In Matthew 28:18, following Jesus’ death and resurrection, He says, “All authority on heaven and on earth has been given to me.”. It is entirely appropriate that Christians take advantage of this circumstance; we should be both willing and able to explain to our friends—at least those who have some reverence for Christianity—the significance of the Lord’s resurrection. We affirm the Christian Magna Carta which proclaims the basic rights, implicit in the Gospel, of every human being. (Mark 7:8,9,13; Gen. 4:21,22; I Cor. A church that is not a missionary church is contradicting itself and quenching the Spirit. But it didn’t end there. YWAMers give themselves, their time and talents to God through the mission with no expectation of remuneration. We honor our Master’s victory over death—not once a year, but every week! Be visionaryYWAM is called to be visionary, continually receiving, nurturing, and releasing fresh vision from God. The Significance of the Resurrection. We seek to honor God with all that we do, equipping and mobilizing men and women of God to take roles of service and influence in every arena of society. Meanwhile, we rededicate ourselves to the service of Christ and of people in joyful submission to his authority over the whole of our lives. 2:5,6; Acts 4:12; John 3:16-19; II Pet. 1:18-32; I Tim. The resurrection of Jesus Christ proves the gospel to be true (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Champion young peopleYWAM is called to champion youth. (Eph. But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins…” He said to the paralytic, “I tell you, get up, pick up your mat, and go home.”. 1:8; Phil. Every ministry at every level has the privilege and responsibility of accountability to a circle of recognized spiritual elders. We also recognize the intent of Satan to destroy the work of God and we call upon God’s power and the Holy Spirit to overcome his strategies in the lives of individuals and in the affairs of nations. Further, the Holy Spirit is a missionary spirit; thus evangelism should arise spontaneously from a Spirit-filled church. We believe God has gifted and called young people to spearhead vision and ministry. (Acts 17:26,31; Gen. 18:25; Isa. John 20:1ff) as they gather to worship God in the regular assembly of the church (cf. We celebrate the calling of the Lord Jesus upon our mission to be involved in evangelism, training, and ministries of mercy. Paul affirmed that Christ is “declared to be the Son of God with power . Be international and interdenominational YWAM is international and interdenominational in its global scope as well as its local constituency. Everything done in obedience to God is spiritual. The founder of Islam is dead and his bones lie dormant in the earth. For we detect the activity of our enemy, not only in false ideologies outside the Church but also inside it in false gospels which twist Scripture and put people in the place of God. We desire to be united through lives of holiness, mutual support, transparency, humility, and open communication, rather than a dependence on structures or rules. The practical dimensions of life are no less spiritual than the ministry expressions. Accordingly, we will, by God’s grace and mercy, proclaim the good news and perform acts of mercy so that men and women will embrace the truth of the gospel. 9:19-23; Mark 16:15; Isa. To the faithful, Christ’s work is seen to bring forgiveness and salvation—making one right with God. This doesn’t sound like a very good Friday. 1:27; John 17:11-23), 8. 2:5-7; II Cor. 28:19; Eph. (Matthew 28:9-10). But we deny that this can save, for people suppress the truth by their unrighteousness. 19:18; Luke 6:27,35; Jas. We declare our total and utter dependence upon God and ask Him to continually revive our hearts so that we will always be a mission that intercedes for the nations and seeks God for His direction and guidance. When people receive Christ they are born again into his kingdom and must seek not only to exhibit but also to spread its righteousness in the midst of an unrighteous world. We also embrace the inclusion of single-parent families. For example, although careful studies of church growth, both numerical and spiritual, are right and valuable, we have sometimes neglected them. 1:9,10; 3:9-11; Gal. We believe that a combination of complementary gifts, callings, perspectives, ministries, and generations working together in unity at all levels of our mission provides wisdom and safety. 10. 15. To the task of making that treasure known in the power of the Holy Spirit we desire to dedicate ourselves anew. He emphasized to us the importance of public repentance for the Crusades and the great offense they have caused. Unlike other religions, Christianity possesses a Founder who transcends death and promises that His followers will do the same. 14. It was a real death. (II Tim. We support the pioneering of new ministries and methods, always willing to be radical in order to be relevant to every generation, people group, and sphere of society. God is raising up from the younger churches a great new resource for world evangelization and is thus demonstrating that the responsibility to evangelize belongs to the whole body of Christ. In fact, though pascha is found twenty-nine times in the Greek New Testament, it is only rendered “Easter” once, even in the KJV. It was no mere mortal who rose from the dead on that Easter morning, it was the Son of God. We are dependent upon hearing His voice as individuals, together in team contexts, and in larger corporate