My sociology lecturer was telling me the other day about the origins of the saying "going round the bend" that its relationship with "going mad" literally comes from the way asylums were always situated in the past with a road leading to the asylum which was almost bent at a 45 degree angle and with trees lining each side of the road obscuring the asylum from the general public or community it … To cause to assume a curved or angular shape: bend a piece of iron into a horseshoe. Translation. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Another way to say Round The Bend? The 'bends' were also associated, by uninformed sufferers if not by latter-day doctors and scientists, with the nitrogen narcosis that frequently precedes the disease. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary Find more similar words at! Paul Hobson gave a closely similar story that referred to the old Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum in Melbourne, which closed in 1925. ….the earliest reference to this saying predates the building of most public asylums and states that it is specifically nautical slang. You could also say, more seriously, "It might drive her around the bend when she hears that her son's in trouble again." Mutual synonyms; balmy . That loud beeping noise is driving me round the bend! b. Nitrogen narcosis, called "rapture of the deep" by Jacques Cousteau, causes. Also 'round the twist'. Does biometric authentication in Android transfer any biometric data to the app? • ROUND THE BEND (adjective) Sense 1. Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word round the bend. You tell me, my American friends. If you say that someone or something drives you round the bend, you mean that you dislike them and they annoy or upset you very much. Translation. The meaning and word origin of “Christian with four aces”, Word/phrase that represents “unknowingly Arguing against something/explaining something based on false statement X given”. Compound Forms: Inglés: Español: drive [sb] round the bend v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end. ... John’s girlfriend keeps driving him around the bend because she always asks him questions when he gets home from the bar. Round the bend definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Games. Forums. It uses a minimal amount of music or lyrical ambiguity to paint a picture of despair. Sometimes you can use "Goofy" instead an adjective phrase "Round the bend". He said that the phrase was “an old naval term for anybody who is mad.”. Meaning: Informal or slang terms for mentally irregular. It's a weird book... very long, comprehensive, authored and edited by what appear to be academics but very strangely laid out and inconsistent in detail. Or is this new meaning of the expression coming round the bend (ie. 2. intoxicated from alcohol or drugs. The meaning is about traveling to California. Goofy and round the bend are semantically related. To what extent round the bend or loopy are linked to knots is unclear, and almost certainly no longer possible to discover. Synonyms for Round The Bend (other words and phrases for Round The Bend). Michael Grounds mentioned one, that the one-time Hudson River State Hospital near Poughkeepsie in New York State was sited round a bend in the river, so that inmates arriving there literally went round the bend. Our Apps are nice too! No smoking gun emerged from my research, as was indeed too much to hope, but 'round the bend' in the sense of lunacy may have originated from the characteristic appearance of some afflicted with symptoms of 'the bends', perhaps also prompted by the nitrogen narcosis typical of being just around the bend from the bends. Affixes dictionary. Bend definition is - to constrain or strain to tension by curving. What round the bend means in Telugu, round the bend meaning in Telugu, round the bend definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of round the bend in Telugu. late 13c., from Anglo-French rounde, Old French roont (12c., Modern French rond), probably originally *redond, from Vulgar Latin *retundus (source also of Provençal redon, Spanish redondo, Old Italian ritondo), from Latin rotundus "like a wheel, circular, round," related to rota "wheel" (see rotary). bend (n.2) "broad diagonal band in a coat-of-arms, etc.," mid-14c., from earlier sense of "thin, flat strap for wrapping round," from Old English bend "fetter, shackle, chain," from PIE *bhendh-"to bind" (see bend (v.)). Dictionary. Is there a name for the opposite of the gambler's fallacy? "Catch a ride to the end of the highway And we'll meet by the big red tree," The big red tree he's referring to are the California red woods. silly . The origin isn't clear, as some word experts suspect it has a nautical origin — a bend is a series of sailors' knots — while others think it's related to long, curved driveways leading to mental hospitals. Lists. batty . Is there any (security) reason in Windows for this very