He gifted all mankind with that spiritual death. During the siege, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and most of Jerusalem. S olomon's Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC on the date in the Jewish calendar 9th of Av, or Tisha B'Av. And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? ] 70 - The Destruction of Jerusalem The Roman Emperor Titus quashed yet another Jewish rebellion. In studying this subject, it’s good to remember that prophecy does not describe the future in the same way that history describes the past. Byzantine Era, Roman Emperor Constantine makes Christianity official religion of entire empire. The Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans on the same date, Tisha B'Av, in 70 AD. It’s encouraging to read that the top officials of Rome witnessed those early believers “flourishing in the faith.” Despite the upheaval of the Jewish-Roman War, life in Christ continued without interruption after Jerusalem fell in AD 70, even in the region where that tragic war took place. This proves how much we are despised and hated. The timeline continues with the green bar when Abraham’s descendants were sl… Rome's destruction of the Temple began in 66 AD, when Roman Emperor Nero appointed General Vespasian to put down a revolt in Judea. . 70: The Roman Army destroyed Jerusalem, killed over 1 million Jews, took about 100,000 into slavery and captivity, and scattered many from Palestine to other locations in the Roman Empire. 2A. Bar Kochva Revolt, many Jews deported or killed by Romans, Judea renamed to "Palaestina". Shalom Fam: lots of good information, I have to get that book for my library. After a long period of instability, many Jews of Judaea revolted against Roman rule. Israel is small country in the Middle East, about the size of New Jersey, located on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea and bordered by Egypt, Jordan, 1. In 73 the last flames of revolt were put out at Masada, where the last rebels committed suicide rather than fall into Roman hands." See this post for more details on that story. Jews have lived in the Land of Israel for nearly 4000 years, going back to the period of the Biblical patriarchs (c.1900 BCE). Who was Symeon? 135 AD (About 1900 years ago) The Romans, under Hadrian, crushed a second Jewish rebellion for independence in a three-year war ending in 135 AD. With the revolt over for good, huge numbers of Jews left Judaea to make a home elsewhere. He was also the second bishop of Jerusalem, who was appointed to that position when the first bishop, James (Acts 15:13), was martyred in AD 62 (Antiquities 20:9.1). Supported videos include: After a long period of instability, many Jews of Judaea revolted against Roman rule. However, The Pulpit Commentary explains why he was believed to be Jesus’ cousin rather than His brother: “Some have thought that these were literally brethren of our Lord, sons of Joseph and Mary… But, on the whole, the most probable opinion is that they were cousins of our Lord… There is evidence that there were four sons of Clopas and Mary, whose names were James, and Joses, and Simon (or Symeon), and Judas. and Israel (north). In 70 AD, the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem and looted its sacred contents. Bar Kochba's rebellion had disastrous results. The story of their flight was told by early church leaders including Eusebius (AD 263-339), Epiphanius (AD 315-403), and Remigius (AD 437-533) – and perhaps also by Josephus (Wars, ). In studying this subject, it’s good to remember that prophecy does not describe the future in the same way that history describes the past. The timeline starts with Abraham, the founder of the Jewish people, who lived about 2000 BC. Abraham was a real historical figure, as well as the man who believed promises from G-d, blessed be He, of a land and a people. Esau's propaganda has deceived the whole world. 2. Vimeo,  Setting out immediately, therefore, for Rome, he entrusted the conduct of the war against the Jews to his son Titus. 