On 14 October 1939, under the command of Günther Prien, U-47 penetrated Scapa Flow and sank the WWI–era battleship HMS Royal Ark anchored in Scapa Bay. He let them cheer and announced “we are going home”. The U-47 had crept into the impregnable Scapa Flow, sunk a battleship, damaged another (to his misjudgment) and successfully crept out. After firing its first torpedo, the submarine turned to make its escape; but, upon realising that there was no immediate threat from surface vessels, it returned for another attack. 0:38. 19-39 - - U-47 'The U-47 in Scapa Flow' waja100. About For Books Dive Scapa Flow Complete. Rest period for crew. U-47 in Scapa Flow: The Sinking of HMS Royal Oak 1939 - Ebook written by Angus Konstam. The extract below is taken from the introduction or Raid 33: U-47 in Scapa Flow by Angus Konstam. 19-39 - - U-47 'The U-47 in Scapa Flow' Report. U-47 IN SCAPA FLOW. Multimedia Support Center. U-47 in Scapa Flow - The Sinking of HMS Royal Oak 1939. Näiden saarten välissä on joukko pienempiä. Prien voer daarop op 30 september 1939 met zijn U-47 naar de baai Scapa Flow, de thuishaven van de Britse Royal Navy op de Orkney-eilanden. At the outset of World War II, Scapa Flow was supposed to be the safe home base of the British Navy - nothing could penetrate the defences of this bastion. Die Versenkung von U 47 und das Ende von Günter Prien. Download Citation | The Moon and the U-47 in Scapa Flow | The skies above affect historical events here on Earth more than is generally realized. Es konnte auf dieser Unternehmung 1 Kriegsschiff mit 29.150 ts versenken. 5 Dec 1939 After sinking the British steam merchant Navasota U-47 was briefly depth charged by British destroyers, but escaped unharmed. Suddenly a brilliant light bathed the submarine. Hojc. Nach dem Marsch durch den Kaiser Wilhelm Kanal, führte das Boot eine Sonderunternehmung in den britischen Kriegshafen von Scapa Flow durch. U 47, unter Kapitänleutnant Günther Prien, lief am 08.10.1939 von Kiel aus. So how, in the dead of night, was Gunther Prien's U-47 able to slip through the line of protective warships to sink the mighty Royal Oak? The best defense of Scapa Flow was its shallow waters and tricky currents. Der Film basiert auf der wahren Geschichte des U-Bootes U 47, das im Oktober 1939 unter dem Befehl Günther Priens in den britischen Stützpunkt Scapa Flow eindrang und dort das Schlachtschiff HMS Royal Oak versenkte. Flotylli U-Bootów „Wegener”, której częścią był U-47, wiedziano że „Byk ze Scapa Flow” nie powrócił z patrolu. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 0:06. W celu oddania mu hołdu, jeszcze przed oficjalnym ogłoszeniem informacji o stracie okrętu, we … Scapa Flow on vesialue Skotlannissa, Orkneysaarten keskellä. Od roku 1970 je zde umístěn velký ropný terminál na ostrově Flotta. U-47 in Scapa Flow. Browse more videos. Los astilleros navales y Prien nam een enorm risico door met zijn U-boot boven water te gaan varen: hierdoor was hij makkelijk zichtbaar maar hij kon wel over de vele barricades en gevaarlijke rotspunten varen. Wednesday, August 19, 2015 - 12:11 AM UTC. Le succès du U-47 fut repris par la propagande nazie. Op 14 oktober 1939 bracht kapitein Günther Prien de Britse oorlogsvloot een gevoelige slag toe toen hij met de U 47 de Britse marinebasis Scapa Flow (Orkneyeilanden) binnensloop en het slagschip HMS Royal Oak met enkele torpedo's in de grond boorde. The Moon and the U-47 in Scapa Flow Schaefer, B. E. Abstract. 7 years ago | 144 views. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read U-47 in Scapa Flow: … The Sinking of HMS Royal Oak 1939 - RAID N.33. Der Zweite Weltkrieg war erst wenige Wochen alt, als es U 47 unter KptLt Günter Prien in einer wagemutigen Operation gelang, in den britischen Flottenstützpunkt Scapa Flow auf den Orkney Islands einzudringen und am 14.10.1939 das dort auf Reede liegende Schlachtschiff der Royal Navy, Royal Oak, zu versenken. Prien galt bis zu seinem Tod im März 1941 als einer der fähigsten deutschen U-Boot-Kommandanten des Zweiten Weltkriegs. At 0437 lying submerged in 90 meters of water. Les courants dans les chenaux menant à Scapa Flow étaient violents, et l'opération de pénétration fut prévue pendant l'étale de la marée. After breakfast at 1700, preparations for attack on Scapa Flow. [Thomas M Dykers; United States Naval Academy. Two more British vessels were sunk by U-47 over the next two days. J'avoue avoir été un peu perdu au milieu de tous ces personnages dont les destins s'entrecroisent. After firing its first torpedo, the submarine turned to make its escape; but, upon realising that there was no immediate threat from surface vessels, it returned for another attack. From the Log of Gunther Prien, commander of U-47, on 13th October: E. of Orkney Islands. Sinking of HMS ROYAL OAK: Scapa Flow 14 October 1939 Route Chart 11:47 to 14:10:39. L'U-47 divenne famoso in seguito alla sua seconda missione di guerra: il 14 ottobre 1939, sotto il comando di Günther Prien, penetrato nella base navale della Royal Navy di Scapa Flow, riuscì ad affondare la corazzata inglese HMS Royal Oak. U-47 floated off the sand bar, rudders hard to port to head her back