weird behavior? Definition of DRIVE SOMEONE ROUND THE BEND (phrase): annoy someone very much site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Round the Bend Lyrics: We don't have to worry / Life goes where it does / Faster than a bullet / From an empty gun / Turn yourself over / Loose change we could spend / Grinding down diamonds / Round Shak Lin is called Harpic because he is Clean Round The Bend…. Volume of a divisor on a smooth projective surface, How to solve the problem of people communicating issues late, but demanding an immediate reply, Letter or recommendation of supervisor who gave you a bad project. Quotes. bend (v.) Old English bendan "to bend a bow, bring into a curved state; confine with a string, fetter," causative of bindan "to bind," from Proto-Germanic base *band- "string, band" (source also of Old Norse benda "to join, strain, strive, bend"), from PIE root *bhendh- "to bind." Bend. "The first time I heard of 'the bend'," Mr. Lovejoy said, "was while I was employed in the caissons of the St. Louis bridge piers…I have seen a man doubled up as if he had violent cramps, rheumatism, sciatica, and the toothache combined." barmy . 1. a. Origin of 'buck up', meaning “to become encouraged”… American or British? The 'bends', a name first attested by OED from 1894 in the sense of symptoms of caisson disease (or, "more loosely, the whole disease"), took the name from the contortions of limbs and joints characteristic of some afflicted with the disease. The foremost red herring that obscured the origin of 'round the bend' appears as the first attestation of the phrase in OED: 1929 F. C. Bowen Sea Slang 114 Round the bend, an old naval term for anybody who is mad. To understand how would you translate the word Round the bend in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Round the bend or it’s Urdu translations. Several writers to mailing lists online had a different story about its origin, suggesting that mental institutions had long tree-lined driveways that curved at the end so that no one could actually see the buildings. Reply Find Tutor. Definition of round the bend. Page created 24 Jan. 2009, Problems viewing this page? "Because some of the workmen thought they distinguished a resemblance between the position of the sufferers and the then favorite attitude of fashionable women known as 'the Grecian bend'. Origin of the expression “Dead to rights”? (The more so as Victorians preferred their carriage drives to be curved ina fine elegant sweep, so even if asylum drives had routinely had a bend in them, that wouldn't have made them in any way special. So…can anyone nail down the first usage and etymology of the phrase? chiefly British, informal. The English language is forever changing. loony . Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. Having thus filleted, cooked and eaten the second and third red herrings, I was at a loss until I uncovered an oblique reference to caisson disease, also known as the 'bends', in the 1922 Longman New Universal Dictionary . See also: bend, round. The phrase is of 19th Century naval origin, and one theory says that it refers to the journey to, or from, the island now known as Telegraph Island – reached from India by means of a looping, bending route through the Strait of Hormuz and along a mountain-flanked inlet. • Being a glutton for punishment, a few days later we rounded it off by doing the Danube Knee bend towards Budapest. By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. World Wide Words is copyright © Michael Quinion, 1996–. "Round the twist" is a variant, first used in the 1960s. Quotes. One more of those, and you'll be around the bend. World Wide Words explores the three main theories for the phrase’s origins, which involve — respectively — river bends, curvy driveways, and nautical knots: idiotic . The old asylum was demolished and eventually replaced with a cricket oval – put the following into google maps and you’ll see what kind of bend it is: “Corben Oval, Fairfield, Victoria, Australia”. Rubie "Around the bend" means being insane or being crazy. Join Macmillan Dictionary on Twitter and Facebook for daily word facts, quizzes and language news. …that Trump had said at one of his rallies that the country had "turned the corner" on the pandemic. mad . ", The Sun, New York, New York, 12 Dec 1881, p. 4 (paywalled). The evening world, New York, March 03, 1904. The idea that 'round the bend' was an "old naval term", however, prompted me to search military slang glossaries. ": slang, figurative (make insane): volver loco a loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo"). Today, we talk of going “round the bend” to mean going mad. If you ask me, she's completely round the bend. Had it not been for those vague, darting silvery shapes, which I never managed to catch much less fillet, which were 'bends' as the nautical term for methods of attaching two lines to each other etc., and 'bends' as another name for the strongest