Definition of the McCoy in the Idioms Dictionary. The Pyrenees was swept within a hundred yards of it before the wind carried her clear, and at this moment the panting crew, its work done, burst out in a torrent of curses upon the head of McCoy --of McCoy who had come on board, and proposed the run to Mangareva, and lured them all away from the safety of Pitcairn Island to certain destruction in this baffling and terrible stretch of sea. "Their hearts are good. This old man was merely the seed of McCoy, of McCoy of the Bounty, the mutineer fleeing from the hemp that waited him in England, the McCoy who was a power for evil in the early days of blood and lust and violent death on Pitcairn Island. At other times, a year, and even longer, has gone by without one passing ship. He shook his head sadly, murmuring, "Bad waters! "We'll take the chance," was Captain Davenport's decision, as he set about working out the course. In the second dog-watch some careless soul started a song, and by eight bells the whole crew was singing. Your decks are not going to hold out forever. He did not refer to the chart. McCoy spoke simply; but it was not what he spoke. "Now, Captain," he said, "swing the yards and drive for dear life. ", "We don't get around. 'my name is Davenport, and this is my first mate, Mr. With Jerry Orbach, Chris Noth, S. Epatha Merkerson, Sam Waterston. There was no wind, and still the ominous sea continued to increase. "What if we miss Mangareva?" From the deck the land was invisible, and McCoy went aloft, while the captain took advantage of the opportunity to curse some of the bitterness out of his heart. Look at that!". The Seed of McCoy; ", "Get ready to beach her then. The barometer had fallen to 29.50. It was an alchemy of soul occultly subtile and profoundly deep--a mysterious emanation of the spirit, seductive, sweetly humble, and terribly imperious. "Take it easy," he was saying. More Books. It is our custom. The breeze will freshen tonight around midnight--see those tails of clouds and that thickness to windward, beyond the point there? But the situation on the Pyrenees was reaching a culmination. . Shreds and patches of burning rope and canvas were falling about them and upon them. Captain Davenport consulted the chart and debated with himself. the first mate demanded. And then your troubles will be all over.". Refresh and try again. By now he had reached the deck. Captain Davenport was murmuring as his ship forged clear; but he broke off abruptly to gaze at the shoal which should have been dead astern, but which was already on the Pyrenees' weather-quarter and working up rapidly to windward. The cook came out of his galley to hear, and the cabin boy hung about near him. More by this Author. And the natives killed each other. The captain paced restlessly up and down, pausing occasionally to survey the vagrant smoke wisps and to trace them back to the portions of the deck from which they sprang. Get started by clicking the "Add" button. There was no break in the pearly fog, and by ten o'clock Captain Davenport was growing nervous. At three in the morning he was aroused by a gentle tugging at his arm. ", "I'd make it two points, Captain. I am going to drive this ship, and drive and drive and drive clear through the Paumotus to China but what I find a bed for her. "Come in to the cabin, and we'll look at the chart," said the captain. They can't fool me. The deck was too hot to lie upon, and poisonous vapors, oozing through the seams, crept like evil spirits over the ship, stealing into the nostrils and windpipes of the unwary and causing fits of sneezing and coughing. As his eyes came level with the rail, so that he could see inboard, it seemed to him that he saw a dim, almost indiscernible haze. The wife of Tullaloo killed him in a cave because she wanted a white man for husband. The captain could not control them, but McCoy's gentle presence seemed to rebuke and calm them, and the muttering and cursing died away, until the full crew, save here and there an anxious face directed at the captain, yearned dumbly toward the green clad peaks and beetling coast of Pitcairn. He knew them as the city dweller knows his buildings, streets, and alleys. Slowly, point by point, as she entered the lagoon, the Pyrenees described the circle that put her before the wind; and point by point, with all the calm certitude of a thousand years of time to spare, McCoy chanted the changing course. When you have picked up the land, then I will pilot her in. Add To Cart. "Hold her up, Captain," McCoy said as soon as he reached the poop. Dana Charles McCoy is an assistant professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE). Captain Davenport was frantic. "No people! Captain Davenport groaned. They were virtually unanimous, and they shoved the Cockney out as their spokesman. After bein' in ell for fifteen days--an' now e wants us to sail this floatin' ell to sea again?". Will you come along and pilot her in for me? The stars blinked lazily in the dim vault overhead; and the full moon, rising in the east, touched with its light the myriads of wisps and threads and spidery films of smoke that intertwined and writhed and twisted along the deck, over the rails, and up the masts and shrouds. Then the mutineers that escaped killed off all the native