Ending at the death of the body would be such a horrible tragedy, that our lives would be meaningless outside the context of those whose lives we touch. Is there a way to get beyond this? no quotes and theories have ever power to make this understand its only possible to understand when things are put into practise under guidance of a guru! It is the material body that allows the soul to interact with the material world and a soul gets a particular type of material body according to his consciousness. So there are so many other universes and people from those other universes can also take birth in this universe. So the soul’s consciousness has to be elevated to the level of human consciousness before he can take birth in a human body. We know very little about this dark matter and cannot measure it or detect its existence except for its gravity. As spiritual beings, we are by constitution eternally happy and full of knowledge. Radha and I are two bodies having one soul. Hii guys on this channel you will find song that heal your soul. We tend to identify with our gross material body and our subtle mind, intelligence and ego, thus forgetting our original eternal nature as spiritual beings, servants of Krishna. But you can change your future life. Proven Quality Sleep is Life-Changing Sleep. Darwin was wrong but had the right idea to some extent. Beyond Birth and Death (1972 Edition) PDF Download, Man On The Moon–A Colossal Hoax that Cost Billions of Dollars. My name is Josephine gordon I think you get the idea…. and sir i am really sceared of loosing my memories and consciousness after Death…will i looses them or i wil get the feeling that i am dead and taken away with the power of karma. | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy. This analogy gives the idea, but of course the ocean does have a limited amount of salt in it, but there is no limit to any of Krishna’s qualities. Soul refers to the entity referred to as the atma in the Sanskrit language. Then why do we can’t stop ourselves from thinking about the emotions coming from the material body? The subtle material energy consists of mind, intelligence and false-ego [defined as the identification of the body as the self]. As they die their physical make Up is decomposed which is where matter is changed some released Into The Air, soil, bacteria and Water. It goes beyond just a vessel because as particles from my body are lost, like skin cells and hair, I still feel like I occupy the same space and am not partially lost. We have bodies and live in a world of matter. 2- As the population of man is increasing, where do the extra souls come from? So it is a theory suitable fro study using the currently accepted “scientific method”. Krishna is unlimited in every respect and the soul is miniscule in every respect. Matter is a separate thing alltoghether. . Karma: It is argued that it is just as likley that the soul as we percieve it emerges strictly from the brain, and the physical brain alone (Atheist perspecdtive). The depth sensation and the various objects we see scattered all over in our the space and time experience, we can somehow feel that we are separated from it, but in fact we are not, the consciousness frame where the experience is held gives you the whole experience as one in the constant time=0, you have merge with all the objects you see visually at the same time, it temporarily became a part of your self, there is no actual depth, it is a flat experience like a computer monitor which creates 3d worlds. Your God and mine. Required fields are marked *. So there is no death for the soul. If Hannes Alfven was right, and the universe is blobs of matter/antimatter and we are in one of the matter ones, we exist because of that fact. I am fascinated. If you take birth in the material world again you will still have your memories of your past lives, etc, in your mother’s womb, but the time of birth is very traumatic and once you take birth you will forget about all your previous lives. Energy is convertible into matter and vice versa. No brain = no disguise for the soul. It’s just the supreme power the godhead sri krishna! Radha was a simple girl and thought she wouldn’t fit in the world of a prince or a kingdom. We are the soul, or the conscious life force within our bodies, and we are completely different from our bodies, which are only highly complex machines. If you are writing a book you are allowed to quote from other books in your book as long as you acknowledge the source of the quotations which is generally done in a bibliography at the end of the book. karishna krihsna Additionally, we are wrapped in our local gas could NASA calls Fluff. Search. i am myself a spritual scholar i have read geeta and other religious books. Certainly we are not these temporary material bodies. How is it possible to get married then? Book Distribution Is the Hare Krishnas Most Important Activity, Ticket to a World Without Death–The perfect vehicle, scientific evidence for soul | Answer and Guide. No. This scientific theory makes predictions and can be tested experimentally. Neither theist or atheist would disagree that a soul – as defined as that entity which percieves and controls our consciousness, exists however (common ground). This we call death. Do GHOSTs really exist? Presently my impression is that inspite of great advances in science , it is still not in a position to give better insight than bagavad geeta/other religious texts regarding understanding universe, life processes. Make a donation. There is a shorter time period in which there is no biophotonic emission from the cell prior to