gatherings as an integral part of our process for decision making. We affirm the value of the individual. We call unto his Holy Spirit, through whom we can do all things for a renewed apostolic anointing; We reaffirm our commitment to the words of the Lord that we call our Values, as well as his vision for YWAM of evangelism, training and mercy ministries; We covenant with the Lord to follow him into the vision of Project 4K as our next challenge as a mission, and deeply desire his blessings for a new surge of apostolic pioneering; We agree with his word to us to encourage the newest to the oldest YWAMers to seek to know and obey his voice in the freedom of the Spirit, and to release them into the fullness of the promises of God; We joyfully submit our personal ministries and the corporate ministries we lead to the spiritual eldership of the GLT and the appropriate elderships at other levels under the GLT; We choose afresh to be transparent and open in our relationships with each other, and to give fresh emphasis in our mission to God’s Word as our compass and plumbline for daily living; We commit to our responsibility as elders to serve and encourage those under our care with love, as loving servants, respecting their dignity and value as his children, and giving godly coaching for them to be released to fulfill the fresh new words from the Lord; We commit to serve our leaders by submitting major leadership appointments, new visions or changes of directions, policies, and practices in the ministries we lead, supporting and encouraging a spiritual environment of trust, unity, love, and peace within YWAM, that we may enjoy the complete fellowship God intends for us within our YWAM relationships; Therefore, we covenant with God this day to be available at all times and in all places to His call and purpose in this 21st century, to be all that we can be and do all that we can do to fulfill His Great Commission here and everywhere. Before he ascends to heaven, he gives it back to his followers, who’s sins are now covered, past, present, and future. – Have a Christian education available for their children. Christ’s death for them means that they must be regenerated (a resurrected heart), justified (the resurrection verdict), preserved (a resurrected life), and glorified (the future resurrection). A servant leader is one who honors the gifts and callings of those under his/her care and guards their rights and privileges. We called this response to the Lord our Red Sea Covenant. Christians are not authorized to celebrate Easter as a special annual event acknowledging the resurrection of Christ. ISSN: 1559-2235. “As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. He is blaspheming! For God’s revelation in Christ and in Scripture is unchangeable. And if it was a real death, this would also mean that it was a real resurrection, one who was dead actually coming back to life. 11. Revelation 12:11). 17. – Exercise leadership in calling and mobilizing our organization to receive God’s anointing and enabling power to reach the Muslim peoples of the world. We decided to give no room to the enemy to undermine God’s direction to us or to place doubts in our hearts. 13:1-3; Luke 4:18; Gal. Second, Jesus’ resurrection represents an assurance that we can have forgiveness from our sins. Practice hospitality YWAM affirms the ministry of hospitality as an expression of God’s character and the value of people. Grace so simple that we never truly grasp the unexplainable, unimaginable beauty of His sacrifice. ©2021. Since then, the Covenant has challenged churches and Christian organizations to work together to make Jesus Christ known throughout the world. . We pledge ourselves to seek a deeper unity in truth, worship, holiness, and mission. For example, take the story in Mark chapter 2 of a paralyzed man who was brought to Jesus: Then a paralytic was brought to Him, carried by four men. We are approaching the most celebratory weekend in all of history: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago, that forever shifted eternity. He already paid for you to be free; it’s your time to receive the free gift. What Jesus did was He took the authority back from Satan. Because men and women are God’s creatures, some of their cultures is rich in beauty and goodness. Jesus Christ, being himself the only God-man, who gave himself as the only ransom for sinners, is the only mediator between God and people. 1:23; II Cor. The definition of this word is “saved, healed, and delivered.” This means that not only did the death of Jesus save us, but it healed us. We confess with shame that we have often denied our calling and failed in our mission, by becoming conformed to the world or by withdrawing from it. The Greek word is pascha, correctly rendered “Passover” in later translations. We affirm the importance of accountability between Youth With A Mission as a whole and its various bases, ministries, teams, and schools. He was the only sinless human to walk the earth, because “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). Evangelism and CultureThe development of strategies for world evangelization calls for imaginative pioneering methods. 