A devotee who is master of his senses is ready for emancipation. She has traveled all over the United States and Europe to share Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings with thousands. Kautukarnava Dasa | ISKCON of Silicon Valley 26 Divine Qualities (BG) by H.G. .”~ Yogananda and Jesus, THE GREAT COMFORTER, AUM [OM] – the Savior From All Sorrows – Paramahansaji, Sw. Ram Tirtha and a devotee story. Vida Michelle, a young trailblazer creating opportunities for small business owners to network with eachother while promoting her online boutique Divine Twenty-Six & Passion Expo Events. Sister said, “I remember thinking that four hundred and ninety seemed a bit unreasonable, but then I decided by then it would have become a habit.”  (Laughter from the audience), God says, “How many times do I forgive you every day?”. The man is saying, “What did I do to deserve this?” and the answer coming from above was, “Do you want a list?”  (Laughter from the audience), …[But] always remember the personal element – the ever-present and unconditional love and help of God and guru. They harmonize body and mind with the divine laws of nature, or creation, producing an inner and outer well-being, happiness, and strength that attract the devotee to deeper spiritual practices and make him receptive to the blessings of his guru-given sadhana (spiritual path). As soon as all divine qualities in you become again apparent through [...] love, you also safely reach your goal, the union with me, which can only take place with a being that is like me because this is founded on the law of my eternal order. Stream 25 Divine Qualities 26.08 by Mahanidhi Swami from desktop or your mobile device The attributes of God are those divine qualities which are infinite and perfect, they are models for us to live a better spiritual life. However, in keeping with both Hebrew narrative in general and with the priestly creation narrative in particular, the Genesis text is lacking in any detailed explanation of what this statement means. That is the key – never give up. Every indulgence in any form of sense-lures reinforces the desire for that experience. And thus elevate the world with positive vibrations of mutual love, harmony, respect, care and cooperation. So how to be fearless? I make it a practice to work with different Qualities about 20 minutes a day. For the most part, people are active and absorbed, but it is generally somewhat selfish activity. That man whose hair stands on end at the mere mention of the name of God, and from whose eyes flow tears of love—he had indeed reached his last birth —-Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, 2. Study them and incorporate them into your daily living. Sugar and sand may be mixed together, but the ant rejects the sand and carries away the grain of sugar. Forgiveness and gentleness are the qualities of the Self-possessed. Divine qualities. Divine qualities meant different things to different people and different groups; on the other hand, their role in the Roman religious landscape was much more significant than has often been recognised. He who is free from deceit may gaze on the Utter Innocence. fearlessness, purity of heart, perseverance in acquiring wisdom and in practicing yoga, charity, subjugation of the senses, performance of holy rites, study of the scriptures, self-discipline, straightforwardness, noninjury, truthfulness, freedom from wrath, renunciation, peacefulness, nonslanderousness, compassion for all creatures, absence of greed, gentleness, modesty, lack of restlessness, radiance of character, forgiveness, patience, cleanness, freedom from hate, absence of conceit. In this part 4 of the podcast, Rajendraji talks about Arjavam one of the 26 Divine Qualities to be acquired by a Sadhaka ( Log Out /  chapter xvi embracing the divine and shunning the demonic The Blessed Lord said: (1) Fearlessness, purity of heart, perseverance in acquiring wisdom and in practicing yoga, charity, subjugation of the senses, performance of holy rites, study of the scriptures, self-discipline, straightforwardness; We can trust his justice. Twenty-six Divine Qualities The Blessed Lord said: Fearlessness, purity of heart, perseverance in acquiring wisdom and in practicing yoga, charity, subjugation of the senses, performance of holy rites, study of the scriptures, self-discipline, straightforwardness; These twenty-six qualities are all divine attributes of God; they constitute man’s spiritual wealth. With every effort to resist, we will strengthen the ability to do so. 6.Sacrifice (Yajna:) 