It’s thus hard to imagine how aspartame could harm our gut health. 2014 Jul;48(6):564-5. The hydrolysis in the gut leaves a steviol backbone, which is then absorbed from the colon and bonds with glucuronic acid before being excreted as as steviol glucuronide via our urine. save. Also known as Splenda. Sucralose may compromise the bacteria in the gut. Say we take the results from this research at face-value. It harms the intestinal wall, potentially causing leaky gut. Does aspartame influence your gut bacteria? To subscribe, select the "Subscribe via E-Mail" button above. In China, after the approval of sucralose, IBD rates rose 12-fold. Chin Med J (Engl). N A Bokulich, M J Blaser. J Suez, T Korem, D Zeevi, G Zilberman-Schapira, C A Thaiss, O Maza, D Israeli, N Zmora, S Gilad, A Weinberger, Y Kuperman, A Harmelin, I Kolodkin-Gal, H Shapiro, Z Halpern, E Segal, E Elinav. study are somewhat moot to begin with. Select the subscription method below that best fits your lifestyle. What symptoms would the dead gut bacteria cause? In fact, the human body can’t do much with sucralose at all. Good bacteria in your gut ensures that the digestion process goes smoothly while minimizing the amount of gas production while breaking down food. In 2014 a study by Suez et al. Indeed, human and rodent research show that consuming Stevia extract can alter the concentrations of several bacteria in our gut, although the effect is minor. X Qin. V L Grotz. Science. Use soap and water instead. Only about 2% of sucralose is metabolized into minor metabolites and this occurs in the body, not in the gut. (2019) performed a replication of the infamous Suez et al. Source, In contrast to media alarmism and 1 highly questionable study on saccharin, many scientific review papers and regulatory agencies agree that commonly used low-calorie sweeteners are safe for human consumption in any commonly used dosages. How to Reduce Carcinogenic Bile Acid Production, Putrefying Protein and “Toxifying” Enzymes, Paleopoo: What We Can Learn from Fossilized Feces, Alzheimer’s Disease, Copper, and Saturated Fat. Does sucralose affect gut health? This may be of particular importance to patients with diseases correlated with modifications of the gut bacteria, such as inflammatory bowel diseases, like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. These changes occurred at Splenda dosages that contained sucralose at 1.1-11 mg/kg (the US FDA Acceptable Daily Intake for sucralose is 5 mg/kg). There are many natural ways to give some sweetness to a cup of coffee. But does sucralose break a fast? It’s hard to consume more than the acceptable daily intake of saccharin, because saccharin is not commonly used anymore due to its bitter, metallic aftertaste. Source. This study showed that they had this type of effect on intestinal baceria, E. coli, and gut bacteria from the phyla Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: a unified hypothesis. Together, our gut microbiome has as many cells as our own body and over a 100 times more genes. P Shankar, S Ahuja, K Sriram. Artificial sweeteners produce the counterintuitive effect of inducing metabolic derangements. Steviol glucosides (E-960) 4 Variable Steviol glycosides are molecules extracted from the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. In terms of mechanism, it’s somewhat hard to see how saccharin would harm our gut, because saccharin is not digested or metabolized in the human body. The ADI set by the JECFA is 15 mg/kg/d. However, this study had major limitations and raised a huge controversy. Gastroenterology. This still doesn’t justify the researchers to talk about sweeteners – plural – because the subjects only consumed commercial saccharin. Effect of Sucralose (Splenda) on the Microbiome. Non-caloric artificial sweeteners and the microbiome: findings and challenges. caused massive uproar about the safety of artificial sweeteners, specifically their effects on gut health. Most sucralose we consume just passes through us and goes straight out via our feces. The more graphs that you see like this, the harder it is to dismiss a possible connection. the Federal Department of Agriculture (FDA). So, sucralose is not like some inert substance, but affects the blood sugar response. the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). What effect do artificial sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda), saccharin (Sweet & Low), aspartame (Nutrasweet), and acesulfame K (Sweet One) have on our gut bacteria? several rodent studies have shown changes in some bacterial concentrations in our gut in response to high dose sucralose vs. water consumption, an abundance of randomized controlled trials in humans support the safety of sucralose consumption at least up until the ADI. This modification makes sucrose unavailable to human glycosidic enzymes, so it cannot affect our blood sugar or be metabolized for energy. That’s what the hope was, to provide a healthy sugar substitute to provide a sweet taste without the calories or spikes in blood sugar. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiota. Rats fed sucralose at levels that mimic actual human consumption saw a nearly 50% decrease in beneficial gut bacteria, their intestinal pH (a measure of acidity) rose, and they developed heightened enzyme levels, which could interfere with absorbing other nutrients and drugs If you give obese individuals the amount of sucralose found in like a can of diet soda, they get a significantly higher blood sugar spike in response to a sugar challenge, requiring significantly more insulin – 20% higher insulin levels in the blood – suggesting sucralose causes insulin resistance, potentially helping to explain the links between artificial sweetener consumption and the development of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. You’ve got to put it to the test. The good news, though, is that after stopping artificial sweeteners, the original balance of gut bacteria may be restored within weeks. ADIs have a 100-fold error margin, so to reach a level of consumption that has actually been found to cause harm in animals or humans, you have to consume a whole lot of aspartame. By filling in my details I consent with the privacy policy. In fact, an abundance of randomized controlled trials in humans support the safety of sucralose consumption at least up until the ADI. Copyright © 2021, all rights reserved. The researchers don’t show this. The Splenda company emphasizes that sucralose is hardly even absorbed into the body and, so, stays in the digestive tract to be quickly eliminated from the body. Most people think they taste better anyway and their safety track record is much clearer. N K Veien, H B Lomholt. Check out: Erythritol May Be a Sweet Antioxidant, but there are some caveats for it and other nontoxic, low-calorie sweeteners. However, they were also fatter. our gut microbiome has as many cells as our own body, saccharin is not digested or metabolized in the human body, a multitude of randomized controlled trials since the 1920s have found that pure saccharin consumption has no effects on blood sugar or insulin levels and is very safe, aspartame is digested just like dietary protein. Contact Dermatitis. There are mixed reports about the safety of aspartame. Nutrition. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener found in many diet sodas. Nature. 2015 Oct;25(10):736-42. See: Does it really matter if our gut flora get disrupted? Artificial Sweeteners May Change the Balance of Your Gut Bacteria. Formerly a business consultant, I've traded my company car to follow my passion in strength training. But the fact that it’s not absorbed in the small intestine means it makes it down to the large intestine and may affect our gut flora. M Y Pepino, C D Tiemann, B W Patterson, B M Wice, S Klein. human and rodent research show that consuming Stevia extract can alter the concentrations of several bacteria in our gut, although the effect is minor. Furthermore, if sucralose does inhibit bacterial growth, the type of inhibition would need to be identified as either bactericidal (killing the bacteria) or bacteriostatic (slowing bacterial metabolism), and the mechanisms of such inhibition should be elucidated. It’s no surprise that our bodies and gastrointestinal (GI) tract are home to more bacteria than we have cells in our body. News | April 1, 1998. The ADI for aspartame as set by the JECFA is 40 mg/kg/d. A bitter aftertaste: unintended effects of artificial sweeteners on the gut microbiome. Moreover, commercial saccharin is 95% glucose. Again, these could just be total flukes, but such correlations were also found on two other continents as well. You may republish this material online or in print under our Creative Commons licence. However, many people do what we’re all guilty of. So, all this time, artificial sweeteners were meant to stave off chronic diseases but may actually have been contributing to the problem due to microbial alterations. X Qin. 2014 Nov;10(11):637. In contrast to Suez et al.’s dubious correlation and 7-subject uncontrolled pilot study, a multitude of randomized controlled trials since the 1920s have found that pure saccharin consumption has no effects on blood sugar or insulin levels and is very safe even for diabetics up until the acceptable daily intake (ADI), which is 5 mg/kg/d as set by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). SB Ingle, EV Loftus, WJ Tremaine, et al. A 80 kg (176 lb) individual can only consume 12 packets of Coca Cola Stevia extract according to Coca Cola. Unfortunately, broad-range antibiotics also kill and stop the growth of good bacteria as well. 2013 Sep;36(9):2530-5. The researchers concluded that consuming artificial sweeteners disrupts our gut microbiome and causes metabolic disease, particularly glucose intolerance. There were only 2 analyses on humans. Methods and Materials 2.1. M B Abou-Donia, E M El-Masry, A A Abdel-Rahman, R E McLendon, S S Schiffman. The researchers do state glucose exposure (A1C) remained significantly different when adjusted for BMI between high users and non-users of sweeteners, but they don’t say how they selected these comparison groups or give any more details about this analysis. Undoubtedly, consumers of these food additives, which are otherwise perceived as safe, are unaware that these substances may influence their gut bacteria. According to an article on CNBC, bacteria found in the digestive system can become toxic after being exposed to only 1 mg per milliliter of sucralose and other artificial sweeteners. Is there anything I can do to help the gut bacteria survive if I still take Splenda? Are low-calorie sweeteners killing the little friends in our colon? May artificial sweeteners not sugar be the culprit of dramatic increase of inflammatory bowel disease in China? Inflammatory bowel disease in Chinese children: a multicenter analysis over a decade from Shanghai. Physiol Behav. 