planks in ships' hulls, and 'bends' as locations on rivers, roads and shorelines, I might have made the connection between 'the bends', that is, the symptoms of caisson disease, and the 'around the bend' of madness sooner. Information about round the bend … A A fascinating set of stories exists to explain this expression, meaning eccentric, crazy or insane. fruity . ing, bends v. tr. Around the bend definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, From "Thesaurus of Traditional English Metaphors" (2nd Ed) P.R.Wilkinson (pdf available on line) under the heading. Round the bend definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Gratuit. Peter Johns June 12, 2015 at 8:08 pm. Need to translate "round the bend" to Zulu? Forums. • At least 30 rounds went off in a matter of seconds. Definition of 'round the bend'. : crazy The pressure of his job nearly drove him round the bend. What led Yuri Gagarin to believe his hatch was not properly sealed? What is its origin? rev 2021.4.9.39043. Similar: cock-and-bull. What’s the origin of the latter expression? Harpic is the name of a famous English toilet cleaner whose motto was Cleans Round The Bend. How to enable BitLocker when booting Windows 10 from a non-Microsoft boot manager? Turning the corner? Learn more. I quit my job because my boss drove me around the bend every time I … World Wide Words tries to record at least a part of this shifting wordscape by featuring new words, word histories, words in the news, and the curiosities of native English speech. Adverb. someone to lean on When you're going round the bend Don't hold back Just keep it rollin' … In many ways, this is the quintessential song for "Sea Change", a true "breakup album" as bjengles3 stated. • We got on the Circle Line with a bag of sulphate and went round and round and got off at Liverpool Street. Things are getting worse,” Biden said. Vocabulary. more . insane . , and then married a diplomat from here in Guatemala in the 50s. that a person who just has queer turns may still be more or less OK but if you go beyond having queer turns and go "right round the bend" you're completely mad. out of one's wits. All rights reserved. Don't know – the OED's first quotation is from 1929 and calls it 'an old naval term'.While 'bend' has a couple of technical meanings relating to ships, I can't see why it should acquire this slang meaning. Adj. Definition of BE/GO ROUND THE BEND (phrase): become crazy. Q From Paul Hobson and Michael Grounds: You wrote in the 3 January issue of the newsletter that round the twist is a variation of round the bend. From here on, we are in the realm of imagination and supposition. 25 days ago. Symptoms of caisson disease, the 'bends', may include acute itching, paralysis, confusion, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and brain damage, among other symptoms that may be in sum or in part mistaken for madness, either by an outside observer or by the sufferer. ‘Some of his escapades almost drove me around the bend.’ ‘He continued to drive slightly further down the road, while Clive continued to drive him round the bend by finding fault with every possible camping place.’ ‘But hypocrisy really drove her around the bend - it … sort form. Definition of round the bend in the dictionary. 1 thought on “ Round the bend: nutty, knotty — or coming soon? nutty . and Old French roond.Compare Dutch rond, Danish and Swedish rund, German runde, all nouns from adjectives.Meaning "large round piece of beef" is recorded from 1650s. View by: Highest Rated; Most Recent; Oldest First +1. ... round the bend Round, round, round the bend People pushing harder Up against themselves Make their daggers sharper. The meaning of "drive someone around the bend" is: to make someone crazy, to irritate someone. • Robertson - fresh ink, and we will round it off in style. From the 1930s until comparatively recently, [Harpic's] slogan was "Cleans round the bend", the bend being the U-shaped trap behind the toilet bowl that prevents the bad air from the drains escaping into the bathroom. © … informal (UK also send sb round the bend) C2 to make someone very bored or very angry: My mother's been driving me around the bend. (adjective) Quinion remarks that the metaphor is close in meaning to "loopy"; Brewer's "Phrase and Fable" suggests that it is related to the metaphor contained in "having funny/queer turns"; i.e. What does round the bend mean? Designating a hook with a semicircular bend, causing the point to run up parallel to the shaft running down. Ria Mae. (idiomatic) Crazy, mad or insane. Some divers panic; others, like Mr. Cousteau, feel a drunken sense of invulnerability so overwhelming that some have been known to remove their breathing tube to share the gift of air with a passing fish. All rights reserved.This page URL: modified: 24 January 2009. Our Apps are nice too! round (n.) early 14c., "a spherical body," from round (adj.) As it happens, the river Hudson is straight near the Hudson River State Hospital and is some way away, as was the Yarra Bend Asylum from the Yarra. "Jacques Cousteau, Oceans' Impresario, Dies", The New York Times, June 26, 1997 (paywalled?). Look it up now! From the glassy look in her eyes, I'd say she is completely round the bend now. Play it by ear. Call us at 402-944-3105! Games. Around the Bend song meanings Add Your Thoughts 12 Comments. I think anyone who listens to "Round the Bend" by Beck would respectfully disagree. What does round the bend mean? "Old Work" electrical box: should it be screwed into the stud? “If you were sent to the loony bin,” one wrote, “you went around the bend in the driveway to get there.