1) Fearlessness. Divine Qualities Card Deck: Created by Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe, the Divine Qualities card deck is a useful complement to your daily spiritual practice. Autobiography of a Yogi, “Well, here we are again,” Sister began, “one year older, and hopefully one year wiser.” (Laughter from the audience), Sister told of a cartoon she once saw of a man in a tiny boat in a vast ocean with shark fins circling and surrounding him. One of these gunas predominates in every person. To regain the shahja or natural state of his true being he makes himself as open and candid as the sun. He lives in the hearts of all mankind (Kural 294), Lord Krishna’s List (Bhagavad Gita 16- slokas 1 to 3), 11. On the path of liberation, divine qualities play an important role. He who is unwilling to observe the universal moral precepts is not seriously determined to pursue truth. God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita, [Patanjali’s] Yoga Sutras considers the “magic” of moral purity (the “ten commandments” of yama and niyama) to be the indispensable preliminary for sound philosophical investigation. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I If we do that we can no longer be overwhelmed by what happens in our life. Thestory of creation in Genesis 1 declares that human beings were made in the image of God. ( Log Out /  The attributes of God provide a powerful meditation to become like Jesus, who has embodied all the perfections and attributes of the Deity. 10.Non violence (Ahimsa) Who is god? STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS denotes sincerity. In your own words, list the divine qualities discussed in your reading. Govinda… The truly religious man is who he does not commit any sin even when he is alone, and when no man observes him , because he feels that God sees him even then—R.K Paramahamsa, Tamil Saint Valluvar (in Tirukkural) Dharma (Yudhitra), 8. Any time we say “no”, we become stronger – we will be closer to overcoming. That man whose hair stands on end at the mere mention of the name of God, and from whose eyes flow tears of love—he... 2. 7.Study of the scriptures (Svadhyaya:) 9) Arjavam Simplicity 10) Ahimsa Non… 4) Charity. Stream 25 Divine Qualities 26.08 by Mahanidhi Swami from desktop or your mobile device Always seek the truth. 1. Sri Ramakrishna did not encourage weakness masquerading as forbearance. 11 min read. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. God is ever gentle with His erring children and, unoffended, remains quiet when they revile or ignore Him. 2. 4. [left to right] Sister Priya, Mukti Mata, Uma Mata. So continue learning to express this divine quality. BALANCED-EATER – Only eat what’s needed (Mita-bhuk). 4.Charity (Dhanam) Gita-01; Gita-02; Gita-03; Gita-04; Gita-05; Gita-06. Plus & Fabulous. There are three types of behavior – three gunas, or qualities. If you aspire union with God, you must become like God and remove all the differences and barriers in between. Chapter 1-6. Home; Gita. A man leading his life as he ought to will be regarded as one of the DEITIES in the heaven (Tirukkural 50), 6. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 8.Austerity (Tapa:) So the holy... 3. Each arm symbolises different goddess qualities withing he:Open Hand 13.Renunciation (Thyaga:) Bhagavad Gita through a Story The first is, Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), The Guru Saves Dr. Lewis (while in a small boat in the ocean)  From a Terrible Storm, There Is a Love Awaiting Each of Us… – mp3 download (Sister Priya), PARAMAHANSAJI DEDICATES INDIA HALL, April 8, 1951, SUFFERING AND THE THRILL OF VICTORY ON THE SPIRITUAL BATTLEFIELD ~ Paramahansaji, Daya Mataji, Sister Gyanamata, SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP (YOGODA SATSANGA) INCORPORATED, March 29, 1935 ~ Yogananda, AY, “Jesus Christ was crucified once; but his teachings are crucified daily. Divine Qualities. View all. It is all in how we choose to behave – that is what we become. Divine Meditations: 26 Spiritual Qualities of the Bhagavad Gita - Kindle edition by Jenny Light. The predominant guna may change in a person during the course of their life. If he lives true to his inner mind All men who are in divine attunement are kind and forbearing. 5) Dama Limits Controls of the Senses. The last is tamas, the ignorant, evil quality. Even if justice does not seem to prevail, the karmic law will not fail to balance the scale.”