5:19; Acts 1:8; Psa. Those of us who live in affluent circumstances accept our duty to develop a simple life-style in order to contribute more generously to both relief and evangelism. While we gathered in several prayer times for the Muslim world, God spoke to us (through Ezekiel 47) of new depths of anointing He wants to bestow upon us, giving the clear impression that this is but a first step in an era – defining outpouring of His spirit on our mission. Jesus warned us before he went to be crucified that the world would hate us for following Him (John 15:18). We need to break out of our ecclesiastical ghettos and permeate non-Christian society. (I Tim. – Have a Christian fellowship available nearby, to be able to meet for fellowship regularly each week, and to have Biblical teaching and worship with others in the Body of Christ. Faith without works is dead. We know our need to equip ourselves with God’s armor and to fight this battle with the spiritual weapons of truth and prayer. The message of the Bible is addressed to all men and women. But evangelism itself is the proclamation of the historical, biblical Christ as Saviour and Lord, with a view to persuading people to come to him personally and so be reconciled to God. • Three days after His death, His body went missing. We affirm the ministry of hospitality and commit ourselves to open our bases, homes, and hearts to all those God sends to us. Since Christ’s death purchases resurrection and life, then everyone for whom Christ died must also experience resurrection life with Him. (Rom. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to make a way. We affirm the importance of the local church. (I Cor. 9:19-23; Phil. To proclaim Jesus as “the Saviour of the world” is not to affirm that all people are either automatically or ultimately saved, still less to affirm that all religions offer salvation in Christ. 1:7-9; John 4:42; Matt. Because men and women are made in the image of God, every person, regardless of race, religion, color, culture, class, sex, or age, has an intrinsic dignity because of which he or she should be respected and served, not exploited. The Power of the Holy SpiritWe believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. PROPOSITION: To understand and know the 1) Death, 2) Burial, and 3) Resurrection of Jesus. I argued last time that the early Christians placed more significance on the exaltation of Christ to heaven than on his resurrection from the dead. Acts 12:4; John 20:1; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2; 1 Corinthians 15:14; Romans 1:4; 1 Corinthians 15:17; Acts 2:38, 22:16; Revelation 1:17-18; 1 Timothy 6:13; 1 Corinthians 15:20, 23; Revelation 12:11, Jackson, Wayne. 9:28; Mark 13:10; Acts 1:8-11; Matt. 3:3,5; Matt. We acknowledge that we ourselves are not immune to worldliness of thoughts and action, that is, to a surrender to secularism. Youth With A Mission (YWAM) affirms the Bible as the authoritative word of God and, with the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, the absolute reference point for every aspect of life and ministry. When you receive the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He does three things for you: He removes your transgressions; He remembers your sins no more; He releases you from your iniquities “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities” (Isaiah 53:5). Now that is a good Friday. We affirm the importance of doing God’s work, God’s way. 6:3,4; II Tim. Faithful children of God reflect upon the Savior’s resurrection every Sunday (the resurrection day – cf. We affirm that God wants both young and old, male and female, in positions of leadership and responsibility in our mission. The goal should be, by all available means and at the earliest possible time, that every person will have the opportunity to hear, understand, and to receive the good news. Third, the resurrection tells the world that the kingdom of God is ruled by a living sovereign. –  Be careful to keep our vision whole, seeing both Jews and Arabs as God’s beloved creation. 9:1-3; I Cor. 12. We affirm God’s calling upon our mission to focus on reaching those who have not been reached with the Gospel. 3. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”, But some of the scribes were sitting there and contemplating in their hearts, “Why does this man speak like this? God, who is the giver of life (1 Timothy 6:13), has the power to reanimate the human body. 1:21; Rom. It became obvious that we were not to participate in the acrimony that exists between Christians, Arabs, and Jews. 6:14,17; II Cor. We recognize this to be a biblical responsibility and we joyfully embrace the privilege of serving and honoring guests, teachers, fellow YWAMers, and the poor and the needy through this ministry. Jesus comes and he not only forgives them. 3:16; II Pet. Through it the Holy Spirit still speaks today. We are deeply stirred by what God is doing in our day, moved to penitence by our failures, and challenged by the unfinished task of evangelization. The Purpose of GodWe affirm our belief in the one eternal God, Creator and Lord of the world, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who governs all things according to the purpose of his will. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Introduction The death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ are the most important events in human history. (John 9:4; Matt. – Gather at the times and in the places which He indicates in order to seek Him together toward these purposes. The church is the community of God’s people rather than an institution, and must not be identified with any particular culture, social or political system, or human ideology. However, this grace, gift of salvation, freedom, and life makes it all worth it. Jesus appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus. 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