A few plants, such as dogbane, even announce their toxicity in their very names. Cypress mulch or pine bark are both safe to use around dogs, but avoid cocoa mulch, as it is toxic to dogs if eaten. These crystals are actually shaped like needles that pierce the soft skin of the mouth and intestines when consumed by your dog. A note on "safe" plants: The plants on this list are generally believed to be safe.However, if you suspect that a child (or adult) has eaten quantities of any of these plants (or any of their parts), or if you notice symptoms such as illness or dermatitis after handling these plants, call your Poison Control Center for additional information: (800) 222-1222. This list is only intended as a guide. If you think your pet is showing a bad reaction having eaten any plant or flower, please contact your veterinary clinic for advice or immediate treatment. Some of these plants may surprise you as they are common in most suburban gardens. This can cause the dog to get a rash like what you would from touching fiberglass. 5. The danger posed by foxglove, for example, is fairly common knowledge. To help gardeners and pet parents, we’ve compiled a listing of the dog friendly plants that Florissa retailers carry. The holly plant contains small quantities of several chemicals and compounds that can be mildly to moderately toxic to your companion. Gravel is obviously not toxic, but it can cause serious health problems if swallowed, so try to select the biggest gravel available to discourage your dog from eating it. The Pee Pee Problem: Protecting Your Plants from Dog Urine Poison Control Centers about plant and Treatment for exposures Plants toxic to animals Safe plants (by common name) ... especially cats and dogs, frequently ingest plants. Cornflower Centaurea cyanus The toxic nature of some of the plants poisonous to dogs will probably come as no surprise to some of you. If a plant is known to be hazardous to ... Coral bells Heuchera sanguinea Corn plant Dracaena spp. It causes symptoms such as gastrointestinal problems (diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting) as well as hypersalivation, tremors, depression, abdominal pain, excessive salivation and avoidance of food (anorexia). Ground Covers Yellow columbine enjoys shade and tends to be a fast grower, so this plant may be a good perennial shade garden choice. The leaves of coral bells grow in several different colors ranging from green to black. Its botanical name is Heuchera sanguinea but it is commonly known as Heuchera in the scientific world. Note that this is an Easter and Christmas plant that is toxic to dogs. This plant is non-toxic to dogs. Puppies could be especially at risk as they are small and their immune system has not fully formed. Causes of Holly Poisoning in Dogs. Hollyhock. Most Heuchera plants are commonly referred to as Alumroot plants, with one particular species, Heuchera sanguinea, frequently referred to as coral bells. Some of the naturally occurring toxins that can be found in the holly plant are: Caffeic acid. Yet they can be very dangerous and sometimes fatal to our pets, and especially dogs and cats. These attractive plants have both flowers and leaves with a wide range of colors and they … Caffeine. If only it was always that easy to determine which plants can make your dog sick. Alumroot (Heuchera genus) There are several varieties of plants in the Heuchera genus that will thrive in Florida’s climate, all of which are non-toxic to pets. It is not dangerous for a dog… The entire azalea plant is toxic to both dogs and cats, but it will also make horses, goats, and sheep sick. Hollyhocks are not a plant that are poisonous to animals such as dogs, but the leaves and the stems of the plant have fibers on them that can irritate the dog if they rub against the plant. Although the entire plant is poisonous, it is the bulbs that hold the highest concentration of the toxic calcium oxalate crystals. There are many different variations of this species and all these members …