If your emotions tend to control you, be cautious of the color blue. The insight that awaits you will prove wholly enlightening. https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Celeste_Yates/121179, Relationships: Sexuality Blue is popular in Scripture and the favorite of most people around the world. Blue cowers in the face of betrayal and is unsure of how to pick itself back up. It seems that only after being told that the sky is blue, and after seeing other blue objects over a period of time, does one start seeing the sky as blue. It immediately became an overnight sensation- one of the most successful prescription medications in the pharmaceutical history – with sales of the drug totaling $1.74 Given how sensitive the color blue is, it comes as no surprise that it hurts so deeply. Its selflessness makes it an excellent adviser. Blue doesn’t like to disrupt the status quo, and it’s for this reason why there’s so much predictability to it. Because it can change into any colour, it has some meaning as a good omen for new beginnings. It causes the opposite reaction as red. What does the color blue mean? Favouring a type of colour could reflect your character in the bedroom. Expert There is a lot of information around colours and the emotions they represent. Because of this, many babies have blue eyes, but their eye colour changes as the eye develops during early childhood and more melanin is produced in the iris. Purple has achieved mythical status in the colour world. \"It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. Blue is also linked to friendship and conversation. Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms. In weddings the bride often wears white, as traditionally she is supposed to be a virgin and by wearing white she shows her purity and honesty. Knowing what does wearing red mean is a … Blue and yellow are considered the most common travel wire colors, but brown or purple/violet can also be used. The color blue in a butterfly is often thought to symbolize joy, color or a change in luck. However, this might not always be the case, as described above, there can be possibilities for other attributes with black and sexual behaviours. Emphasis is more on being gentle, faithful and reliable than on passion (red being the opposite colour of green). Colour Doppler imaging utilizes multigated Pulse wave Doppler to estimate mean blood flow velocity. Viagra, a diamond-shaped blue pill, was introduced in 1997. In the Native American culture, they thought black was a good colour as it was the colour of the soil, which gives life. The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. On a particularly challenging day, consider looking up at the sky. Back to Colour words index Blue Blue signifies the celestial love of truth. As a trusted counselor, you can confide in this all-knowing hue. In some cultures it represents kindness, which is why within those cultures it's worn at funerals. Celeste Yates. In love, white stands for loyalty. Sexually, blue brings out consideration and sensitivity within in lovers. Orange brings out the more red aspects within in. Blue represents patience and understanding, which is why we feel so comfortable around it. More than half of the countries on earth have it in their national flags. When […] Popular shades: Cerulean: A range of colors that includes teal, sky-blue, azure, and deep cyan. Yellow is more commonly used as a switch leg instead of a traveler wire in these applications. But does favouring a certain colour have an effect on what you are attracted to? Blue has no time for baseless fears. In fact, it loathes the idea of creating conflict. Because of this long association with violence and aggression, red now represents danger. While they seek to fill us with dread, the color blue serves to create the opposite effect. It’s also commonly associated with the ocean, which further highlights its soothing essence. As a result, the colour blue was associated with fertility, rebirth, and the power of creation. Meaning of blue. There is a lot of balance and change with the colour. There is a lot of information around colours and the emotions they represent. Dark blue symbolizes intellect, self-worth and authority. As a peacemaker, the color blue doesn’t intend to stir the pot. Though having emotions is healthy, perhaps the color blue feels too strongly. People who prefer purple are rumoured to be non-fuss types and have a very businesslike approach to bedroom antics. Submitted On November 28, 2007. It is quite possible, as your sexuality is orientated around your emotions. White on its own is a representation of purity. It's the colour of the magician's cloak and indicates magic. It is the colour for power, although it is also considered as one of the healing colours. In Part 2 we’ll talk about how hue, chroma, value, saturation, tones, tints and shades affect the way we perceive colors. Due to it bringing a sense of relaxation with it, people generally find their most inspirational moments while looking at blue. It might not be 100% true for all, but might explain why you like certain things certain ways. Green is the colour of healing, fertility and life. Sexually, red lovers tend to be wild and explore different aspects of lovemaking. Renowned for its composed demeanor, blue is a tranquil presence. Blue colors can also be cold and Click to read the in-depth article “What Does The Color Blue Mean.” or read the short version below. Red stands at the opposite of white. Black is generally associated with death, evil, and the opposite of white. It's widely accepted in Western cultures as the color for femininity, love, romance, caring, … In addition to its peacefulness, blue also offers direction and empathy. Blue is the colour of the mind and is essentially soothing; it affects us mentally, rather than the physical reaction we have to red. Light blue represents health, healing, tranquility, understanding and softness. Regarded as one of the more reserved hues, blue is tight-lipped. Sex is a male or female attribute in organisms that propagate the species through sexual reproduction. Blue is one of the most popular colors, but it is one of the least appetizing . There is a general feeling of tenderness, self-worth and acceptance with pink. Police psychologists have shown that most sex offender's favourite colour is