My favorites were "Phantoms" and "Miracle Polish." The five stories that use first-person-plural narrators in Millhauser’s new book, Voices in the Night, satisfy one-half of Millhauser’s artistic enterprise, which is to impose a thin veneer of the familiar atop a roiling sense of the uncanny. See samples below… Voices in the Night Materials: Pencils = Notebook Paper = Story Cards = Story Paper = Bat Pattern = 11x17 Paper or Brown Construction Paper = Stapler Short-story master Steven Millhauser is at the peak of his powers in his new collection “Voices in the Night,” stories of the mysterious and surreal overlaid with the everyday. Even though I was asleep, I heard voices off at the edge of my mind. I understood them, I thought, and was perfectly content to … "Miracle Polish", "Phantoms" and "A Voice in the Night" are the stand out pieces of a collection that seems otherwise slightly repetitive. Submit your paranormal experience! If there is humor, it's very dry and suppressed. Millhauser manages to get quickly to the heart of his stories without feeling rushed or laboring too long on more philosophical ideas. He su. Unlike the earlier occurrence this was a single and human sounding voice. I sleep in the living room in a recliner the past two nights I am getting a little more sleep, but I am awaken by a voice that says "wake her up" once I am awake nothing more happens, except for last night things were moving in the kitchen meaning stuff falling down, Voices In The Night (Short Stories) by Steven Millhauser The Pulitzer and Story Prize winner, Steven Millhauser, has created sixteen new short stories that will thrill readers of his previous works. The future Buddha is uncertain but increasingly aware of the fakery involved in his palace life, which is micromanaged to prevent him from witnessing sickness or sorrow. All those old stories, wonderful and terrible: the voice in the night, the parting of the Red Sea, Hansel in the cage, the children following the piper into the mountain. And this is why we go in search of the extraordinary to break up the monotony of our lives--the magic of mermaids, the heart-stopping fear of a thief in the night, suicide, the voice that calls to single us out when we sit alone in the darkness. . Things that go bump in the night. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Beloved for the lens of the str… I think the reimaginings - Rapunzel, Siddhartha, Samuel - were a bit of an odd inclusion since the other stories were so similar to one another and different from these. I normally don't give reviews buuuuut this book of stories left me kind of conflicted. His prose is beautiful and lyrical and descriptive enough and yet I often feel that I have no idea what his story is really about. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. question more than usual. The typical Millhauser tale is a deadpan, reportage-like account of perhaps-supernatural events in small town America that you feel inclined to read allegorically - although you're not quite sure that you ought to. by Steven Millhauser ‧ RELEASE DATE: April 16, 2015. Be the first to ask a question about Voices in the Night. Millhauser never disappoints. Voices in the Night Flora Annie Steel, english writer (1847-1929) This ebook presents «Voices in the Night», from Flora Annie Steel. This wonderful collection places a mirror in front of humanity to show us that reason, common sense, and creature comforts simply aren't enough to quell that raging beast. I enjoyed the mix, which tonally fit together really nicely, though genre/concept-wise it was occasionally a stretch. Did she feel that I preferred a false version of her, a glittering version, to the flesh-and-blood Monica with her Band-Aids and big knees and her burden of sorrows? Millhauser is frequently whimsical and often funny, but he tackles serious subjects. Fold the wings over the story on the dotted lines. . It sonds like the are in the next room or right out side my house and given where I live there is no one around that late. Even though I was asleep, I heard voices off at the edge of my mind. Refresh and try again. This is not happening every night and we each hear them on different nights. If there is humor, it's very dry and suppressed. Voices in the Night - Your source for real ghost stories. Really the premiere magical realism author in many ways. Many of those other stories were reports of very odd things happening in/to very ordinary places/people - "Phantoms," "Mermaid Fever," "A Report on Our Recent Troubles," "The Place," "Elsewhere," ". He never completed his dissertation but wrote parts of Edwin Mullhouse and From the Realm of Morpheus in two separate stays at Brown. There's so much to love here. I pulled this out of the editorial pile at Goodreads because I liked the cover and had read the first story, "Miracle Polish," in the New Yorker. by Steven Millhauser ‧ RELEASE DATE: April 16, 2015. At times, these felt like several stabs at the same idea, but ultimately were, I think, sufficiently unique. Quirky, twisty, things taken to the max, out of all proportion. I loved 'Enchanted Night' and was looking forward to this collection, and several stories hit those heights (The Place, The Wife and the Thief etc) - with fantastically dreamy atmosphere and strange desires - but I got a bit bored with others (re-workings of fairy tales usually). Voices in the Night offers 16 new stories with much to appreciate. One of the strongest and most creative collections I've read in long awhile. But beware the uncanny magic of Millhauser: Just when you think you recognize a myth, a character, a voice — the familiar tacks toward the strange and unexpected. Its beed about two years noe that I have heard the voices of two women talking in the middle of the night, mostly when I walk up at 2:30AM. Why not? I didn't enjoy it in the way I feel books should be enjoyed, regardless of subject matter or material a good book should still make me feel more than an exhaustive weight at the idea of reading more of it. Several stories view the private musings of ordinary people in an unorthodox way. I rarely sit down and read an entire short story collection cover to cover, but Millhauser's Voices in the Night arrested me from the beginning while I browsed it in the library. He tackles tall tales, fairy tales, mermaids and baseball . Unfortunately, these were the first two stories in the collection. Submit your paranormal experience! Millhauser’s flexible voice allows for many a quantum leap, from an Indian sage-prince to a mythical American hero. Weird fungi in the shape of animals or humans are a recurring theme in Hodgson's stories and novels; for example, in the novel The Boats of the "Glen … He tackles tall tales, fairy tales, mermaids and baseball . One night, while walking on the beach, Hailey and Claire encounter Aquamarine again. A collection of short stories that took me nearly 2 months to read probably tells you pretty much all you need to know about this book. Many of those other stories were reports of very odd things happening in/to very ordinary places/people - "Phantoms," "Mermaid Fever," "A Report on Our Recent Troubles," "The Place," "Elsewhere," "Mothers and Sons" and "Coming Soon." A 3.5, as the beginning stories were a 4.0 but then dropped down to a 3.0 as later ones seemed somewhat repetitive in tone. It starts off fairly positively, the first story about mirrors is really promising and mermaid story also. VOICES IN THE NIGHT STORIES. . I also like the play with light and dark, shadow and night -- a theme throughout this and other Millhauser short stories. I understood them, I thought, and was perfectly content to … This is the story about how the trio have the biggest, and wettest summer adventure ever. Voices in the Dark is the title of the first Lost Tales DVD that was published. Our “cautious” hero enacts a violence that has been writhing beneath the prose all along. I loved nearly al. Between times at the university, he wrote Portrait of a Romantic at his parents' house in Co. Millhauser was born in New York City, grew up in Connecticut, and earned a B.A. I had a paranormal experience last night and thought I would post it on a story of mine. The students may wish to draw finger bones. This is the time it didn't. I compulsively don't read short story collections in order. Really the premiere magical realism author in many ways. Voices in the Night offers 16 new stories with much to appreciate. I just need to give up on short stories. The title and author’s names should be written on the outside of the wings. . And the Day. We've yet to hear them together on the same night. Buy Voices in the Night by Millhauser, Steven (ISBN: 9781472114303) from Amazon's Book Store. He never completed his dissertation but wrote parts of Edwin Mullhouse and From the Realm of Morpheus in two separate stays at Brown. A master storyteller continues to navigate the blurry space between magic and reality in 16 comic, frightening, consistently off-kilter tales. . There are regular hallmarks of a Millhauser story: They're almost always set in picture-perfect, timeless, whitebread neighborhoods; then the calm is disrupted by some element that goes out of control. Voices in the Night takes on the universal theme of the disquiet at the heart of the human condition. I really took to the mermaid story, with out culture and trend setting, people following blindly, I could almost see this happening. There, all was clear, all was possible.”, The Millions' Most Anticipated: The Great 2015 Book Preview I - Spring and Summer, San Francisco Chronicle 2015 100 recommended books, 'The Office of Historical Corrections' and the Power of the Short Story. I enjoyed the mix, which tonally fit together really nicely, though genre/concept-wise it was occasionally a stretch.