"King Thrym also says that he's buried your hammer eight miles below the earth, and will only return it if he has Freyja as a bride." Thrym readily admitted that it was, and guaranteed that it would remain lost to the Aesir unless the goddess Freya was delivered to him as his bride. The frost giant Thrym causes a big stink in Asgard when he steals Thor's hammer and demands Freyja as payment for its return.Which, depending on who you ask, is either really gutsy, or very, very stupid. The Icelandic versions, in both of which Thrym demands Freyja – the most sexual goddess of fertility, – probably reflect the original story the most faithfully. Freyja said: "I would give it to you, even if it were made of gold or silver." . Freyja is the only thing that I lack. Thrym ("crash") was the ruler of the giants in Jötunheim (Jotunheim). You fool! Where have you hid the Thunderer's Hammer? Freyja said: "I would give it to you, even if it were made of gold or silver." Though his response was polite, Loki very directly asked Thrym if it had been he who had hidden Mjolnir. His kingdom was called Jötunheimr, but according to Hversu Noregr byggdist, it was the Swedish province Värmland. Loki doesn't even have too much trouble convincing Thrym that his bride's monstrous appetite and scary eyes are simple pre-wedding jitters. Though his response was polite, Loki very directly asked Thrym if it had been he who had hidden Mjolnir. (Since Thrym's race has a reputation for being kind of dense, we're guessing stupid). There, Loki demanded to know whether Thrym had Mjöllnir in his possession and, if … He asked for Freya's or Freyja's hand. Freyja's hand in marriage is not exactly an uncommon request. Thor then slaughtered Thrym and the other giants with the hammer. He tells Loki and together they go to Freyja 's dwelling to borrow her feather-dress so that he might go looking for his hammer, and Freyja consents. Loki then flew, with whirring feathers, from the home of the Æsir to the land of the giants. This is the sixth episode in a series about Norse Mythology. Thrym is the son of Freyr, and Freyja making him a member of the Titanic Giants. The gods had demanded a replacement bride, and that’s when Loki came up with this plan. I will give back Mjolnir only if you bring me Freyja to be my wife. ",The Thunderer, mightiest of gods, replied, "The gods will call me womanish if I put on bridal linen. Read Thrym and Kennedy from the story Autumn Leaves by Isitmadness (I am no longer who I once was.) His kingdom was called Jötunheimr, but according to Hversu Noregr byggdist, it was the Swedish province Värmland. The books Ilva Olafson was reading to Eric the night she was murdered.) So, with Freyja's cloak in his possession, Loki takes to the sky—covering the distance rapidly as he travelled far from Asgard, and to the land of the giants, and to the home of Thrym, the king of the giants. Thrym’s price for returning the magical hammer was the hand of the lovely goddess Freyja in marriage. The gods at last allowed themselves to be persuaded, and Thor, having borrowed Freya's clothes and necklace and wearing a thick veil, set out with Loki, who was dressed as a handmaiden. Thrym laughed, and the sound was like the chuckle of broken ice. When Loki approached Freya with the news, she reacted with such fury that the palace of the gods shook on its foundations and her torc, Brísingamen, fell to the ground: Wrathful was Freyja, and fiercely she snorted, 1 Norse Mythology 2 Biography 3 Personality 4 Shrine Story Þrymr, also known as Thrym, king of the Jötnar is known for stealing Thor's hammer Mjölnir. "Crash." Last time we checked, Thor was a huge, ripped god and Freyja was the most beautiful goddess around. The Jötunn King stole the hammer while the God of Thunder was asleep. Thrym's eyes stood out with surprise. "Freyja," said Thor, "will you lend me your feathered coat to help me seek my hammer? Freya, spelled in Old Norse as Freyja, was a beautiful and alluring goddess in Norse mythology. Heimdall, the guardian of the bridge Bifrost, then suggested that Thor should go to Thrym disguised as Freya, in company with Loki disguised as Freya's attendant. Thrym refuses to return Mjölnir… unless he can marry the beautiful Freyja in exchange. He was a Frost Giant King who stole Thor's hammer, Mjölnir. Besides her being the ‘price’ of many things – which the other gods try to avoid paying, as such – other myths reinforce Freyja’s supposed free and considerable sexuality. Thor brandished his hammer, which made Loki cower. Freyja! History. Thrym greeted Loki pleasantly. Thrym (“crash”) was the ruler of the giants in Jötunheim (Jotunheim). But Freyja had flatly refused to marry Thrym, putting the gods in an awkward situation. Loki found out from the giants, that Thrym will return the hammer to Thor, if he was allowed to marry Freyja.It was Thor who dressed himself in bridal gown that went to Jötunheim, instead of Freyja. Associated with fertility and femininity, later writers sometimes portrayed her as a type of femme fatale or immoral