men. It was a low shoal, a bleak and perilous place over which the seas broke unceasingly, where no man could live, and on which not even sea birds could rest. "Better take charge of the boats," he said to Mr. Konig. There is no beach. You can usually find water. We're on whack. Their lives amounted to something to them. Answer me that.". His eyes roved swiftly forward, where the full crew of weary-faced sailors regarded him eagerly. It is only one hundred and twenty miles from here, due nor'-nor'west. These waters have never been thoroughly surveyed.". "There was nobody left to kill.". They were not working. What's the matter?" "Good Lord!" He knew now the nature of the ship's distress. "Soft, white sand. Captain Davenport debated for a moment, and then McCoy heard the question he had not wanted to hear, but which he knew was surely coming. There's no lights on it. The people's interests are at stake, and so they have the right to vote their permission or refusal. He had a feeling as if of being in a huge bake oven where the heat might at any moment increase tremendously and shrivel him up like a blade of grass. ", "I should say so," Captain Davenport snorted. Lagoon, but no entrance. A worn straw hat failed to hide the ragged gray hair. That's why I held for Pitcairn. 'mr. McCoy and the mate tried it, and felt the line thrumming and vibrating savagely to the grip of the tidal stream. "Well, forty miles beyond them are two islands?" We're here, and we've got to do something. The sun did not appear again, nor, at one o'clock, was any land to be seen. What do you think she is making?". ", "And now to business." Let me see, if she keeps up that gait, we'll sight Mangareva between eight and nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Jon is truly a passionate artist who sees the beauty and forms of the world in his own unique way. Sail had been made, so that the Pyrenees was doing ten knots. The Pyrenees sailed the ten miles; she sailed ten miles more; and the lookouts at the three mastheads saw naught but the naked, sun-washed sea. But morning broke clear, with a blazing tropic sun. What in the devil are islands good for? "There is plenty of time. Shortly before daybreak the first breath of air began to move from out the southeast, increasing swiftly to a stiff and stiffer breeze. There are plenty of people. ", "But how much has this current set me?" All night this apprehension weighed heavily on all, and in the first morning light, with hollow eyes and ghastly faces, they stared at one another as if in surprise that the Pyrenees still held together and that they still were alive. "I don't know, Captain," McCoy said with great gentleness. All these islands, reefs, shoals, lagoons, entrances, and distances were marked on the chart of his memory. In his eyes was a smile of tenderness as he said: "Well, Captain, we might as well drive as burn. The captain's eyebrows lifted impatiently and nervously, and his fist clenched as if he were about to strike a blow with it. When I go over, it'll be on the jump.". Amidships she was wallowing first one rail under and then the other, flooding the waist more often than not. "And here, in between, is another island. Despite the fact that the wind was now astern, the heat was so intense that Captain Davenport was compelled to steal sidelong glances into the binnacle, letting go the wheel now with one hand, now with the other, to rub or shield his blistering cheeks. I'll show the Paumotus. cried the mate. Where shall I sail? "You can't tell me that sort of stuff. McCoy, without shifting his gaze, answered softly: "Why, let her drive, captain. He suddenly smote the cabin with his clenched hand and cried: "Look here, old man, I won't be beaten. "This cursed current plays the devil with a navigator. "How do we know but what he's skinning out to save his own hide?". The captain did not reason this; it was the unconscious process of emotion that caused his resentment. Where's the entrance? She is swinging around." Try our fun game. We’d love your help. He missed Takaroa by thirty miles and fetched Tikei, all because of the shifting currents. Captain Davenport gave a start. What about them? "You hypnotized em," Mr. Konig grinned at him, speaking in a low voice. At last McCoy got delirium tremens, tied a rock to his neck, and jumped into the sea. "Yes, that is what fetched you to leeward," McCoy went on. In the afternoon the boats were swung out and equipped. "My great-grandfather escaped murder in order to die by his own hand. At the end of an hour, the cocoanut trees and the low-lying land were visible from the deck. During the night, light, baffling airs blew out of the south, and the frantic captain, with his cargo of fire, watched and measured his westward drift and went off by himself at times to curse softly so that McCoy should not hear. There is no bed for the Pyrenees in that group. Then one, and then another, and then all of them, began to sidle awkwardly away. Bad waters!" And any ship in the world can go through the entrance.". The Pyrenees closely skirted the shore, the surf-whitened atoll a bare two cable lengths away. A very special cross for the true connoisseur, a wonderfully sweet and spicy bouquet and taste that can only be described as smoking a tropical salad bar. Nothing had happened, yet they averred that something was going to happen. She's a good girl, and I'll stick by her as long as there's a plank to stand on. Tom McCoy specializes in counseling senior executives and boards of directors at the intersection of high-profile business, legal, regulatory and political challenges and opportunities. So far, McCoy — assisted by one staff technician and a rotating cast of volunteers and student interns — has preserved seed from about 2,000 species of plants, most of them stored in vacuum-sealed bags filed in a freezer set to -4 degrees Fahrenheit. All day the Pyrenees, carrying her load of living fire, tore across the foaming sea. A few miles farther on a current flows north and turns in a circle to the northwest. 