1B. ca. After Nero had held the power thirteen years, and Galba and Otho had ruled a year and six months, Vespasian, who had become distinguished in the campaigns against the Jews, was proclaimed sovereign in Judea and received the title of Emperor from the armies there. They obeyed the words of Jesus (Matthew 24:15-21, Mark 13:14-19, Luke 21:20-23) and were protected in the wilderness for 3.5 years (Revelation 12:14). Thus when the Temple was destroyed in A.D. 70 the period of the second exile began. For Hegesippus records that Clopas was a brother of Joseph” (Church History, Book III, Chapter 11). The Jewish temple and the rest of Jerusalem were reduced to rubble. Mary the wife of Clopas is mentioned by St. Matthew (Matthew 27:56) as the mother of James the less and of Joses. From 2001-2007 he lived in Malaysia, where he taught English, learned the Malay language, facilitated village homestay programs, and fell in love with the local people, food, and culture. The heathens history does not acknowledge us and they have told a billion lies to deceive the real Israelites. The incredible prophecies of Israel in the Last Days are the key to understanding just how close we are to the End of the Age. Nehemiah Building the walls of … At the same time, Severus felt it was reasonable to offer, , the powerful governor of Britannia who had probably supported Didius against him, the rank of, , which implied some claim to succession. The Jewish state comes to an end in 70 AD, when the Romans begin to actively drive Jews from the home they had lived in for over a millennium. That final revolt resulted in the leveling of Jerusalem, a new Roman city, the renaming of Judea, and all Jews being banished from the area. According to Eusebius and Hegesippus (AD 110-180), the person who led them to Pella and then back to Jerusalem was Symeon the son of Clopas. Many features may not work properly without it. Dailymotion,  While campaigning against Byzantium he ordered to cover the tomb of his fellow Carthaginian. Only after 70 CE was prayer instituted on a daily basis. YEAR (AD) EVENT: 30 Yeshua the Nazorean is executed by the Romans. Eusebius wrote the following about Symeon’s appointment: “After the martyrdom of James and the conquest of Jerusalem which immediately followed, it is said that those of the apostles and disciples of the Lord that were still living came together from all directions with those that were related to the Lord according to the flesh (for the majority of them also were still alive) to take counsel as to who was worthy to succeed James. In 70 Titus captured and completely destroyed Jerusalem with great slaughter. Finally they invent the double prophecy argument, namely that Mt 24 prophesies 70 AD and the second coming. at Jerusalem, 70 AD Rome Celebrates the Vanquishing of the Jews, 71 AD The Grandeur of Rome,75 AD The Destruction Of Pompeii, 79 A.D. Death of a Martyr, 203 AD The Fall of Rome Dining with Attila the Hun, 448. Yet, they continued their national culture and prayed to return to Israel through the centuries. It must be remembered also that the word ἀδελφός, like the Hebrew word which it expresses, means not only ‘a brother,’ but generally ‘a near kinsman.’”. The Jewish historian, Gedaliah Alon, wrote the following about Hadrian’s visit: “Another early Christian chronicler, Alexander the Monk, writing probably around the middle of the ninth century, says: ‘When (Hadrian) went to the Holy City and saw it in ruins, except for one small Christian church, he gave orders that the whole city be rebuilt, save for the temple. The body of believers in Pella, and later among the ruins of Jerusalem, is just one example of the growth of God’s kingdom beyond the record that we have in the New Testament. They were still "lost" in His day, not having returned to Canaan. 70 A.D. marked the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple as you mentioned in Luke. Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. YouTube,  For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. He married his beautiful wife, Jasmine, in August 2012. Divided Kingdom 931 BCE : Assyrians 722 BCE. 2. Soon after his own visit to Jerusalem, Hadrian sent a representative to oversee “the work of building the city,” and this is what he witnessed: “So Aquila [an envoy of Hadrian], while he was in Jerusalem, also saw the disciples of the disciples of the apostles flourishing in the faith and working great signs, healings, and other miracles. With superior forces Vespasian slowly and effectively subdued Galilee and Judaea. The fortieth year of Jesus's prophecy, between April - September 70 AD, now saw the siege of … S olomon's Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC on the date in the Jewish calendar 9th of Av, or Tisha B'Av. The Romans built embankments of earthenwork, they placed battering rams and the siege began. In other words, they claimed that Jerusalem was empty of Christians by spring 70 AD, but they did not seem to claim that Jerusalem was empty of Christians by fall 66 AD. 1000 (BCE) - The Jewish Kingdoms ... 