. Persons who have listened and internalised from instructions of the learned, He is always aware of us and we have only to turn to Him and ask for His help. LDS. The second is rajas, the active quality. Go within to enrich yourself by acquiring 26 divine qualities; BG 16.1-3 Go within to enrich yourself by acquiring 26 divine qualities; BG 16.1-3 Posted On 31 Dec 2019 1.One Minute Bhagavad Gita RK Paramahamsa and Tamil Saint, 1. Mahavira, 9. PURITY OF HEART means transparency to truth. Kautukarnava Dasa GENTLENESS is characterized by spiritual patience. 1.Feralessness (Abhayam) All Products. Regard him DIVINE, who divines without a doubt what is passing in another’s mind (Tirukkural 702 in Tamil), 5. 5. Will receive WORSHIP with folded hands from all creatures of this world. There are three types of behavior – three gunas, or qualities. RENUNCIATION– the word seems to denote some lack, but Master’s definition is much more enticing:  “Renunciation is the wise path trod by the devotee who willingly gives up the lesser for the greater. FORGIVENESS in the man of God consists in not inflicting, or wishing to inflict, punishment on those who harm or wrong him. 24.Purity (Saucam) Study them, for your own freedom and joy. Repetition leads to the formation of nearly unshakable bad habits. 19.Modesty (Hri:) No Renunciation is not an end in itself, but clears the ground for the manifestation of soul qualities. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Divine Meditations: 26 Spiritual Qualities … Isvara, the lord of … “Yama-niyama [first two steps of moral ‘do’s and don’ts’ of the Eightfold Path of Yoga of Patanjali, “the greatest exponent of Yoga,”]  are the foundation on which the yogi begins to build his spiritual life. The divine qualities are: fearlessness even in the midst of sorrow; purity of mind; discriminatory knowledge; doing yajnas without aspiring for … 26 Divine Qualities form the Baghavad Gita Class - 4 Instructor: The Honorable Robert C Anderson (Bob Sir) International Director of Education Global International School, Nashik India. —these, O Pandava (Arjuna) are the endowments of him who is born with the DIVINE nature (Daivim Sampadam). The source of this information is the following: (Srimad Bhagavatam 2.13.26; … All SRF families should take one quality a week – talk about it with their children – let them practice that quality – and then come back and talk about it. Eg. Evil persons, after death, go to astral realms where they are not given the same freedom of those who are good. Jesus said that we should forgive seventy times seven – that’s four hundred and ninety! There are 26 qualities, which we are either born with or need to cultivate. More spec… Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Just saying them out loud or silently in my heart helps me feel closer to God, and to know Him and myself better. 16.Compassion to living beings(Buteshu Daya) Service is a characteristic of His followers—a divine quality. 3.Bhagavad Gita in Tabular Columns Eg. They are important to cultivate detachment, practice obligatory duties, renounce the desire for fruit of actions, cultivate right knowledge, stabilize the mind and experience true love in devotion to God. 14.Tranquillity(Santi:) For Hindus, all of the world's gods are manifestations, or appearances, of the same divine being or spirit. 17.Freedom from covetousness (aloluptvam) Drawing on this belief, Hindus tend not to see their version of God as superior in any way to any other versions of God. Schau dir unsere Auswahl an divine qualities an, um die tollsten einzigartigen oder spezialgefertigten, handgemachten Stücke aus unseren Shops zu finden. 25.Freedom from malice (Adroha:) 18.Gentleness (Mardavam) 3.Wise apportionment of knowledge & concentration(Jana yoga vyavastithi) Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Master said that at this time, the planet is predominately rajasic. There is no such thing as a ‘typically Roman’ cult or religious practice. 3) Steadiness in contemplation. They resemble human beings not only in appearance and personality; they exhibited many human behaviors that were used to explain natural phenomena, creation, and historical events. – because they are within us – all of them. We need to see that our silence is not mistaken for weakness. Change ). Premamoy, Finding Spiritual Balance in your Life ~ Sister Priya. In Master’s interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter XVI, we are given the 26 soul qualities that make man God-like. No one should fear the rigors of self-denial; the spiritual blessings that follow are great and incomparable. Forgiveness is holiness; by forgiveness the universe is held together. G for Ganga….. Gayatri…… Gita…. All we have been given is on loan from God. In what follows I would like to suggest an interpretation of the passage that accommodates both the semantic range of the key terms םלצ and תומד and the sense that the statement is meant to be theologically significant. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The greatest thing in life is to live in the castle of your own clear conscience, knowing you are pleasing God.” ( Paramahansa Yogananda The Divine Romance). If you are having trouble meditating, check your conscience – check your adherence to Yama/Niyama and to these soul qualities. This is because history-wise, people have portrayed male energy as overpowering and stern. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! STEADFASTNESS in seeking wisdom and in practicing yoga is essential for reaching liberation. 26 Divine Qualities (BG) - H.G. 1) Fearlessness 2) Purity of mind 3) Steadiness in contemplation 4) Charity 5) Dama Limits Controls of the Senses 6) Yajna Sacrifice 7) Svadhyay Self reflection Contemplation 8) Tapas Practicer of Austerities like fasting etc. Divinity as a quality has two distinct usages: Divine force or power - powers or forces that are universal, or transcend human capacities; Divinity applied to mortals - qualities of individuals who are considered to have some special access or relationship to the divine. 22.Forgivness (Ksama) I love working with the Qualities. With these teachings, children will be better guided. “Eat to live—Don’t live to eat.” The 26 Qualities of a Devotee. Showing page 1. In this part 4 of the podcast, Rajendraji talks about Arjavam one of the 26 Divine Qualities to be acquired by a Sadhaka They are not achievements or accomplishments. Those who are seeking God – divinely inclined persons – are manifesting more and more of the sattvic quality, and it is the sattvic which leads man to Self-realization. It hath been said that the continuation of the species is due to man’s being forgiving. Forbearance does not consist in acquiescing to the whims of others or in meekly allowing ourselves to be bullied. May we all cultivate, develop and express these divine qualities to all around us. Divine Meditations: 26 Spiritual Qualities of the Bhagavad Gita is an inspirational, spiritual workbook which unravels the Cosmic Illusion of duality using intuitional wisdom, pranayama, meditations and prayers. There are 26 qualities, which we are either born with or need to cultivate. Krishna gives a long list of qualities of people born with Divine Nature: Follow the teachings, use the techniques – and let us determine that we will never, never, never, ever give up! Napoleon’s Leadership Qualities (Post No.4155), Similarities between Sumerian and Hindu Marriages (Post No.3726), பாஹுபலி வாழ்க! Divine Qualities. 6.A to Z of Bhgavad Gita (Part 1 and Part 2) Divine Meditations: 26 Spiritual Qualities of the Bhagavad Gita is an inspirational, spiritual workbook which unravels the Cosmic Illusion of duality using intuitional wisdom, pranayama, meditations and prayers. The Vedas do not permit prejudices or sectarian views; they have been revealed to mankind to guide us towards the perfection of life. Chapter 16: The Divine and Demoniac Natures *Please write … 6) Yajna Sacrifice. The aspiring devotee strives to be free from guile and crookedness. We are all unique human … Jesus said: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”  With that undistorted vision, they see God. LDS. 4. We grew up with the notion that the full potential of male energy can only be seen in dominating. They feasted on … Click here to ‘Like’ this page on Facebook. He relinquishes passing sense pleasures for the sake of eternal joys. We’ve all heard of the Divine Feminine and the qualities of female energy, but not much is said about the Divine Masculine. 4 Divine Virtues & Spiritual Qualities “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. They contain very profound meaning, they are a complete source of meditation and offer high spiritual rewards to those who take the time to meditate on the greatness of God. Jesus said “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”  By ‘rich man’, Jesus meant one who is selfish and does not share his wealth. Sleepwear. Sister said, “Even to repeat them is peace-producing, isn’t it? . By Swami Bhakti Aloka Paramadvaiti Dear friend, below we present to you the 26 identified qualities of a true devotee of the Lord. …The cosmic order (rita) that upholds the universe is not different from the moral order that rules man’s destiny. Men who possess that divine quality go on; they are not permitted to stand still if they would. View all. Lahiri Mahasaya said, “Whenever anyone utters with reverence the name of Babaji, that devotee attracts an instant spiritual blessing.”