into the current. Podobnie jak dla społeczeństwa niemieckiego, utrata okrętu Priena stanowiła wstrząs dla flotylli. Events during wars are often tied to the Moon through operational requirements for illumination (or dark), high tides (or low), and even links to events in … During World War I, the German Submarine UB-116 commanded by Oberleutnant Hans Joachim Emsmann had, in October, 1918, attempted to penetrate this British Base but had come to grief on a … Wind NNE 3-4, light clouds, very clear night, Northern Lights on entire horizon. Estabelecida como a grande base naval no período entre guerras, Scapa Flow viria a sofrer o seu maior e mais audaz ataque no início da II Guerra Mundial. The skies above affect historical events here on Earth more than is generally realized. V roce 1939 se jméno Scapa Flow stalo na nějakou dobu symbolem potupy Royal Navy poté, co do přísně střežené základny pronikla ponorka U 47 kapitánporučíka Güntera Priena, potopila bitevní loď HMS Royal Oak (08) a v poklidu zase odplula. The channel gradually widened, the water slowed, and at 12:27 Prien made a new log entry: We are in Scapa Flow. FROM THE DREADNOUGHT TO SCAPA FLOW VOLUME IV: 1917 Year of Crisis (From Dreadnought to Scapa. Scapa-Flow. Ce sous-marin est notamment célèbre pour être parvenu à couler le cuirassé HMS Royal Oak dans la base britannique de Scapa Flow en Ecosse, sanctuaire de la flotte britannique. Barrier 1, linking Mainland and Lamb Holm. Gráfico do ataque do submarino alemão U-47 ao HMS Royal Oak (08) em Scapa Flow. (Sources: Blair, vol 1, page 120) 17 Apr 1940 The boat fired a torpedo at the British battleship HMS Warspite, which missed (or more likely failed to detonate), and the boat was depth charged by destroyers.Date may be approximate (but before 19 April). L'Unterseeboot 47 ou U-47 est un sous-marin allemand de type VII.B construit pour la Kriegsmarine pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Por ese motivo, las bases navales británicas solían estar situadas en la costa sur, en Plymouth, Portland y Portsmouth. “U-47 in Scapa Flow” is a 1958 black-and-white episode of the docudrama “The Silent Service” — a show that was typically about the U.S. Navy's submarine fleet. It was through this channel the U-47 entered Scapa Flow to attack HMS Royal Oak in 1939 – Credits: wikipedia.org The Royal Navy battleship HMS Royal Oak was sunk at her moorings on 14 October 1939 after an attack by the German U-boat U-47, killing a total of 834 men. On the night of 13 October 1939 a German U-boat managed to enter Scapa Flow, an important anchorage for the Royal Navy. Osprey Publications has announced the October 20, 2015 release of the 33rd installment of their “Raid” series, U-47 in Scapa Flow - The Sinking of HMS Royal Oak 1939 by Angus Konstam (Author) and Peter Dennis (Illustrator). Their faith in the mission and the crew who executed them, was completely vindicated. Get this from a library! U-47 in Scapa Flow: The Sinking of HMS Royal Oak 1939 (Raid) Se on laaja, pohjois-eteläsuunnassa 24 km pitkä ja itä-länsisuunnassa 13 km leveä, pinta-alaltaan 312 km² keskisyvyydeltään 30 metriä syvä merialue, jota rajoittavat Orkney-saaret, pääsaari Pomona pohjoisessa, South Ronandsay idässä ja Hoy lännessä. In the base were some of the Royal Navy’s best warships. A total of 51 ships were in Scapa Flow at the time, 18 of which can be described as fighting ships (Weaver, 1980, p.39). By TIM REYNAGA. Follow. It returned to Kiel on Sept. 15. Scapa Flow. Playing next. Aux petites heures du 14 octobre 1939, le U 47 s'introduit à l'intérieur du mouillage de Scapa Flow dans les Orcades et coula un cuirassé de la Home Fleet, le Royal Oak. Quand le U-47 dépassa avec précautions les navires coulés à l'entrée du port, l'équipage entrevit les activités qui se déroulaient le long de … U-47 in Scapa Flow: The Sinking of HMS Royal Oak 1939 (Raid) [Konstam, Angus, Dennis, Peter, Gilliland, Alan] on Amazon.com. At 0027 hours on 14 October 1939, U-boat Ace Gunther Prien slipped his U-47 into Scapa Flow Harbour which, the British Admiralty had deemed impregnable to an attack by sea. U-47 first sailed towards Lyness but, finding no ships in the area and encountering no resistance, then turned to the north where HMS Royal Oak, HMS Pegasus and possibly HMS Iron Duke were spotted (Wood, 2008, p.92). On Oct. 14, 1939, Prien accepted the mission to attack the Royal Navy Primary base at Scapa Flow. This particular episode is different in that it tells the story of a German U-boat. U-47: SCAPA FLOW Benjamín Riquelme Oyarzún* Durante siglos, el Reino Unido había hecho frente a las amenazas navales procedentes del sur, de España, Francia o incluso Holanda. Following the attack, her commander Günther Prien received the nickname Der Stier von Scapa Flow ("The Bull of Scapa Flow"), the emblem of a snorting bull was then painted on the conning tower of U-47 and the image soon became the emblem of the entire 7th U-boat Flotilla. At 1600 general stand-to. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. The following attack would be remembered as arguably the greatest submarine raid in history. Autore: Angus Konstam Codice: 228G140033