black. They are concerned with their partner's needs and wants, which also results in them being loyal and faithful in the long term. Owing to the purity aspect, it could be said that people who are fond of white are shy to show affection in public and tend to dress under the covers. [1][2] Many plants and almost all animals employ sexual reproduction. An Ob/Gyn offers a guide to what the different colors of period blood might mean, plus when to be concerned. Regardless of your age, sex and occupation, there are certain cases and circumstances where you should consider carefully the choice of the colours you wear. Blue … Certain colours are associated with certain emotions for example red represents anger. Looking at the actual colour, it is very quiet, although it is the combination of two very strong colours, red and white. Article Source: What your favourite colour says about you and your sexuality. It reduces stress and creates a sense of relaxation, tranquility and calm. You’ll find an oasis of calm gazing up at the clouds. Learn more about what it can mean if you have more vaginal discharge than usual or if your discharge has an unusual appearance. Click here to find out color meaning. Predictable: Blue is not impulsive or spontaneous and it doesn't like to be rushed - blue needs to analyze and think things through, and to work to a plan. Author A little planning goes a long way with the color blue. What Does It Mean If I’m Having a Lot of Vaginal Discharge? In our own bodies, blood is red, which brings with it symbols of life and vitality. Darker blues tend to be more sombre, heightening the security aspects, which … It's in the Bible, Revelation 21:11, & 18-20 NIV. Animals are usually mobile and seek out a partner of the opposite sex for mating. © 2021 EzineArticlesAll Rights Reserved Worldwide, Men & Women's Perspectives on Relationships, Sexual Behaviours Compensate for Responsiveness, Women Have Varying Degrees of Sexual Willingness, Women Are Often Disappointed With Casual Sex, Women Attract Men by Sexualising Themselves, The Sexual Politics of Women Competing Over Men, Male Propaganda: Saying Women Should Enjoy Sex, Sex As a Competitive Sport & Entertainment, Women Are Not Respected for Being Promiscuous, https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Celeste_Yates/121179, http://ezinearticles.com/?Colour-­and-­Sexuality&id=854487. There’s no question that blue doesn’t hold the answer to. Owing to it being associated with spiritual fulfilment, it is said that people who favour this colour are sexually deprived. As a colour, it's a type of toned-down red when it comes to meanings. Sincerity and spirituality are also part of the colour. It is quite possible, as your sexuality is orientated around your emotions. In China it's the colour of prosperity and joy, whereas in western societies it can represent anger and violence. Sexually, the colour is a bit of a tease. Gray is a combination of, and in between white and black. Pink. 111 Articles, By Red represents passion and heat. Information and translations of blue in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Blue is also a symbol of masculinity and represents the birth of a boy—the opposite of China, where blue is considered a feminine color. Blue, the shade of the sea and the sky, is thought to induce calm and convey tranquillity, serenity and peace. This is the first in a three-part series on color theory. What does blue mean? What does the red light mean on TikTok? It's normal for women to have some amount of vaginal discharge. Additional support for this theory comes from studies of an ancient Nambian tribe who does not have separate words for the colors green and blue. It’s certainly not a flashy color, it doesn’t look for attention, it can be dull, depressing and uninspiring. Blue doesn’t like being in the spotlight, so it keeps to itself. Blue eyes at birth doesn't mean blue eyes for life The human eye does not have its full adult amount of pigment at birth. These varying qualities make blue the perfectly balanced shade that so many love, trust, and adore. Yellow Light If your Echo is flashing yellow, this means you have a new message, notification, or reminder waiting for you. Depending on your feng shui priorities, you might want to introduce some deep blue elements into your bedroom to promote better sleep or a gentle, playful aqua in the living room of a big and busy family. Sexually, as mentioned, there is a myth for purple lovers. As a colour, purple is associated with peace of mind and royalty. White is technically not a colour, which is why it stands for purity, as it completes light. Enthusiasm and creativity come out of orange, as well as thoughtfulness and sincerity. Whether there is any truth behind the meanings of colours is up to each person's intuition. Direction of blood flow is displayed using the traditional `BART’ colour scheme where flow away from the probe appears blue Blue is often used to decorate offices because research has shown that people are more productive in blue rooms. Understanding the Meaning of Colors in Color Psychology The meaning of colors can vary depending on culture and circumstances.Each color has many aspects to it but you can easily learn the language of color by understanding a few simple concepts which I will teach you here. By creating an air of serenity, it does just that. The first foundation was jasper, the sec… Blue takes nothing, but it gives everything. Light blue is considered the feng shui color of harmonious expansion and gentle growth, while darker blue evokes the feng shui energy of deep calm, wisdom, and serenity. Blue represents patience and understanding, which is why we feel so comfortable around it. Sexually, it is said that orange lovers tend toward sexual fantasies. When things don’t go according to plan, it can be pretty unsettling. Pink is generally described with love, beauty and romance. Meaning of Blue Butterfly Butterflies are also popularly thought to symbolize a person’s essence, or soul, either past, present or future. It doesn’t intrude or pester. When in need, seek guidance from the color blue. Blue is closely associated with harmony and peace. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. Does the color of your period blood ever change? Out of the blue – to appear unexpectedly, out of nowhere, Looking/feeling blue – feeling sad/lonely/depressed, Blue collar – related to manual work or workers in an industry, Bolt from the blue – something unexpected happened, Scream blue murder – shout loudly in anger or fear. For one thing, blue is a “cool” color. Though these attributes are promising, blue is also fragile and somewhat cowardly. More…, Birthstone Colors by Month and Their Meanings, 56 Shades of Gray Color with Names and HTML, Hex, RGB Codes, Jacob’s Color Symbolism Chart – 40 Color Meanings, Dark blue makes you trustworthy, confident and reliable, Light or medium blue gives the impression that you are a cool, calm, faithful and silent type. In terms of the psyche, the color blue is known to impact the mind positively. Sexually, people who favour white are conservative. Sexually, green people have a fresh and innocent approach to lovemaking. The colour stands for a variety of things in different cultures. Where calmness is present, so too is the color blue. They also prefer a fair amount of foreplay, which is where the thoughtfulness comes in. It doesn’t intrude or pester. If someone uses the red lights on TikTok , it usually means that they are trying to set a sexual and seductive mood. Anxiety and worry are deceitful mistresses. Dark blue is associated with knowledge, power, integrity and professionalism. Since it enjoys order so much, blue can be rather controlling. He is a world-renowned color expert and a recognized leader in understanding how colors affect human emotion and behavior. Color Wheel Pro is a software program that allows you to create color schemes and preview them on real-world examples. If we look at what each colour means, we can analyse the possibility of how that colour affects your sexual behaviour. Mars is a red planet and in many ancient cultures represented the God of War. In many Middle Eastern countries, blue means safety and protection, and is symbolic of heaven, spirituality, and immortality. Its hypersensitivity may fool you. Blue. Blue. When overwhelming emotions consume us, we’re encouraged to decompress with the color blue. Emotionally, there are creativity and intellectual properties to the colour, which is probably why post-its and notepads are yellow. Portions of God's glorious heavenly city, the New Jerusalem, will be constructed from crystal. In terms of the psyche, the color blue is known to impact the mind positively. Though it doesn’t have a strong personality, blue does have a unique spirit. Instead, it merely makes itself known. Yellow is bright, sunny and the most cheerful of all colours. Celeste writes for Adult Entertainment News [http://adult-entertainment-news.info], a website dedicated to giving you the latest news on bingo and adult entertainment [http://adult-entertainment-news.info]. But does favouring a certain colour have an effect on what you are attracted to? Crystals certainly are beautiful objects, for they were created by God. For those who are seasoned perfectionists, the color blue understands you. Many businesses should select warm colors like red, orange, and yellow because those colors spur people to make impulse buys while cool colors relax and comfort people. Light blue is the colour of water and the sky, so it generally has a refreshing and free feeling – and can be even energising if bright enough, while still retaining that reliable calm. Definition of blue in the Definitions.net dictionary. This is especially important when you opt for the bright and bold colour red. Certain colours are associated with certain emotions for example red represents anger. They would probably shower both before and after making love. Strong blues will stimulate clear … There is also a sense of mystery to the colour, which gives hope to potential and possibility. … Blue is cool and calming primary color that stands for intelligence, openness, spirituality and … Celeste Yates  |   There is a lot of warmth to it. Blue inspires us to live in the present and bid farewell to our stress. Some weight loss plans even recommend eating your food off of a blue plate. Two people who love red would probably be highly adventurous. But purple can symbolise intuition and spiritual protection, or royalty, or the colour idigo, which is a blue shade of purple, can even represent the ajana / third eye chakra which is located at the centre of one's brow. It is a color that evokes trust, honesty, loyalty and confidence. Blue symbolizes: security, trust, loyalty, responsibilityEffects of blue: protects, calms, relaxes, supportsPositive traits: confidence, peace, honesty, reliabilityNegative traits: conservative, passive, sad, predictable, Jacob is the founder of Color Meanings, a blog about color symbolism and design. Cool, Calm and Collected Renowned for its composed demeanor, blue is a tranquil presence. Forging a friendship with the color blue will do you good. Blue is also the colour of water and hence the colour of the Nile and the primeval waters of chaos (known as Nun). Yellow lovers are adaptable to their partners. For women, pink is associated with femininity and might reveal that side for them. |   They would rather be passive than initiate sexual behaviour. Instead, it merely makes itself known. However, this isn't always necessarily so. However, it would explain a fair amount with regard to characteristics and emotions when looking at a specific shade. Conservative: The color blue is a safe colour - the most universally liked colour of all. Most blue things, such as the sky, the ocean, all have a calming effect of people. Blue Color Meaning The color of trust. What does a blue butterfly mean? This includes countries such as Australia, France, Israel, North Korea, Netherlands, the United States and others. The colour red is … The popularity of blue logos doesn’t mean that a blue logo is right for your business. Notifications These lights mean your Echo is trying to tell you something. Blue is decidedly “cool” – in fact it’s regarded as one of the most popular colors. We will never sell or rent your email address. Blue The colorblue is one of the most popular colors. Here we’ll discuss the meanings behind the different color families, and give some examples of how these colors are used (with a bit of analysis for each). It is a general good-feeling colour and has links to harmony and safety. 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