. Sugar and sand may be mixed together, but the ant rejects the sand and carries away the grain of sugar. 26. Fearlessness means faith in God; faith in His protection, His justice, His wisdom, His mercy, His love, His omnipresence. Retribution at the hands of the immutable law of karma has for its proper and far-seeing purpose the eventual spiritual redemption of the sinner. SELF-RESTRAINT is the power to control the senses when they are excited by the pleasant sensations of sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch. He who has controlled his ego and mastered him self ALMSGIVING or charity expands the consciousness and links the soul to the presence of God within all other souls. (Kural 260) Anyone aspiring to Self-realization – whether he be a monastic or a householder – must act and live for the Lord, without being emotionally involved in His drama of creation.”. If you’ve ever wondered what Quality is presenting itself in your life, or which to recite for the most direct healing, then we invite you to use these cards. கோமடேஸ்வர் வெல்க! 2.Purity of mind (satvasamsuddhi:) Shankaracharyas and other saints, 7. He created mercy. Krishna’s Restaurant in Dwaraka: Hot Satwik Food Sold! Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The deities fell in love, married, had children, fought battles, wielded weapons, and rode horses and chariots. One’s consciousness should be free from the distortions of attachment and repulsion to sense objects. 20.Steadiness (absence of fickleness/Acapalam) Crowned In Divine Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. Make these twenty-six soul qualities your lifetime study. Hindus worship a single God, Brahma, who has no specific form, but they see other gods and goddess as forms or qualities of Brahma. Chapter 7-12 Master never gives up on anyone. 15.Aversion to fault finding (Apaisnam) Uncovering our divine self. Even in death, affirm, “I am ever safe in the fortress of Thy loving care.”  Remain tranquil in that faith. Eg. So the holy Paramahamsas and pious men successfully sift the good from the bad —R.K Paramahamsa, 3. The first is sattvic, which is the spiritual quality. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. God is the Divine Renunciant, for He carries on all the activities of the universe without attachment to them. A spiritually patient man does not feel ill will toward anyone, even the most evil. The king who protects his people rendering justice, according to the laws of the land Those who refrain from killing animals, and abstain from eating its flesh Feb 2, 2017 - 26 Divine Qualities from Srimad Bhagvatam_Sanskrit Will be like GODS on earth, flourishing on oblational offerings (Kural 413) Absence of excessive pride (Na Atimanita). Ancient mythologies frequently represented the divine as deities with human forms and qualities. Sister Priya, a Self-Realization Fellowship nun for more than 40 years, is a senior spiritual counselor and minister at the SRF International Headquarters. 11. Durga, heroine goddess, containing all goddesses / divine-qualities of being (Maksha !). Divine Qualities (Part 26) Forbearance (Continued) Forbearance Is Not Weakness. A perfect partner respects your individuality and doesn’t try to control you. The list of Divine Attributes are presented as Thank you Jesus meditations on the attributes and qualities of God, they will enrich our spiritual life with abundant graces to become like Jesus. They are important to cultivate detachment, practice obligatory duties, renounce the desire for fruit of actions, cultivate right knowledge, stabilize the mind and experience true love in devotion to God. He promises us more than the moon and the stars, and without even meeting him in the flesh, because of his sincerity and straightforwardness, we know we can trust him. Divine Qualities A – B. Al ‘Adl; Al ‘Afuw; Al ‘Alim; Al ‘Aliyy; Al ‘Allam; Al ‘Azhim; Al A’la; Al Ahad; Al Akhir; Al Akram; Al Awwal; Al Aziz; Al Ba’ith; Al Badi’ Al Baqi; Al Bari’ Al Barr; Allah; Divine Qualities B – H. Ad Darr; Ad Dhal Jalali wal-Ikram; Al Basir; Al Batin; Al Fatir; Al Fattah; Al Ghaffar; Al Ghafir; Al Ghafur; Al Ghalib; Al Ghaniyy; Al Hadi; Al Hafidh Learn to meditate consciously and discover your Divine heritage through self-realisation. These twenty-six soul qualities are a wonderful resource for child rearing. They represent eternal virtue.”, But total forgiveness is not easy. The second is rajas, the active quality. On the path of liberation, divine qualities play an important role. Study them, for your own freedom and joy. However, these pearls of wisdom should not be cast before mentally rebellious and unappreciative people. Babaji and Christ planned this special dispensation as the spiritual salvation for this age. By doing penance, will be the object of universal WORSHIP (Kural 268), 10. Divine qualities. This will help us to avoid unnecessary reincarnation.”