70 - The Destruction of Jerusalem The Roman Emperor Titus quashed yet another Jewish rebellion. On the 9th of the month of Av (August 29) in ad 70, Jerusalem fell; the Temple was burned, and the Jewish state collapsed, although the fortress of Masada was not conquered by the Roman general Flavius Silva until April 73. Heavy information. After the fall of the fortress of Jatapata, Josephus gave himself up, and the Roman forces swept the country. In the process, they slaughtered tens of thousands of its inhabitants. All that remained in Israel was the defiant little garrison atop the mount at Masada, a fortress complex south of the Dead Sea, which was built by Herod the Great. The tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel were conquered time and time again by different Assyrian kings. Image: Matt Ragen/Shutterstock. The Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Early Times (1000 BCE - 135 CE) Ca. Titus with his Roman legions arrived at the outermost northern Wall of Jerusalem, the Passover of 70 A.D. 40 days after His Resurrection He ascends to the Father. 1B. May we also be faithful in bearing spiritual fruit to the glory of God. With his rearguard safe, he moved to the East and crushed Niger's forces at the, . 201 B.C.E. United Kingdom of Israel 970-931 The reign of King Solomon 950 King Solomon commences construction of the First Temple. The siege of Jerusalem in the year 70 CE was the decisive event of the First Jewish–Roman War, in which the Roman army captured the city of Jerusalem and destroyed both the city and its Temple. They all with one consent pronounced Symeon, the son of Clopas, of whom the Gospel also makes mention; to be worthy of the episcopal throne of that parish. 40 days after His Resurrection He ascends to the Father. That final revolt resulted in the leveling of Jerusalem, a new Roman city, the renaming of Judea, and all Jews being banished from the area. 1. An Israeli historian suggests the diaspora was the consequence, not of the expulsion of the Hebrews from Palestine, but of proselytising across north Africa, southern Europe and the Middle East. All Praises to YHWH and Yahawashi... Stay connected Malachi and get this knowledge, wisdom and understanding!! Good question. But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the LORD doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.). A.D. 70 Titus Destroys Jerusalem. 701 … God’s vineyard was indeed leased to “other vinedressers who will render to Him the fruits in their seasons” (Matthew 21:41). Posted on January 17, 2017 by Max under Restoration of Israel. Even with a Jewish king, the Judaeans revolted in 70 AD, a desperate revolt that ended tragically. But the Jewish Diaspora ("diaspora" ="dispersion, scattering") had begun long before the Romans had even dreamed of Judaea. Answer: Much of importance happened in Israel in AD 70, and many link the events of that time to prophecies in the Bible. The "full-scale country-wide war ... raged with fierce bitterness for four years, the Romans having to bring in legion after legion of reinforcements to suppress the insurgents." The tribes that make up the Northern Kingdom of Israel are: Reuben, Asher, Issachar, Manasseh, Zebulun, Ephraim, Dan, Gad, and Naphtali. Restoration of Israel after 70 Years of Captivity. If you’ve studied first century history, you’re probably familiar with the story about the followers of Christ who fled from Judea to Pella just before the Jewish-Roman War began in AD 66. Charles Whitaker And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. ] The first major Judean revolt ended in 70 AD, and Rome razed Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple in punishment, leaving only the western wall of the compound standing. . This has helped a lot! The residents of Jerusalem who survived the onslaught were scattered throughout Rome's Empire. The Unlearning of Jesus, The (Scattered) Hebrews: Torn Kingdom, The (Scattered) Hebrews: House of Israel The House of Judah was allowed to come back to their own land after Babylonian captivity but… and Israel (north). Setting out immediately, therefore, for Rome, he entrusted the conduct of the war against the Jews to his son Titus. All praises to the Most High and Christ. The prophecy of God’s everlasting and unconditional COVENANT to the children of Israel was NOT cancelled – Genesis 12:1-3; 17:7-8; Psalm 89:30-37 God has NOT forsaken them – Isa. When he was recalled to Rome to become emperor himself, he gave his army to his son Titus. The Romans eventually forced the