harlot. loki, man, avengers. The jötunn who stole Thor 's hammer Mjöllnir.He is solely attested in the eddic poem Þrymskviða.. One morning, upon waking, Thor discovers that his hammer is missing. Thrym readily admitted that it was, and guaranteed that it would remain lost to the Aesir unless the goddess Freya was delivered to him as his bride. Thrym was a Frost Giant who lived in his own hall in Jotunheim.. The Norse people, however, saw Freya in a much different light. Loki sounds much more somber now, but under his breath he mutters, "Of course." Loki found out from the giants, that Thrym will return the hammer to Thor, if he was allowed to marry Freya. He had stolen Mjollnir, the magical hammer of Thor. Thrym was a Titan and the original father of the Jotuun, a powerful race of ur-giants that have close dealings with the Ysgardians. Thrym, the King of the Thurse, [The Thurse were a race of giants] was sitting on a mound, pleating golden halters for his hounds and smoothing the manes of his mares. . In Norse mythology, King Þrymr (Thrymr, Thrym; "uproar") of the Jotuns (frost giants) stole Mjollnir, Thor's hammer, to extort the gods into giving him Freyja as his wife. The giant Thrym, for example, is only cool with returning the hammer he has stolen from Thor if he gets Freyja for his own. When Thrym saw them coming, he had a great feast prepared. You look different than I imagined. Loki dons the feather-dress and flies until he reaches Jötunheimr. I have an idea Thrym will give Mjolnir back only if he may take Freyja as his bride. Mjollnir was stolen by the giant Thrym, who asked as ransom the hand of the goddess Freyja. So, instead of marrying off Freyja, Thor dresses up as a bride and travels to Thrym’s castle with Loki as his bridesmaid. Thrym: Giant. Let me give Mjolnir back. Thrym is a Jötunn featured in God of War (2018). At this Thrym was … Thrym and his Giant mother hastened to have everything in readiness. During the battle with Thrym, Thor (still disguised as Freyja) supported the fairies by using thunder magic to deal significant blows to Thrym. with 193 reads. Giant. Thrym had got Mjollnir Hammer of Aesir And he desired Freyja in trade Freyja said “No Way”, Heimdall then did say Dress Thor as Freyja, and Loki her maid. 16. In Norse mythology, King Þrymr (Thrymr, Thrym; "uproar") of the Jotuns (frost giants) stole Mjollnir, Thor's hammer, to extort the gods into giving him Freyja as his wife. Loki, using Freyja’s falcon cloak, discovers Mjölnir with the giant Thrym. Thrym killed Ymir in order to help his people escape Niflheim and bring full form to Ysgard. Freyja is less than thrilled with that proposition. Thrym greeted Loki pleasantly. Thor and Loki came to the Giant's house in the dress of a bride and a bridesmaid. Loki discovered that Mjölnir had been claimed by Thrym, who demanded Freya be given to him in exchange for it. In Norse mythology, Þrymr (Thrymr, Thrym; "uproar") was king of the jǫtnar.In one legend, he stole Mjǫlnir, Thor's hammer, to extort the gods into giving him Freyja as his wife. Loki borrowed the feather cloak of Freyja and visited… Loki was shocked by Thrym’s statement for the differences between himself and Thor was no small thing. Mjollnir was stolen by the giant Thrym, who asked as ransom the hand of the goddess Freyja. A veil was over Thor's head hiding his beard and his fierce eyes. Anything for you Thor. When Thor's hammer Mjölnir was stolen, he took great measures to get it back. The Eddic Thryms Kvida, or Lay of Thrym, also known as Hamarsheimt, ‘the Homecoming of the Hammer’, tells how Thrym the giant stole Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor, and hid it underground. Thor ate a whole ox and ten salmon. When, he was rejected, he stole Mjolnir and used it to blackmail Freyja/Freya into getting her to marry him. After negotiating Loki returned to Asgard with Thrym’s term for the return of Mjollnir. (Thrym appears as a character in the Book of Legends. When Freyja refused to go to Thrym, Thor masqueraded as her and succeeded in grabbing the hammer, which had been brought out to consecrate him as Thrym’s bride. 15. . Thrym had got Mjollnir Hammer of Aesir And he desired Freyja in trade Freyja said “No Way”, Heimdall then did say Dress Thor as Freyja, and Loki her maid. The term was that the Giant would return the hammer if Freyja “the most … He had stolen Mjollnir, the magical hammer of Thor. Loki returns to Asgard: This scene, too, exists in all the versions of the myth, and, just like the preceding scene, the texts display great variation. Thrym has one sibling in the form of Thiassi of whom was killed alongside Thrym during the Downfall of Numeron and also turned into a Flesh Giant upon which Thiassi now serves in Taraban where he is a tool for further control over them. A red-embroidered robe he wore and at his side hung a … The Thrymskvida poem from the Poetic Edda tells of how the giant Thrym stole Thor’s hammer Mjölnir and hid it deep underground. But Loke whispered, " Freyja longed so much to come to Jotunheim that she has eaten nothing for seven days."