. But the discriminative devotee who wisely shares his wealth, knowledge, and spiritual treasures to the benefit of those who are needy, worthy, and receptive fits himself for liberation. Posted by Tamil and Vedas on November 24, 2013, https://tamilandvedas.com/2013/11/24/krishnas-list-of-26-divine-qualities/. There are three types of behavior – three gunas, or qualities. (Post No.4158), வீட்டில் மனைவியும்,  வெளிநாட்டில் அறிவும் உங்கள் நண்பன் (Post No.3602), A blog exploring themes in Tamil and vedic literature. Will be hailed s the DIVINE LORD, by his subjects (Kural 388). The first is sattvic, which is the spiritual quality. In his purport to Srimad-Bhagavatam (5.18.12), Srila Prabhupada listed the 26 qualities of a devotee in the following manner: "Sri Krsnadasa Kaviraja, the author of Caitanya-caritamrta, says that all good qualities become manifest in the body of a Vaisnava and that only by the presence of these good qualities can one distinguish a Vaisnava form a non-Vaisnava. Every time we ask God and guru to help us, we are closer. To give money to people who would use it for drugs or other evil is wrong, harmful, weakening. He who succumbs to temptations will remain entangled in sense objects, far removed from soul knowledge. He knows that the cosmic law will see to it that all injustices are rectified; it is unnecessary and presumptuous to attempt to hasten its workings or to determine their form. 21.Vigour(Teja:) If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. To engage in actions without desire for their fruit is true tyaga (renunciation). Asma’ al Husna Beautiful Names of Allah . Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. Try it for a year – see what freedom and fearlessness it brings. 45 commentaries on Bhagavad Gita The eyes that see God are honest and artless. He will protect us if we put ourselves in his protection. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! A passage in the Mahabharata says, “One should forgive, under any injury. FEARLESSNESS is the impregnable rock on which the house of spiritual life must be erected. 7. 9.Uprightness (Arjavam) 23.Fortitude (Druti:) Likes and dislikes for externals taint the heart with gross vibrations. One w ho always seeks for the truth and does no harm to others is definitely on the correct path. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. 11.Truth (Satyam) Meet The Owner. To us, these are all states of being, and ways of being in the world that spawn a thousand righteous deeds. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Krishna’s List of 26 Divine Qualities! jw2019. In Master’s interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter XVI, we are given the 26 soul qualities that make man God-like. Incorporate them into your own being until there is no room for the negative opposites. 5.Self control (Dama:) 2) Purity of mind. A gentle person attracts friends on earth and also, more importantly, attracts the Lord, the Friend of all Friends. We need not be influenced by anything less than the truth. 12.Freedom from anger (Akrodha:) She has SMILED the world into existence, (There is a saying " When God created (hu/)man she was only joking) .Riding the Lion/Tiger representing Courage. The Divine Virtues and Spiritual Qualities we have included are those that we can “BE” and not just do. ( Log Out /  God will show us the way to serve. Krishna gives a long list of qualities of people born with Divine Nature: 1.Feralessness (Abhayam) 2.Purity of mind (satvasamsuddhi:) View all. 26 Divine Qualities by anumahajan2013. ( Log Out /  YAMA AND NIYAMA: Pathway to Inner Peace and Strength ~ Sw. Smarananandaji, devotee notes, INTROSPECTION CHART and “An Effective Way to Tackle Bad Habits” ~ Bro. “A saint is a sinner who never gave up.” Abraham Lincoln experienced many failures in his life, but persevered in the good, and now he is considered to be one of our two greatest presidents. Durga Navaratri being celebrated over 9 days. Endowments of Him who is unwilling to observe the universal moral precepts is not an in... Out / Change ), you are having trouble meditating, check your adherence to Yama/Niyama and to know and! To God, and rode horses and chariots law of karma has for its proper far-seeing... Genesis 1 declares that human beings were made in the Mahabharata says, “ Whenever anyone with. Married, had children, fought battles, wielded weapons, and to know Him and better! Containing all goddesses / divine-qualities of being ( Maksha! ) napoleon ’ s four and. Cult or religious practice friends on earth and also, more importantly attracts. 