2012 Nov;67(5):315-6. First, most of this study was done on mice. Gut Microbes. The same healthy bacteria so vital to all healthy biological functions in the body. To determine if the relation between sweetener consumption and metabolic disease was causal or just a co-occurrence, they conducted a controlled experiment. Nothing reaches the large colon where most of our microbiota reside and no aspartame enters our blood or organs even at very high doses. R M Patel, R Sarma, E Grimsley. In experiments with animal models, sucralose was found to kill off as much as 50% of the "good" gut microbiome. But the fact that it’s not absorbed in the small intestine means it makes it down to the large intestine and may affect our gut flora. Study: Artificial Sweeteners Toxic to Digestive Gut Bacteria Artificial sweeteners commonly found in low-sugar foods can harm the gut microbial system. That should tell you something. But is sucralose bad for you? Microbiology. Stevia extract provides fuel for several bacteria in our colon and is metabolized in our body. Therefore, it’s not unexpected that even small amounts might modify bacterial communities. Each molecule of aspartame is metabolized into formaldehyde. None is digested. World J Gastroenterol. Splenda may act as a laxative because it alters the bacteria in your gut, particularly the good bacteria. You can also go with Stevia extract if you don’t mind its taste, but despite being ‘natural’, its safety track record is actually a bit worse than that of aspartame and sucralose. Metabolic effects of non-nutritive sweeteners. The Splenda company emphasizes that sucralose is hardly even absorbed into the body and, so, stays in the digestive tract to be quickly eliminated from the body. Almost any dietary change results in a change in bacterial concentrations in our gut. 2008 Jan;48(1):164-5. Nat Rev Endocrinol. Even if the group average increased significantly and the 4 subjects weren’t simply outliers (or consuming something else: their diets weren’t controlled), is suddenly going from zero to ~6 cans of Cola Tab a day for a week representative of long-term health effects? Systemic allergic dermatitis presumably caused by formaldehyde derived from aspartame. But how? Thus, Stevia extract can directly affect our gut health. Epidemiology of Pediatric IBD in a Population-based Cohort in Southern Alberta, Canada (1983–2005). 2013 Sep;24(9):431-41. You may not use our material for commercial purposes. Response to comment on Pepino et al. *takes a deep breath* the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Even though it’s produced synthetically, aspartame consists of entirely natural compounds: phenylalanine with an added methyl group and aspartic acid. Following the 12-wk recovery period, only the total anaerobes and bifidobacteria remained significantly depressed, whereas pH values, P-gp, and CYP3A4 and CYP2D1 remained elevated. It’s produced synthetically, but sucralose is merely a modified form of table sugar (sucrose), also called tri-chloro-sucrose. In the European Union, it is also known under the E number E955.It is produced by chlorination of sucrose, selectively replacing three of the hydroxy groups to give a 1,6-dichloro-1,6-dideoxyfructose–4-chloro-4-deoxygalactose disaccharide. Some in the scientific community were surprised that even minor concentrations of a sweetener—they’re talking about aspartame here—are sufficient to cause substantial changes in gut inhabitants. J Suez, T Korem, G Zilberman-Schapira, E Segal, E Elinav. Source. Approximately 11–27% of ingested sucralose is absorbed from the gut and is excreted in the kidneys. There had been studies done on artificial sweeteners and the gut bacteria of rats going back years, but there had never been any human studies… until now. Might the effect be large enough to actually cause changes in the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease? Indeed, a 2020 Canadian randomized controlled trial found no effect of aspartame consumption on the gut microbiota. This and other studies suggesting an effect of low/no-calorie sweeteners (LNCS) on the gut microbiota were found to show no evidence of an actual adverse effect on human health. Headache. For optimal health, it is recommended that we all try to cut down on both. S E Swithers. They had 7 subjects who didn’t consume artificial sweeteners consume the equivalent of 5.6 cans of Cola Tab every day for a week. What about in the United States? Let’s look at the more popular low-calorie sweeteners stevia, sucralose and aspartame. What About Other Artificial Sweeteners? Acesulfame K, another common artificial sweetener, was also found subsequently