여러분의 영어 실력이라면 충분히 이해할 수 있는 난이도입니다. Mr. Konig was incredulous. And the first mate saw, and McCoy saw, and the crew saw, what he had seen. The Seed of McCoy by Jack London. ", "But what if the fire breaks out? I may be away a year, and I may have to go to San Francisco in order to find a vessel that will bring me back. Then comes Tenarunga. he asked. Officers and men were working like mad, cook and cabin boy, Captain Davenport himself, and McCoy all lending a hand. I'll wreck her on the Acteons. "You see," the captain said to McCoy, "you can't compel sailors to leave the safe land and go to sea on a burning vessel. "Isn't that enough? "Twenty-one, fifty-five, south; one-thirty-six, two, west. "I won't risk the responsibility of all these lives. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. But it was too late. Twenty feet away a weary-faced sailor was calking the deck. ", "Ay," was the answer, "and so we are. What's the matter? "And now," said McCoy, "I must see about getting back to Pitcairn. I want to beach her, or scuttle her, and save the hull. The turns had scarcely been made, and nothing had been coiled down, when the men and mates swept back to the poop in panic terror. So the Pyrenees, with her cargo of fire, was hove to, bitting the teeth of the gale and fighting and smashing the pounding seas. Konig?". I've always been curious to know. No entrance, no people.". All day the current swept the Pyrenees to the westward, while there was no wind to bear her south. Of course he could not so humble himself before the eyes of his officers and men. 'mcCoy, in the shelter of the mizzen-shrouds, continued his difficult task of conning the ship through the intricate channel. In southern Appalachia, botanist Joe-Ann McCoy is collecting the seeds of thousands of native plant species threatened by climate change. You are up to windward now, and you'd better keep off a few points. The boats grounded and they stepped out on the white beach. ", "I was talking with a sailor chap in Sydney, once," said Mr. Konig. Where d'ye keep your own boats, hey--your schooner, or cutter, or whatever you have? It writhed away from the mast, and for a moment overhung the captain like some threatening portent. Again Captain Davenport consulted McCoy and the chart. From somewhere amidships the silence was broken by a low whimpering from the cabin boy. "The wind is making all the time," he announced. There used to be about a dozen people there, but they may be all gone now. The account I read said they burnt the Bounty, and that they were not discovered until many years later. "The chart indicates a group of islands, but not how many, off there to the north'ard, or nor'-nor'westward, about forty miles--the Acteon Islands. Over with it, you there!" What did you make it out, Mr. He smiled at them with simple and gracious benevolence, and, somehow, the exalted goodness of him seemed to penetrate to their dark and somber souls, shaming them, and from very shame stilling the curses vibrating in their throats. "Well, it's three hundred and forty miles." Mr. Konig was thunderstruck, staring at McCoy as if he were a madman. He reached the painter of the boat that lay under the quarter, then looked for McCoy, who was standing aside to let him go down. It was not a squall, but a regular breeze--the disrupted trade wind, eight points out of its direction but resuming business once more. the captain demanded. God forgive me, I laughed at him. Halfway down his chest descended an untrimmed patriarchal beard. It was an emotion that so deeply stirred him, rather than a coherent thought, and he was aware in some vague way of his own unworthiness and smallness in the presence of this other man who possessed the simplicity of a child and the gentleness of a woman. Mr. Konig hesitated, then went over the rail and lowered himself into the boat. He had thought he had the ship to himself. It almost seemed to the captain that the blissful moment had already arrived, such was the persuasive convincingness of McCoy. The men wavered reluctantly where they stood, and those who had loosed the turns made them fast again. Had as high as six calls in one year, why bother with getting it amidships the silence broken. That marched in an unending procession from out of his gaze over the the seed of mccoy! Of flame sprang up the observation at daylight tomorrow morning. `` the west'ard, then. Called the Paumotus the Dangerous Archipelago, '' captain Davenport was speaking very slowly, step by step, decision! 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