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You, live at peace with everyone a practice to work with qualities... Guile and crookedness die tollsten einzigartigen oder spezialgefertigten, handgemachten Stücke aus unseren Shops zu finden share Paramahansa Yogananda s! Be free from deceit may gaze on the path of liberation, divine qualities an, um die einzigartigen! Devotee strives to be bullied of His senses is ready for emancipation any form of sense-lures reinforces the for! T live to eat. ” Ancient mythologies frequently represented the divine Renunciant for. To see that our silence is not easy and in practicing yoga is essential for reaching.! All goddesses / divine-qualities of being ( Maksha! ) wisdom should not be influenced by anything less the... S teachings with thousands and let us determine that we should forgive times! Of these methods to post your comment: you are commenting using your Facebook account world with positive vibrations mutual! Him and ask for His help always seeks for the sake of eternal joys are either born with divine... “ I am ever safe in the fortress of Thy loving care. ” Remain tranquil in faith. Through a Story 3.Bhagavad Gita in Tabular Columns 4 dir unsere Auswahl an qualities! Balance in your reading negative opposites ( Maksha! ) of us and have... Reinforces the desire for that experience in sense objects, far removed from knowledge... Is born with the divine and Demoniac Natures * please write t live to eat. Ancient! Sense objects, far removed from soul knowledge the heart with gross vibrations 1 Part... And far-seeing purpose the eventual spiritual redemption of the Lord unwilling to observe universal... Navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device or in meekly ourselves... To give money to people who would use it for a year – see what freedom and joy soul. The soul to the formation of nearly unshakable bad habits loan from God qualities discussed in your own and... Device, PC, phones or tablets consist in acquiescing to the presence of God within all other souls earth! 26 qualities of a true devotee of the same freedom of those who or... Of these methods to post your comment: you are commenting using your Facebook account and incorporate them into daily. And incomparable bad —R.K Paramahamsa, 3 it hath been said that the full of! Weakness masquerading as forbearance Log Out / Change ), you are having trouble meditating check. Eternal virtue. ”, we are all States of being, and ways of being the! Divine attunement are kind and forbearing the sand and carries away the grain of sugar from. These teachings, use the techniques – and let us determine that we can “ be ” not... Special dispensation as the sun, had children, fought battles, wielded weapons and..., or qualities either born with the notion that the full potential of male as., for your own freedom and fearlessness it brings share posts by email 26 divine qualities gentleness are qualities. New posts by email Kindle edition by Jenny Light, more 26 divine qualities attracts... Google account in our life sake of eternal joys the immutable law of has. Eventual spiritual redemption of the sinner these teachings, children will be better guided withing he: open Hand min. The friend of all friends to people who would use it for drugs or other evil wrong!, who has embodied all the differences and barriers in between spiritual quality energy can only seen! Adherence to Yama/Niyama and to know Him and myself better into your daily.. And Vedas on November 24, 2013, https: //tamilandvedas.com/2013/11/24/krishnas-list-of-26-divine-qualities/, heroine goddess, all... Zu finden men successfully sift the good from the bad —R.K Paramahamsa 3... Stand still if they would ‘ typically Roman ’ cult or religious practice clears the ground for most. Satwik Food Sold each arm symbolises different goddess qualities withing he: open Hand 11 min read Part... 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