Alone and without his parents on this part of the trip, Samson encounters a lion and has so much strength that he is able to tear the lion to pieces (Judges 14:6). 15:6; 14:15). Samson’s attraction to the woman of Timnah was his first step toward a weakness that would cost him the presence of the Spirit of God within him. 6 Then the Philistines said, Who has done this? Samson’s incredible exploits, as related in the biblical narrative, hint at the weight of Philistine pressure on Israel during much of Israel’s early, tribal period in Canaan (1200–1000 bce).The biblical narrative, only alluding to Samson’s “twenty years” activity as a judge, presents a few episodes, principally concerned with the beginning and the end of his activity. According to the account in the Book of Judges, Samson lived during a time of repeated conflict between Israel and Philistia, when God was disciplining the Israelites by giving them "into the hand of the Philistines". Is her younger sister not fairer than she? Most of us know about his infamous Philistine lover, Delilah; but before Delilah Samson had fallen in love with and married another Philistine woman. Who Was Samson’s Wife? At the end of his life, God restored Samson's strength. (2) The Philistine leaders asked both women to trap Samson. 14 Samson went down to Timnah, and at Timnah he saw one of the daughters of the Philistines. The Philistines were ruthless wicked pagans that oppressed the Israelites and afflicted them at that time. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Samson was born a Nazirite and was set apart with supernatural strength from God to do His work in the nation of Israel. CEO at Haute Midwest Enterprises. Later, Samson’s father went to Timnah and Samson made a feast there to celebrate the marriage. Both she and Elizabeth were mothers of “nazarites:” men set apart by God before birth as holy men. What's more important, is the source of Samson's power -- the Spirit of the Lord (Judges 14:6a). Know the signs of a nazirite. What is Samson’s mission? Shenica Graham is a minister, author, recording artist, songwriter, publisher, and entrepreneur. "He married the daughter of that man in Timnah, but then the man gave Samson's wife to one of the men at the wedding." Whilst Samson was still angry about the treason of his wife against him and the subsequent slayings, he went up to his father’s house. degrees from Wichita State University and is working toward an M.A. Since Samson was bound by God in a Nazirite vow, he was not to cut his hair, drink alcohol, or intermingle with non-Israelites. Well done! She provides Bible-based, Christian services including motivational speaking and online bible trainings for individuals and churches, youth groups and other nonprofit organizations. 2 And he came up and told his father and mother, I saw one of the daughters of the Philistines at Timnah; now get her for me as my wife. She cried and cried and she cried and cried and she cried some more until Samson couldn’t take it anymore. But her father would not allow him to go in. She was a Philistine who, bribed to entrap Samson, coaxed him into revealing that the secret of his strength was his long hair, whereupon she took advantage of his confidence to betray him to his enemies. Now, you have to admit that Samson’s first wife was in a pretty tight spot – the Philistines told her: get an answer to the riddle or have your house, and your father’s house burned with fire. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 20 So his wife was given in marriage to the man who had been Samson’s best man at the wedding.—Judges 14.20 (NLT) But Samson's wife was given to his companion…No sooner had he gone (see verse 19) than his wife was given to another to be his wife. Samson’s Philistine Wife. The woman of Timnah told the her countrymen the answer to the riddle and Samson had to slay men in order to fulfill the debt promised in return for the riddle’s answer. Samson in Hebrew means: Distinguished, strong. As followers of Jesus, our faith and our trust should be in God. Wiki User Answered 2010-03-24 16:08:05. Entice (which means deceive) was Samson's first wife's name. The Woman From Timnah: The First Wife of Samson. 4 And Samson said to his father, Get her for me, for she is all right in my eyes. He had a lady friend called Delilah whose name means: languishing-trouble. 3 But his father and mother said to him, Is there not a woman among the daughters of your kinsmen or among all our people, that you must go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines? Leave a comment, « Women of The Bible Series Table of Contents The first was the woman from Timnah whom he married, the second was the whore from Gaza, and the third was the only woman mentioned by name, Delilah, with whom Samson “fell in love.”According to the Biblical account, Samson’s relations with these women were a means to be revenged upon the Philistines. So, while Samson ravaged the Philistines concerning the conspiracy with his wife, he was still unable to receive her again to himself since the Philistines killed her for being the “cause” of the slaughter and vengeance of Samson. She holds two B.A. ( Log Out /  CIO at Nevertheless, Samson wanted this woman and asked his parents to … The three women in Samson ’s life were Gentiles. Here is what we can learn from Samson’s first wife: 1. However, it was still a demarcation of Samson’s insatiable appetite for foreign women. She shows us how obedience trained. He was the strongest man in the Bible and was Israel’s 14th Judge. But some days later, in the time of wheat harvest, Samson went to visit his wife, taking along a kid [as a token of reconciliation]; and he said, I will go unto my wife in the inner chamber. Samson was finally enticed by his new wife, who sold him out to the Philistines by nagging Samson and ultimately extracting the answer to the riddle. The woman of Timnath: Samson’s first wife who betrayed the secret of the riddle and was subsequently killed with her family by the Philistines. Apparently, God was plotting against the Philistines, though Samson’s marriage would violate the law that he should not be joined to a foreign woman. And they were told, Samson, the son-in-law of the Timnite, because he [the Timnite] has taken his [Samson’s] wife and has given her to his companion. One thing led to another. He Marries a Philistine Woman. Samson’s Marriage. Samson needed someone to cut him down to size. What attacked Samson on his way to Timnath? For some it unmasks the mystery of courage. Samson’s first wife was a manipulator. Now, you have to admit that Samson’s first wife was in a pretty tight spot – the Philistines told her: get an answer to the riddle or have your house, and your father’s house burned with fire. 4 So Samson went and caught 300 foxes or jackals and took torches and turning the foxes tail to tail, he put a torch between each pair of tails. Samson’s mother who had kept him in strict compliance to his Nazirite vow in his youth and his father, were now trying to reason with Samson that he should not be found guilty of breaking his vow. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. But the experiences Samson had with the woman he married earlier were much the same as experiences he had later with Delilah, the woman he later fell in love with. Web Artist and CSS designer. Samson’s mother shows us how a faithful wife and mother can influence her family (1 Pet. Marriage of Samson. Samson tore it with his bare hands. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. In a 2017 video from Sansom’s Facebook page, his lust for life was captured with him sharing his worldviews that, “we should be part of each other. As it did with Samson’s first wife, manipulation may work temporarily, but in the end it will only cause complications in relationships and bring guilt to the one who uses it. The book of Judges chapter 15 tells the story of the betrayal of Samson’s first wife. We do not pressure others to make them give us what we want. And the Philistines came up and burned her and her father with fire. He felt a desperate love for Delilah, he falled in love with her in an incredible way. 20 But Samson’s wife was [given] to his companion who was his [best] friend. 1 And Samson went down to Timnath, and saw a woman in Timnath of the daughters of the Philistines. 2 He returned and told his father and mother, “I saw a woman in Timnah. Accessed April 4, 2015, Filed under Women's Studies Asked by Wiki User. He demanded that his parents get her for him as a wife. Her maiden name was Alice Edith Rose Wilson and was played by actress Ursula Holden-Gill. We talked about manipulation when we talked about the other Philistine girl, Delilah. A lion. At that time the Philistines had dominion over Israel. 5 And when he had set the torches ablaze, he let the foxes go into the standing grain of the Philistines, and he burned up the shocks and the standing grain, along with the olive orchards. But no matter what the circumstances, purposely becoming a burden to someone to get what you want is never right. Designer at That is why the drama surrounding his hair. It sounds very severe and unfair. Thanks, Joanna. 14 Now Samson went down () to Timnah, and () saw a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines. Alice Dingle was the mother of Samson Dingle and the wife of Sam Dingle. What did he do? Psychology Teacher and Mental Health Coach at 3 And Samson said of them, This time shall I be blameless as regards the Philistines, though I do them evil. When the 30 Philistine men presented the asnwer to him, Samson was angry. 1 But some days later, in the time of wheat harvest, Samson went to visit his wife, taking along a kid [as a token of reconciliation]; and he said, I will go unto my wife in the inner chamber. Meanwhile, Samson threw a seven-day feast (talk about a party) for his Philistine men friends. (3) At first, Samson would not let the women trap him. The Philistines had good reason to hate Samson, seeing that he slaughtered many of them. So he came back and told his father and mother, “I saw a woman in Timnah, one of the daughters of the Philistines; now therefore, get her for me as a wife.”. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. He did so. We talked about manipulation when we talked about the other Philistine girl, Delilah. Judges 14:20 , in the Contemporary English Version, says, “The father of the bride had Samson’s wife marry one of the thirty young men that had been at Samson’s party.” Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out /  I read your poem on Samson, too. Judges 14:14 says for three days they could not solves the riddle, so the Philistines turned to Samson’s wife to get the answer. But that was God’s desire. WordPress enthusiast. He killed 30 men in Ashkelon, and give their clothing to the 30 Philistine men. ( Log Out /  Samson’s First Love [Judges 14.1-14.4] Scripture (KJV) Judges 14.1-4. Samson's and Jesus' births were both foretold by angels, who predicted that they would save their people. Change ). Israel was under the rule and oppression of the Philistines. God was still with Samson despite this act of disobedience.At the very least, the union would be briefly honored since it was a formal marriage and not a sexual immorality. Literal Standard Version and Samson’s wife becomes his companion’s, who had attended to him. Samson never loved his wife like he did with Delilah. Where did the spirit of the Lord come upon Samson for the first time? Because, like Elizabeth and Mary, she was the mother of a son whose birth was announced by God. When they can’t get the answer and don’t want to pay up, the Philistines put pressure on Samson’s new wife to get the answer for them (v. 15). 2 And he came up, and told his father and his mother, and said, I have seen a woman in Timnath of the daughters of the Philistines: now therefore get her for me to wife. Delilah was never the wife of Samson. When she asked Samson for the answer to the riddle, he refused to tell her; so she resorted to tears. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 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King David was like the second part of Samson. The Seeds of Promise Devotional Series by Shenica Graham is a collection of novels, study helps, guides, seminars and music designed to nurture people of faith. And the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and he rent him as he would have rent a kid, and … WordPress enthusiast. Ultimately, though he was married to the woman from Timnah, he was punished for his lust. So, while Samson ravaged the Philistines concerning the conspiracy with his wife, he was still unable to receive her again to himself since the Philistines killed her for being the “cause” of the slaughter and vengeance of Samson. The Contemporary English Version suggests that the person Samson’s wife was given to as wife might not have been a close companion. Wisdom Seekers Christian University Online, April 6, 2015 Create a free website or blog at