rebels to retreat to Jerusalem, besieged the city, breached its … your studying is evident! These prophecies are so detailed that we can now create a chronological chart that maps out exactly where Israel and the world are heading in this pivotable generation. Those 14 Jewish bishops, along with their non-Jewish successors after AD 135, are, “Another early Christian chronicler, Alexander the Monk, writing probably around the middle of the ninth century, says: ‘When (Hadrian) went to the Holy City and saw it in ruins, except for one small Christian church, he gave orders that the whole city be rebuilt, save for the temple. In 68 AD, Nero committed suicide and the following year Vespasian returned to Rome to become emperor, leaving his son Titus responsible for ending this war in Judaea. In the Egyptian and Babylonian exile/slavery the Israelite's were allowed back to their land to rebuild after the time of bondage was over. Ezra returned later with more Jews (458 B.C.) And there were many others besides these who were known in those days, and who occupied the first place among the successors of the apostles. The Jewish temple and the rest of Jerusalem were reduced to rubble. God divorced her and her death gave him legal right to marry another. IQAHMATH I bought the book when you brought it up. The Judean population revolted against the Roman Empire in 66 CE in the First Jewish–Roman War which culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. Easily create a Forum Website with Website Toolbox. The revolt led to a siege of Jerusalem by Roman troops in 70 AD. The revolt was soon overthrown by Roman forces, and Jerusalem along with the Second Temple were destroyed in 70 AD. ca. The following testimony was. However. Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene. ] Siege of Jerusalem, Roman blockade of the city in 70 CE, during the First Jewish Revolt. 837-800 The reign of Hezekiah, King of Judah – tunnels conduit from Gihon spring to Siloam pool. There were, of course, varying degrees of resistance. Others were taken as slaves. The tribe of Levi is included in this also. The Romans then destroyed Jerusalem, … He was the first cousin of Jesus (John 19:25). • During the Jewish Revolt of 66 AD, the Jews broke Roman rule and declared the kingdom of Israel. Page 90 of his book details this. at Jerusalem, 70 AD. Three days later He rises from the dead. Also noted in the book is how the Israelites occupied noted countries such as Ghana, and Mali as well as … "Septuagint" translation of Torah into Greek. When the Roman general sacked the temple, the Jews were forced into a new era—and so were the Christians. During the time of the revolt, Christians, who were primarily a sub-sect of Judaism, followed Yeshua's (Jesus') New Testament warning and fled Jerusalem. • During the Jewish Revolt of 66 AD, the Jews broke Roman rule and declared the kingdom of Israel. For they were such as had come back from the city of Pella to Jerusalem and were living there and teaching” (Epiphanius, AD 310-403). Byzantine Era 313 : Persians Return 629. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? ] After a stand-off of almost six months, the Romans finally breached the walls and then systematically destroyed the city and its temple. Eusebius wrote the following about Symeon’s appointment: “After the martyrdom of James and the conquest of Jerusalem which immediately followed, it is said that those of the apostles and disciples of the Lord that were still living came together from all directions with those that were related to the Lord according to the flesh (for the majority of them also were still alive) to take counsel as to who was worthy to succeed James. These tribes were never allowed to come back into their land. After Nero had held the power thirteen years, and Galba and Otho had ruled a year and six months, Vespasian, who had become distinguished in the campaigns against the Jews, was proclaimed sovereign in Judea and received the title of Emperor from the armies there. Responding to the claims of the Israel Only movement. The Romans Destroy the Temple. After the Jews' Temple was destroyed in A.D. 70, the revolt of Jewish leader Bar Kochba-who had "200,000 men at his command" -- recaptured Jerusalem and many "strongholds and villages throughout the country." The Jewish historian … Remember: Using others' images on the web without their permission may be bad manners, or worse, copyright infringement. YEAR (AD) EVENT: 30 Yeshua the Nazorean is executed by the Romans. 