編集でカットされた。この歌は劇中、ブラッドがホプキンスを前にピアノで弾き語りするシーンで聴くことができる[9][15]。, Warner Bros financial information in The William Shaefer Ledger. GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 Genre film Notes - Records by members of orig cast. Rated the #6 best film of 1933, and #1564 in the greatest all-time movies (according to RYM users). Menu. Overview System Requirements Related. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? A wealthy composer rescues unemployed Broadway performers with a new play. This FAQ is empty. When two investors inform an opportunistic dancer that they can't fund an elderly stage producer's production, she suggests they get an insurance policy on the producer's life. There's only one problem: he doesn't have the money to bankroll it all. 1932 was also the year that the Bonus Army marched on Washington. It has its origin in 1883 in a speech by William Sumner and was used by Franklin Roosevelt in a 1932 speech. Written by MUSIC: Harry Warren. Added to Watchlist. Het laatste nieuws. Gold Diggers of 1933 follows Dick Powell and Joan Blondell as they star in this musical about three chorus girls who recruit a millionaire to keep their show going and … He promises all of the girls parts in the new show and even hires their neighbor Brad Roberts, an unknown composer, to write some of the music. Er is echter een probleem: het geld is op. Gold Diggers of 1933 1933 Full movie online MyFlixer MyFlixer is a Free Movies streaming site with zero ads. Queen Christina of Sweden is a popular monarch who is loyal to her country. What should have been a mess, turned out to be a masterpiece. Use the HTML below. Gold Diggers of 1933 subtitles. A crackling script which still packs a punch now. Description. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. 4 of 4 people found this review helpful. A wealthy composer rescues unemployed Broadway performers with a new play. witty, quick-paced and delightful charming . Includes bibliographical references Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2019-07-15 Search for "Gold Diggers of 1933" on Amazon.com Share this Rating Title: Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933) 7.7 /10 Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? We let you watch movies online without having to register or … Gold Diggers of 1933. Gold Diggers of 1933 ; Where to watch JustWatch. Gold Diggers of 1933 is one of those movies that affected my life in ways I can scarcely even understand myself. He's recognized of course and his upper crust family wants him to quit. An American dancer comes to Britain and falls for a model whom he initially annoyed, but she mistakes him for his goofy producer. Gold Diggers of 1933 Classic DVD Film - Comedy Drama Musical | DVDs, Films & TV, DVDs & Blu-rays | eBay! He promises all of the girls parts in the new show and even hires their neighbor Brad Roberts, an unknown composer, to write some of the music. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events Directed by: Mervyn LeRoy. The play "The Gold Diggers" by Avery Hopwood opened at the Lyceum Theatre in New York on 30 September 1919 and closed in June 1920 after 282 performances. Wonderful musical numbers with that distinctive Berkeley choreography. Plus, the magic of Busby Berkeley's musical numbers. However, when she falls in love with a Spanish envoy, she must choose between the throne and the man she loves. View production, box … It's the kind of entertainment that kept audiences happy for a few hours during the dark days of economic despair in the early 1930's. 300 Gorgeous GIRLS Hand-picked from more than 5000 applicants. And, best of all, that wonderful finale 'Forgotten Man', where Great War veterans shuffle through a world that doesn't care while the women left behind remember their happier days ... Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. WORDS: Al Dubin. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Gold Diggers of 1933 is a pre-Code Warner Bros. musical film directed by Mervyn LeRoy with songs by Harry Warren (music) and Al Dubin (lyrics), staged and choreographed by Busby Berkeley. The Greatest Films of All Time 2012. 'Gold Diggers of 1933', as a "pre-code" movie, included some risqué scenes, such as the chorus girls getting changed, precisely because they increased ticket sales. When he refuses, they tell him to end his relationship with Polly or face having his income cut off. "Gold diggers of 1933" was net als de voorganger "42nd Street" een enorm groot kassucces en vooral de musicalnummers staan nog als een huis. オンライン通販のAmazon公式サイトなら、Gold Diggers of 1933 [DVD] [Import]を DVDストアで、いつでもお安く。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常送料無料。 WORDS: Al Dubin. Rated the #6 best film of 1933, and #1564 in the greatest all-time When he refuses, they tell him to end his relationship with Polly or face having his income cut off. garykmcd. Comedy, Certificate: Passed Add to Watchlist. The film features songs by the teams of Harold Arlen and E.Y. That problem is solved when Brad turns out to be quite rich but he insists that he not perform. Gold Diggers of 1933 is a Pre-Code Warner Bros. musical film directed by Mervyn LeRoy with songs by Harry Warren (music) and Al Dubin (lyrics), staged and choreographed by Busby Berkeley.It stars Warren William, Joan Blondell, Aline MacMahon, Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell, and features Guy Kibbee, Ned Sparks and Ginger Rogers. Wealthy song writer Brad saves the afternoon by funding a brand fresh Depression-themed musical for those girls to star in, but when his stuffy high society brother realizes and threatens to disown Brad, Carol and her gold-digging friends scheme to continue to keep the show moving, highlighting a few millionaires on the way. Was this review helpful to you? Each a perfect example of feminine be. Menu. Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Those viewers looking for a respite from the worries of the Great Depression are greeted by Ginger Rogers singing “We’re In the Money”. Crime. Gold Diggers of 1937 is a Warner Bros. movie musical directed by Lloyd Bacon with musical numbers created and directed by Busby Berkeley. Things get tough for Carol and her showgirl pals, Trixie and Polly, when the Great Depression kicks in and all the Broadway shows close down. Voted for by 2 critics. "The Gold Diggers' Song (We're in the Money)" is a song from the 1933 Warner Bros. film Gold Diggers of 1933, sung in the opening sequence by Ginger Rogers and chorus.The entire song is never performed in the 1933 movie, though it introduces the film in the opening … Although Vivian Revere is seemingly the most successful of a trio of reunited schoolmates, she throws it away by descending into a life of debauchery and drugs. 190 p. : 23 cm. Die Uraufführung in Deutschland fand am 13. It stars Warren William , Joan Blondell , Aline MacMahon , Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell , and features Guy Kibbee , Ned Sparks and Ginger Rogers . In the Gay Nineties, a seductive nightclub singer contends with several suitors, including a jealous escaped convict and a handsome temperance league member. Starring: Joan Blondell, Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Warren William, Aline MacMahon. Gold Diggers of 1933. Available on. The film features songs by the teams of Harold Arlen and E.Y. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. Gold Diggers of 1933 Synopsis: Chorus girls Polly, Carol and Trixie are ecstatic when they learn that Broadway producer Barney Hopkins is putting on a new show. Records by members of orig cast. See who voted for Gold Diggers of 1933 Gold Diggers of 1933 is een film uit 1933 onder regie van Mervyn LeRoy.De film is gebaseerd op Gold Diggers of Broadway (), die eerder een groot succes werd.De film werd gevolgd door Gold Diggers of 1935 (1935), Gold Diggers of 1937 (1936) en Gold Diggers in Paris (1938). Chorus girls Polly, Carol and Trixie are ecstatic when they learn that Broadway producer Barney Hopkins is putting on a new show. gold diggers of 1933 is a mischivious masterpiece containing some of the most moving and visionary sequences of coreographic history. We're back in the pre-code era this week for a look at Mervyn LeRoy and Busby Berkeley's hit musical Gold Diggers of 1933. The songs were written by Harry Warren (music) and Al Dubin (lyrics). Genres: Comedy, Musical. From Wings to Parasite, here's a look back at all of the Best Picture Oscar winners in the history of the ceremony. COND: Leo F Forbstein. Search for "Gold Diggers of 1933" on Amazon.in, Title: Warner Brothers Burbank Studios - 4000 Warner Boulevard, Burbank, California, USA. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! View production, box office, & company info. Gold Diggers of 1933 Chercheuses d'or de 1933 (titre original : Gold Diggers of 1933) est un film musical américain réalisé par Mervyn LeRoy, sorti en 1933 Les « chercheuses d'or » (gold diggers) du titre sont quatre artistes de music-hall débutantes : Polly l'ingénue (Ruby Keeler), Carol la chanteuse réaliste (Joan Blondell), Trixie la comique (Aline MacMahon) et Fay la vamp (Ginger Rogers). "Gold Diggers of 1933" Warner Bros. - 1933 - Musical - Pre-Code Starring: Dick Powell Ruby Keeler Joan Blondell Aline MacMahon Ginger Rogers I… Berkeley 's musical numbers n't go on forcing Brad to take the.... Registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin ” begins with a new play Powerpuff! Multimillionaire decides to boycott `` filthy '' forms of entertainment such as Broadway shows for a model whom he annoyed! Not unlike those of other musicals of the Forgotten man was not a new show: Passed Comedy certificate! 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Those movies that affected my Life in ways I can scarcely even understand myself ' onthuld been... Tell him to end his relationship with Polly or face having his income cut.! Site with zero ads that he not perform ride through the economic-romantic machinations of a of! Oscar winners in the greatest all-time movies ( according to RYM users ) or face having his income cut.... Yet for this movie of 1933 ; Where to watch JustWatch all of 1930. Hopkins is putting on a new concept, original to gold Diggers of 1933 ( 1933 cast... Musical numbers model whom he initially annoyed, but she mistakes him for his goofy producer 's recognized of and! Its famous `` Lullaby of Broadway '' production number, she must choose between the throne and man! Army marched on Washington '' production number those movies that affected my Life in ways can... ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more Roosevelt in garment! Boycott `` filthy '' forms of entertainment such as Broadway shows by members of orig cast,...