And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. And at the end of our prayers, it is as if we protested, "Lord God, I mean this." Where he is God sees his mark, his own possession, one who belongs to him, one over whom he watches, one whom he will keep in that 'hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.'". If the visible Church becomes invisible as the Church, the invisible Church emerges into visibility. To Israel God will prepare the way for protection during the Tribulation. The multitude that no man can number is a society. (Matthew 24:30, Matthew 24:31.). "We are waiting for the morning, When the beauteous day is dawning, We are, Quiet Talks on the Crowned Christ of Revelation, Page 94. HOW CAME THEY THERE? 1. 4. It is described and exhibited in its blessed results and completion, Revelation 7:15-17 : that for which they praise God is described Revelation 7:15; that for which they praise the Lamb, Revelation 7:14; and both in the 16th and 17th verses. They have crowns and thrones; the palm-bearers have neither. As in Revelation 5:14 and Revelation 11:16, Revelation 11:17, praise is accompanied by adoration and worship. Terrible judgments were about to break forth on the earth, but not until the servants of God were sealed could these judgments begin. We are apt to fancy that his was another flesh and another manhood from our own, whereas he was in all things made like unto his brethren, and was tempted in all points like as we are, though without sin. It is not said that they pass through it, but that they come out of it, thus leaving it behind them to run on after they are gone. Let us hold down our minds, and as Abraham drove away the birds which sought to devour his sacrifice, so let us drive away those flitting, wandering thoughts which are ever on the wing, and which destroy our sacrifice of prayer or praise. The first is to give a literal meaning (as Dusterdieck) to the winds, and to understand literal windstorms as part of the judgment upon the earth. Shall “tabernacle over them,” that is the exact word, as though he were a pavilion, a canopy over them. The white clothes were given to them, the palm branches are what they have earned. Of this human population in heaven four things are suggested. God will shake the heavens and the earth, but only with the view of ensuring that "things which cannot be shaken may remain." It is the garment of Christ. In acts of religious worship we come nigh to God, and are to conceive ourselves as in his special presence and we must come to God by Christ. Page 104. They have hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains; and we hear them say to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of their wrath is come; and who is able to stand? These sinless splendours! In worship. Then, too, we believe that mysteries of Providence will be disclosed. It is plainly an anticipated view. No man need be lost for lack of light. Not there many who have walked in the full blaze of gospel light, who, knowing much, have loved not at all; whose places, therefore, for there were places for them if they had shown themselves worthy of them, shall know them not; while there will be found in that wondrous company not a few who, amid much darkness, superstition, and error, have been true to the central truth of all, have clung to Jesus with full affiance of heart; and when it shall be inquired with something of wonder why this one or the other is so near to the throne, “He loved much,” or “She loved much,” will be the key and explanation of all. 2. Rev . V. THE FINAL BLESSEDNESS OF THE RIGHTEOUS HAS ITS FRUITION IN A GRACIOUS ALLIANCE WITH THE ETERNAL The Lamb "shall be their Shepherd," and shall guide them to the perpetual fountains of life and felicity; and God shall himself exempt them from all further sorrow or suffering. It would be impossible to come with Him if we had not gone to Him. It does not seem probable that any special design underlies the selection and arrangement here. There are no mere listeners there--all worship. In Old Testament times, men were saved, if I may say, on credit. This has led many commentators (Hengstenberg, Wordsworth, etc.) It is natural, rational, and consistent with every part of nature. I was a criminal--I am a righteous child. To those who are now in the world of glory we must add the multitude who shall believe in the Son of God ere the gospel dispensation comes to a close; and then, who shall be able to calculate their amount? That there are men who are yet to receive the seal of God. The angels may have been the "angels of the winds," just as in Revelation 14:18 an angel has power over fire, and in Revelation 16:5 we read of the "angel of the waters." They declare that for these his divine perfections he ought to be blessed, and praised, and glorified, to all eternity and they confirm it by their Amen. Revelation 1:10; Revelation 5:2; Revelation 6:10) to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea; that is, by letting loose the winds, as shown by Revelation 7:1 and Revelation 7:3. The Church of God is still a divided one, part on earth, and part in heaven. Their hymn of praise is beautiful. The realized presence and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not mentioned here. The second is the mention of Joseph instead of Ephraim. (1, Isaiah 49:10; Isaiah 25:8; Zechariah 14:16; 2, John 4:13-14; John 7:37-38; 3, John 1:14; 4, Hebrews 12:22-23), The conclusion may be accepted without the "hesitation." While Joseph is spoken of in verse 8, this evidently refers to Ephraim (Joseph's son), for Manasseh (Joseph's other son) also is included. No favourable outward circumstances, no wise organization, no well-ordered political constitution, can long uphold any community if the character of its members be godless and depraved. Already they were "a multitude which no man could number" (Revelation 7:9). Surely this vision should help us to a larger understanding of that infinite love. O blessed, blessed, blessed contemplation! Here the angels are doing it, like in chapter 5 (Rev 5:11-12). II. That invitation applies to the unconverted man, but is also to be applied to the believer. the poor soldier murmured; "I am only thirsty for my home and children;" and so, with that thirst unassuaged, and that heart-touching explanation of his dark journey, he died.—"Daily Telegraph.". Holy character can come but from the grace of God alone, from the operation of the Holy Spirit given by God in response to earnest desire. 1. The Feast of Tabernacles, it will be remembered, was at once the last, the highest, and the most joyful of the festivals of the Jewish year. All things were ready. (Daniel 12:10.) Revelation 7:9. Every infant voice that prays is heard amid the roar of the elements and the crash of worlds. They stand "before the throne and before the Lamb." This is indicative, without doubt, of the missions of the high-priestly Spirit of Christ from Heaven, the effects of which missions are figuratively represented in voices, thunders, lightnings, and earthquake (see the Exeg. So all blessing for time and eternity rests on the cross of Christ. When the judgments of God are abroad in the world, all the Disciples of Christ are sealed for preservation against them. One and all have had tribulation in some form or other. They are all there, all delivered, not from earthly trials, but from Divine judgments; not one of them is lost. We have its equivalent in the Lord's own words, "But there shall not a hair of your head perish." v. 111. Winds are the symbols of judgment. Christ is set forth in the character of Shepherd, as in John 10:11 and John 21:16. and whence came they? "They hunger no more, neither thirst any more," nor shall the sun or any heat strike upon them. When the Lord Jesus put to sea on the Galilean lake, we read that there were with him many other little ships, and when the calm came for his ship they were in the calm, too. The Blood of Christ has been the theme of every age. Chapter6 closes with the sixth seal and the seventh is not opened until chapter8. Rev 7:15. Rev . Not all Israel are of Israel (Romans 9:6). Those tears, already crystalized with joy, were about to be wiped away with the sunshine of eternal day, and all this oppression to be superseded by the palm of triumph and joy in the presence of God and the Lamb. Carry the clouds away and the angels that they have immediate access into God 's servants and angels on account! From the12tribes of Israel and not from earthly trials, but tribulation is not willing that any perish. Lord ( Revised Version ) Posannen, Breslau, 1860 ( see Revelation 5:9 ) later. Testament, no matter ; they will become more out-breaking, and would! 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