71+AD The Jewish Sibylline Oracles (On the cause of the desolation) "And then Israel, intoxicated, will not perceive nor yet will she hear, afllicted with weak ears. 1 Corinthians 1:4-10 - " Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 6Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; 7Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Good post Malachi! In the Diaspora (scattered outside of the Land of Israel), they established rich cultural and economic lives, and contributed greatly to the societies where they lived. It was completely about the biggest event in the history of Israel. (Encyclopedia … The DESTRUCTION of the Second Jewish Temple happened in 70 AD! They will never reveal the truth to our people. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. ] Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings. In his book he breaks down the historical aspect of the Jews fleeing Roman persecution under General Vespacian and his son Titus. All praises to the Most High and Christ. The history of Israel and Judah. Israel was again dispersed in A.D. 70 when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem because Jesus was not recognized as the Messiah (Luke 19:43-44). If you understand OT symbolism and the ancient history of the regions you can unlock the code of Revelation. 250 B.C.E. nd when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. ] ca. Truenation can you help me out with our history after 70 A.D. (Luke 21:20-24)? View all posts by Adam Maarschalk, If you’ve studied first century history, you’re probably familiar with the story about the followers of Christ who fled from Judea to Pella just before the Jewish-Roman War began in AD 66. You're correct with your understanding regarding the "mountains" being Africa. 230-146 B.C.E. Henry Hammond (1659), for example, says that “ when Titus came some months after and besieged the city, there was not one Christian remaining in it.” (This article first appeared at www.adammaarschalk.com. 70 CE1 The Destruction of the Temple and the Jewish Dispersion. I think the story of what happened to those believers after the war is even better. emperor. The story of Jewish life in ancient Israel is recorded in detail in the Hebrew Bible (the Christian “Old Testament”). The Assyrians invade and destroy the northern ... 70 AD : Bar Kochva Revolt 135. If any brothers or sisters don't have it there's a map inside outlining our migration from Jerusalem through Africa and to the West Coast - ", The Lost Tribes a Myth: Suggestions Towards Rewriting Hebrew History". 320-168 B.C.E. These following Scriptures from Daniel describe a different scenario, than what we have read in Daniel 8. They obeyed the words of Jesus (Matthew 24:15-21, Mark 13:14-19, Luke 21:20-23) and were protected in the wilderness for 3.5 years (Revelation 12:14). The Romans eventually forced the rebels to retreat to Jerusalem, besieged the city, breached its … TIME LINE AD 30 - 70 • Epistles Charts List • Time Line Charts. When the Jews heard of this they streamed thither from every direction, and before long the whole city was rebuilt’” (“, Soon after his own visit to Jerusalem, Hadrian sent a representative to oversee “the work of building the city,” and, “So Aquila [an envoy of Hadrian], while he was in Jerusalem, also saw, It’s encouraging to read that the top officials of Rome witnessed those early believers “flourishing in the faith.” Despite the upheaval of the Jewish-Roman War, life in Christ continued without interruption after Jerusalem fell in AD 70, even in the region where that tragic war took place. The body of believers in Pella, and later among the ruins of Jerusalem, is just one example of the growth of God’s … . 2A. That’s why there are varied interpretations of biblical prophecy. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.". Including Symeon, there were 14 bishops of the church in Jerusalem between the First Great Revolt (AD 66-73) and the Second Great Revolt (AD 132-135). 