“. The conceptual links between round the bend and loopy (and with the more recent round the twist, which seems to have been a humorous reformulation of round the bend) are obvious enough, with the idea being of a person who is twisted or out of true, who is “bent” in a figuratively eccentric way. Here's how you say it. Meaning of round the bend. I do not recall hearing this expression until after I moved here to Latin America. Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange! She was born in Liverpool in 1917, was a "land girl" during the "blitz" Also see: round the bend in Hindi. What are some similar verses to Gita 2:26. At any rate, the metaphor appears to be to the twists of one's mind, not a carriage drive. With Monte Carlo off-policy learning what do we correct by using importance sampling? Origin. Michael Grounds mentioned one, that the one-time Hudson River State Hospital near Poughkeepsie in New York State was sited round a bend in the river, so that inmates arriving there literally went round the bend. wacky . The pose was known as the "Grecian Bend" (evidence in print from 1820). Theatrical sense (in phrase in the round) is recorded from 1944.Sense of "circuit performed by a sentinel" is from 1590s; that of "recurring course of time" is from 1710. Only at Word Panda dictionary [British, informal] People thought I was round the bend. Readers have pointed out that a bend in maritime terminology is a class of knots, specifically those that either join two ropes or link a rope to something else (or is the latter a hitch? Donate via PayPal. Why would humans want "mindless" human clones and be legal? Cookies and privacy Also see: round the bend in Hindi. And more... English Telugu Dictionary. : My sociology lecturer was telling me the other day about the origins of the saying "going round the bend" that its relationship with "going mad" literally comes from the way asylums were always situated in the past with a road leading to the asylum which was almost bent at a 45 degree angle and with trees lining each side of the road obscuring the asylum from the general public or community it was sited in. Hull Daily Mail, 11 September 1936, p. 10 (paywalled). Written by lead singer John Fogerty, this is a very upbeat Creedence Clearwater Revival, giving a hint that, as bad as things were in the early '70s, there might be some hope for the future: Things would improve "Around The Bend." nautical terminology always trips me up). All of these guys were from California. go around the bend: [verb] to go crazy. Round the bend/twist Origin and History - Mad, crazy, insane dates from the 1600s, derives from bending or twisting something out of true. Dictionary. “As my grandfather would say, this guy’s gone around the bend if he thinks we’ve turned the corner. Meaning of round the bend. In Shute's flight log of his trip to Australia he reveals that when he was passing through Malaya on his return flight to England he met a member of the RAF whose officer was called Harpic for the same reason. “What drove me round the bend was how incredibly pretentious everyone at the party was.”. To counter these tales, all we have is just one entry in the Oxford English Dictionary, from Frank Bowen’s, Sea slang: a Dictionary of the Old-Timers’ Expressions and Epithets, dated 1929. crazy . Context example: it used to drive my husband balmy. Round the Bend! Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Round the bend - definition of round the bend by The Free Dictionary. Information and translations of round the bend in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Definition of round the bend in the Dictionary. Round the bend adjective – Informal or slang terms for mentally irregular. Bob Moses. Round the Bend Steakhouse is one of the premier steakhouses in Nebraska. That, in turn, led me to "Harpic" and Nevil Shute's 1951 Round the Bend (see material under "Harpic" at both links). "Why is it called 'the bend'?" Forum > What is the implicit meaning of 'around the bend'? Don't Hold Back. A week on vacation with my relatives is enough to drive me around the bend. 1 Answers. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. What does round-the-bend mean? What is a proper synonym for 'keep somebody/something away'? What does round-the-bend mean? (idiomatic) Crazy, mad or insane. It leaves the story of this idiom in an unsatisfactory state. round the bend synonyms, round the bend pronunciation, round the bend translation, English dictionary definition of round the bend. See also: bend, drive. Synonyms for around the bend include null, barmy, batty, crazy, wild, off your head, bananas, off your rocker, out of one's head and out of one's tree. Origin Mid 19th century; earliest use found in Thomas Stoddart (1810–1880), angler. Copyright © Michael Quinion, 1996–. Definition of round the bend in the dictionary. Recently, American presidential candidate Joe Biden pointed out ……. Drive sb round the bend definition: If you say that someone or something drives you round the bend , you mean that you... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The idea behind it seems to be that while you could say that an odd person "has/takes funny turns", a mad person has gone beyond that and is completely "round the bend". round the bend definition in English dictionary, round the bend meaning, synonyms, see also 'round',round',round and round',baton round'. Some of these words can also be considered Round the bend synonyms. The definition of "drive someone around the bend" is: to make someone crazy, to irritate someone "drive someone around the bend" means. Join Macmillan Dictionary on Twitter and Facebook for daily word facts, quizzes and language news. The meaning of "drive someone around the bend" is: to make someone crazy, to irritate someone. daft . Having thus filleted, cooked and eaten the second and third red herrings, I was at a loss until I uncovered an oblique reference to caisson disease, also known as the 'bends', in the 1922 Longman New Universal Dictionary. Meaning of round the bend. The idea behind it seems to be that while you could say that an odd person "has/takes funny turns", a … 3bend n 1 bending or being bent 2 a curved part, … 3 pl[ural] but sing[ular] in constr[uction] CAISSON DISEASE – round the bend mad, crazy — inf[or]m[a]l . It only takes a minute to sign up. What's the origin of the phrase “around the horn”? The 1929 date of Sea Slang was of course too early to support either Harpic's slogan or Shute's Round the Bend as the origin of 'round the bend' in the sense of "insane". What is the definition of "drive someone around the bend"? Why do two heaters with the same power produce different heat? Forums pour discuter de bend, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. dotty . Sea Slang is a compilation of slang, and so not the first use of the phrase, and likely not the first appearance in print. Vocabulary. Meanings of the word Round the bend in Urdu are . Around the corner (of a path, route or road) around the corner. English Punjabi Dictionary. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. General CommentThis song was written by Jack Irons (Pearl Jam drummer before Soundgarden's Matt Cameron took his place) as a … bend - traduction anglais-français. is a satirical British children's television series, which ran on Children's ITV for three series from January 6, 1989 to May 7, 1991. Information and translations of round the bend in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. around the proverbial corner) — at least on American shores? Going round the bend. a host of irrational behaviors. New words appear; old ones fall out of use or alter their meanings. How to use bend in a sentence. See more words with the same meaning: to become angry, go crazy, freak out . around the bend definition: 1. mentally confused or unable to act in a reasonable way: 2. mentally confused or unable to act…. Meaning: Playing something by ear means that rather than sticking to a defined plan, … bonkers . What is the implicit meaning of 'around the bend'? We are all at sea in two ways. English Telugu Dictionary. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Located in between Lincoln & Omaha nestled in the rolling hills of the Platte River Valley. The 1929 date of Sea Slang was of course too early to support either Harpic's slogan or Shute's Round the Bend as the origin of 'round the bend' in the sense of "insane". 21 days ago. -around the bend is refering to when he gets out just a thought, im not sticking the song to this meaning or anything i just thought it made sense let me know what you think richie8092 on April 09, 2006 Link Define round the bend. Jonathon Green, in the Chambers Slang Dictionary, says that it's likewise nautical slang, dating from slightly later than round the bend; he points to a connection with the Scots loopy, meaning cunning (possibly, as Eric Partridge noted many years ago, an ironic reference). Come round the bend '' is: to become angry, go crazy freak! Rallies that the country had `` turned the corner the gambler 's fallacy of round the bend to... Was an `` old Work '' electrical box: should it be screwed into the stud military slang glossaries )... 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