to be associated with changes in gut bacteria. To subscribe, select the "Subscribe on Android" button above. To reach the maximum intake that’s still almost certainly safe, an 80 kg person (176 lb) needs to consume 80 x 40 / 37 = 86 packets of Equal sweetener. U Gophna. Avoid diet drinks and foods sweetened with saccharin, aspartame and sucralose. So not only can inhibit the growth of good bacteria, but also harmful bacteria like E. coli. Bacteria are not known to metabolize sucralose (Labare and Alexander, 1993; Omran et al., 2013), but bacteria are often root symbionts that facilitate plants with uptake of various compounds. I'm now an online physique coach, scientist and international public speaker with the mission to help serious trainees master their physique. Sucralose has been found to be particularly damaging to your gut. It’s rapidly broken down to its constituent amino acids and absorbed. 2014 Nov 4;20(5):701-3. To bookmark this site, press the Ctrl + D keys on your Windows keyboard, or Command + D for Mac. Can’t get enough of artificial sweeteners? Extrapolating dosages is particularly difficult. Sucralose is an artificial sweetener and sugar substitute.The majority of ingested sucralose is not broken down by the body, so it is noncaloric. Most sucralose just passes through us, out via our feces. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014;127(17):3196-7. 2012 Aug;66(8):972. It’s produced synthetically, but sucralose is merely a modified form of table sugar (sucrose), also called tri-chloro-sucrose. Can J Gastroenterol. GUT bacteria and aspartame: why are we surprised? As a result, aspartame is digested just like dietary protein. Canada was the first country to approve the use of sucralose—what happened to their rates of IBD? The friendly bacteria in your gut are extremely important for your overall health. So correlations between sweetener usage, bodyweight and metabolic disease are entirely to be expected and are not evidence that sweeteners cause metabolic disease. Eur J Clin Nutr. So the results of the Suez et al. Essentially, the understanding we now have is that, because the body cannot digest sucralose, it travels through the human gastrointestinal track and damages it as it goes. P Ahlberg. If any changes are made to the original text or video, you must indicate, reasonably, what has changed about the article or video. The scientists found that toxins were released when gut bacteria were exposed to each artificial sweetener, and it only took a tiny amount of the artificial sweeteners to turn the bacteria toxic. Splenda (sucralose) has been shown, scientifically to kill off some of the important micro-organisms in your gut. Rates did seem to double after the approval of sucralose. They tested saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame, the artificial sweeteners in Sweet & Low, Splenda, and NutraSweet, and found that non-caloric artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the microbes in the gut. A study at Duke University found strong evidence that sucralose can reduce the amount of good bacteria in the gut by increasing the amount of acid in the lower part of the GI tract. You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that restrict others from doing anything permitted here. That may be why some people who are allergic to formaldehyde have such bad reactions to the stuff. Although Stevia extract can change our gut microbiota and reacts with compounds in our body, it appears to be safe up until the ADI, many scientific review papers and regulatory agencies agree that commonly used low-calorie sweeteners are safe for human consumption in any commonly used dosages, » Join in and discuss this article on Facebook. Fatter people always have more symptoms of metabolic syndrome, regardless of sweetener usage, so there’s no surprise here. Headache. M Y Pepino, S Klein. Or even your herbal iced tea. The Methods section in general is very brief and lacking in details. So, sucralose is not like some inert substance, but affects the blood sugar response. Does Splenda (sucralose) really kill good gut bacteria at normal doses (100-500mg per day)? After decades of stable rates of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, rates started to go up. Stevia extract’s ADI is expressed by the JECFA as 4 mg/kg/d steviol equivalent, which is equal to about 12 mg/kg/d rebaudioside A. It’s hard to do quick math with that and many products don’t report steviol equivalents, but this ADI is relatively low compared to aspartame and sucralose. Oral glucose load, P M Gillevet first, most of this study was done on mice digestive... Not apply legal terms or technological measures that restrict others from doing anything permitted here IBD rates rose..: overview of biological issues Shoemaker, P M Gillevet take Splenda researchers to talk about sweeteners plural. Bacteria, allowing harmful bacteria like E. coli ( still drinking Cola Tab gas production does sucralose kill gut bacteria down... 7521 ):181-6 could harm our gut microbiome has as many cells our... News reader subscribe, select the `` subscribe via E-Mail '' button above in details. 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