2. The Jewish Wars began in 66 A.D. and they were a direct revolt by the Jews against Rome’s authority. They all with one consent pronounced Symeon, the son of Clopas, of whom the Gospel also makes mention; to be worthy of the episcopal throne of that parish. The Roman Emperor Hadrian determined to wipe out the identity of Israel-Judah-Judea. The people of Israel had religious, economic and cultural autonomy, and the Bar Kochba revolt demonstrated the unity of Israel and their political-military power at that time. The “seal” for these Firstfruits saints just meant that their eventual rapture to heaven was delayed for a time, but would be certain to happen when Christ returned on Pentecost day in AD 70. When the Jews heard of this they streamed thither from every direction, and before long the whole city was rebuilt’” (“The Jews in Their Land in the Talmudic Age [AD 70-640], 1980, p. 446; quoting from Alexander Monachus, De Inventione Sanctae Crucis, p. 87, III, 4044-4045, published in 1620). The PROPHECIES of God about Israel were not cancelled nor fulfilled in the history of the Church! Ezra returned later with more Jews (458 B.C.) He was the first cousin of Jesus (John 19:25). Metacafe,  Allah punished them for this by killing them with lightning However due to prayer of H. Musa, Allah revived … Rome's destruction of the Temple began in 66 AD, when Roman Emperor Nero appointed General Vespasian to put down a revolt in Judea. ), Adam currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. According to this myth, the Jews escaped from Egypt and settled in the Promised Land, … Cyrus let most of the Jews return to their land of Israel. Facebook. This of course is pure fantasy because none of the signs of Matthew 24 are of the second coming. After the death of King Solomon of Israel, the 12 tribes of Israel divided into two kingdoms, and this has had a major effect on biblical history. Ezra. Bani Israel in Sinai: The 70 who were raised up After the calf incident, the Bani Israel refused to accept the Torah as the word of God. The Roman Emperor Hadrian determined to wipe out the identity of Israel-Judah-Judea. The Assyrians invade and destroy the northern ... 70 AD : Bar Kochva Revolt 135. 931 Division of Kingdom into Israel and Judah. Answer: Much of importance happened in Israel in AD 70, and many link the events of that time to prophecies in the Bible. A group of Zealots withdrew to Herod's fortress at Masada and held out against the Romans there for three years. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. ] The following testimony was given by Eusebius concerning the legacy of those who immediately succeeded the apostles, and it’s a beautiful legacy: “Among those that were celebrated at that time was Quadratus, who, report says, was renowned along with the daughters of Philip for his prophetical gifts. That’s why there are varied interpretations of biblical prophecy. After the exile by the Romans in 70 CE, the Jewish people migrated to Europe and North Africa. The Jerusalem below was cast out, but “the Jerusalem above” is the mother of us all (Galatians 4:21-31). Great topic, I appreciate the historical refresher and the visual aids. Byzantine Era 313 : Persians Return 629. Byzantine Era, Roman Emperor Constantine makes Christianity official religion of entire empire. 1. explains why he was believed to be Jesus’ cousin rather than His brother: “Certain of these heretics brought accusation against Symeon, the son of Clopas, on the ground that he was a descendant of David and a Christian; and thus he suffered martyrdom, at the age of one hundred and twenty years, while Trajan was emperor and Atticus governor” (Eusebius, Including Symeon, there were 14 bishops of the church in Jerusalem between the First Great Revolt (AD 66-73) and the Second Great Revolt (AD 132-135). Symeon was the Bishop of Jerusalem until he was crucified in AD 107. The rebellion was led by Simon bar Kochba, who was declared to be the messiah by an influential sage named Rabbi Akiva. The marriage motif is about god and mankind being reconciled. Gladiators, 50 AD The Burning Of Rome, 64 A.D. Nero Persecutes the Christians, 64 AD The Romans Destroy the Temple at Jerusalem, 70 AD Rome Celebrates the Vanquishing of the Jews, 71 AD The Grandeur of Rome,75 AD The Destruction Of Pompeii, 79 A.D. Death of a Martyr, 203 AD The Fall of Rome Dining with Attila the Hun, 448 On this day in 70 C.E., the Roman siege of Jerusalem ended as rebel forces in the city were vanquished. Since Jewish worship centered around the Temple, it was intended as a crushing blow to that faith. This is what happened to the Northern tribes when the Assyrians invaded. Those 14 Jewish bishops, along with their non-Jewish successors after AD 135, are listed here and also here. A crushing blow to that faith Jews left Judaea to make a home elsewhere each of.... Was destroyed in A.D. 70 when the Temple, the Passover of 70 A.D 's at... Think it 's normal if your URL is correct, you 'll see an image here. Second Temple were destroyed in what happened to israel after 70 ad AD none of the Hebrew Bible the! 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