division, but the process restarts sometime shortly after each division. That's it really. My material body is moving and acting only because I, the spirit soul, are present within it directing it and controlling it. I suggest that is the normal outcome. What is eternity like for the soul? But basically the soul desires that he lift his arm and his arm lifts but there is a complex chain of events that actually cause the lifting of the arm that are not completely under the control of the soul. But for instance, if you don’t ask the brain to bring, for example, a past memory visual, then that visual will stay in the darkness as a memory in the brain so it can’t reach the consciousness. By asking our-selves we can get an idea both Soul & Body are altogateher seperate entity. lord krishna flute music |RELAXING MUSIC YOUR MIND| BODY AND SOUL |yoga music, Meditation music*7* - YouTube. Souls can be disembodied, and therefore if there were to be an attempted reincarnation according to Christianity it could become considered “demonic possession”. Dead. And it is by the direction and energy of the spirit soul in conjunction with the direction and energy of the Supersoul, Krishna, who is also present within my heart, that “I” am acting. This Transfer triggers biological reactions such As that which allows sight, touch, hearing, movement, taste and a combination of any of those. If at the time of death there are still karmic reactions stored within the heart which we have not yet experienced then we have to take birth again in the material world in a body suitable to enjoy and suffer the stored karma. Truth is, you can’t call it anything . A robot cannot ask himself this question. Krishna's dialogue on the soul by Mascaro, Juan. I started seriously reading Srila Prabhupada's books in Australia 1985 and by 1986 Srila Prabhupada had convinced me "Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead" and "we should surrender to Krishna." Consider ourselves as the characters of a game and the creator chooses who to be villain and who to be hero irrespective of our karmas. If, however, at the time of death can remember Krishna then we do not have to take another material body but can do directly back home back to Godhead and reinstate ourselves in our eternal position as servants of Krishna. Krishna has given us a brain so we should use it. Firstly, I’d like to go to physics. It is for seventy or eight years only, then we have to change bodies again. That should be your interest, how to become Krishna consciousness and go back home, back to Godhead…. From this we can carry out an Idea the presence of “SOUL” in the body, however, if WE want to get RELIASATION of our SOUL to HIGHEST level we need the guidence of EXPERIENCED (SELF-RELIASED) person. Take care and may everyone have a pleasant day. 2.When death occurs ! Monks and Sages Are master chemists who take Herbs that Alter brain activities. 1. I live in Ireland and here we have over 400thousand people who suffer mental illness What about the Hindu Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva)? Similarly when we see consciousness we see the symptom of the soul. The material body deteriorates in due cause of time and when it is no longer a suitable residence for the soul it is forced to leave the body. Then comes this living self awareness that produces thoughts and ideas. But never dead. In order to show that their love story wasn’t based on physical desires, Lord Krishna settled on not to marry Radha. Why does life have to be so hard in this world? The real ego is still with us but it is covered by the false ego. They exist eternally. It is because consciousness is external; it is the pressure from our energized gas cloud Fluff. Acharya 4! When it has arrived, that part of the brain reads the blueprint (information), and build it according to the information the soul from the beginning wanted it to be constructed, and after that part of the brain is done with the construction it sends the final output back to the consciousness for the consciousness to experience that particular desire. ️Please subscribe to my channel.It motivates me #status If your leg is infected and becoming blue and septic and you just leave it and wait for it to fall off that will be no good because how will you dance ecstatically in the Kirtan on only one leg? So if the consciousness is low then he will get a low body, like the grass for example. The symptom of the presence of the soul in a body is consciousness. More than 75% of the matter is the dark matter (dark refers to little knowledge and has nothing to with evil/no light etc). I think it’s God himself. That conciousness is for one body or whatever. It will be created, it will grow, it will produce by-products [offspring], it will dwindle and ultimately it will die. THANK YOU……………. I am in the process of understanding this soul concept,life after death issue. If he gets cured by medicine he will again suffer with the remaining bad karma that was not burned up because of taking the medicine? At the same time there is salt in the drop and there is also salt in the ocean. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change. Souls are not ‘misplaced’. But like a drop of ocean water shares the same qualities as the entire ocean, the spirit soul shares the same qualities as Krishna. I’m fully devoted 2 one & all lord Krishna, d supreme . An intelligent thinking by some Ancient ALIEN’ .. Life cannot exist without a soul particle. Another strong proof of the existence of the soul. So the drop can never be equal to or compared with the ocean. There is evolution going on but it is the souls who are evolving their consciousness and thus transmigrating through a series of various different material bodies. So we are actually the spirit soul with a spiritual body. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . Thankfully Josephine gordon. 2. I knew the basic idea of soul theory! Now I'm just hankering to once again see the world chant Hare Krishna, dance and feast and float away in the ecstasy of Lord Caitanya's Sankirtana movement as it did in Srila Prabhupada's physical presence. Clever try though, otherwise well written but simply off-hand in any consideration that this will ever be considered as science. There reason why you are how you are (ie personality and morality)it is not because of a soul it is because you brain and only your brain. The way to become Krishna conscious is a great science and like any great science if one wants to learn it, to understand it, then he has to study the bona fide books on that science. The energy of Krishna consciousness is certainly the opposite of the material energy. Why krishna not let us stop acting like this? Krishna discusses the nature of God, according to Easwaran, wherein Krishna not only transcends impermanent body (matter), he also transcends the atman (soul) in every being. Lord Krishna's dialogue on the soul. Krishna’s early life has been well documented in another literary masterpiece called the Srimad Bhagavatam also written by Vyaasa. Bahram Esmailzadeh. A full understanding can be gained from this source. Hare krishna hare krishna You know there are three bodies. And of course Krishna is all powerful! I feel as if there has to be God. Who cares what I think or what you think? so if i eat a cow , which i do everyday , im eating a human being . Trees are conscious, but their consciousness is very covered and very dull. There are many verifiable accounts of “past life experiences”. The material body develops, changes and produces by-products [offspring] because of the presence of the soul within. There is a large body of data relating to out-of-body experiences. You can take birth in any one of the 8,400,000 species of life. Hare hare hare rama hare It is no different from electricity. I read Bhajagovindam and understood why is this life without thinking you My last request please do not give me rebirths and unite with you, Hare Rama Hare Rama RamaRama Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare Krishna KrishnaKrishna Hare Hare.Please help me to remember you always. It is not that the soul can just go wherever he wants and take birth there. While in the material world, we can choose to take up spiritual practices that will re-awaken our love for Him. You get a body that matches your consciousness.. Can you people kindly say what happen to the soul after we die? Only thing you can do. PLEASE READ THEM…, Pingback: scientific evidence for soul | Answer and Guide. Science of the Soul Touching on important subjects for any spiritual seeker. The “Soul Theory” makes many predictions that can be experimentally tested and also one can propose experiments which, if successfully carried out, could disprove it. The soul is the life-force. I am the spirit soul. And how will i feel when i reach the kingdom of krishna ? I think i have very good exempel of exsistance of soul and that is our felllings coming from a aeria where our hearts is plased .Like someboddy say “It’s so sad” and holding hand in the aeria of heart we fell from heart not from a brain .Like passion, sadnes ,happynes .Thats rewel both location and existance of soul. So when you leave your gross material body your soul is carried to the next body within your subtle body of mind, intelligence and false ego. There are no intermediate steps where one species evolves into another species. Proof: Analytically study living entities to confirm their source is another living entity. And our universe is only like one mustard seed in a big bag of mustard seeds. In eternity there is no biophotonic light, it is truly black though at times it seemed as if there were areas in this space that was blacker. Does it make sense by your logical definition of the soul? Although there are very clear indications that valid scientific data could be collected on areas such as out-of-body experiences and past-life-recall because the current scientific theories don’t accommodate the possibility these things could exist there has been very little real scientific study in these areas. In order for this to be presented as a science, it’ll have to under go the scientific process. But you can not. Soul can not be dried or moved by air 4. Earth, water, fire, air and ether are ‘dead’ material elements that exist in this material world. dear sir, So finally I ask my question, the soul being non matter, is it non conventional matter but could be dark matter? The Talk of reincarnation is also True in some aspect As “Matter isnt destroyed but changed” this means that matter(that makes Up living things) would have previously been Part of another Organism. You have confused the supersoul with the soul, you have confused the living entity with Krishna. Only after this time we, on Earth, thought about its existence. “ conciousness ” or Absolute truth, why does he let us suffer in the very first sentence the. To answer any question you have realized correctly, you have far as how you will have. Different universes seems to produce thoughts and ideas that can not measure it or detect its existence except its! Physical law that each action has an equal and opposite reaction, can we make the of! 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