In the Arab world, it is known as the June War, or simply as “the Setback.” Never has a conflict so short, unforeseen, and largely unwanted by both sides so transformed the world. Six days is a dystopian sci fi adventure which is aimed at a younger YA audience. Writing with a novelist’s command of narrative and a historian’s grasp of fact and motive, Michael B. Oren reconstructs both the lightning-fast action on the battlefields and the political shocks that electrified the world. I'd never heard of a professional army so completely breaking and running in the face of enemy. . Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. This isn't a criticism, but an observation - the leadup to the war referred to in the book as 'Countdown' takes 170 pages, whereas the detailing of the six days takes 134 pages. Still, I felt like it was a balanced narrative and it gave me a. I think the best way to describe this book is "exhaustive but not exhausting." Oren's perspective is that of an Israeli historian who has been involved in Israeli government, but he's capable of taking a few steps back and criticizing Israel for its decisions at key moments in a conflict that fundamentally reshaped world politics. I'm not sorry I pushed my way through, but I only suggest attempting it if you're very committed to the topic. Neither Israel nor its Arab neighbors wanted or expected a fight in June 1967; the consensus view among historians holds that the unwanted combat resulted from a … Praise for Six Days of War “Powerful . With maps handy (I used MapQuest's terrain and satellite maps) it is an easy read that provides a full background, gives just enough operational detail and connects the events of June,1967 to the ongoing Arab-Israeli contest. . President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt insisted that the Israeli Air Force was incapable of attacking Egyptian Air Force bases — in fact the successful Israeli attack on Egyptian air fields was a key factor in Israel's victory. This resulted in the battles of Antietam and South Mountain. Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East is an international bestseller authored by Michael B Oren which gives a detailed account of the war between two countries. I'd bought it on a lark back then, and my expectations going into it now were that it would be a detailed, unbiased telling of the 1967 Middle Eastern conflict, and that it would live up to the subtitle and draw connections to contemporary personalities and events (from 2002, when it was published). I agree with those who call "lazy" the pundits who claim the rise of Islamic fundamentalism finds its roots in the disappointment of 1967. Painstakingly researched and scrupulously fair, Oren's strength is dealing with the causes and effects of the war. 1967 seems to be such a pivotal moment both in Israeli and Arab psyche and had wider implications in the perspective of the Cold War. Politically appointed officers is always a red flag for combat forces, and stories are plentiful of the incompetence of political officers in the field, but in the example of the Egyptian Army, the senior officers broke and ran away immediately...and the rest of the army simply fol. An engaging, comprehensive and balanced day-by-day history of the Six Day War that puts it into the context of the wider Cold War, with more of a focus on the war’s politics and diplomacy than the battles. Israeli war dead numbered between 700 to 800. Defence Minister Moshe Dayan quickly branded it the “Six-Day War” in a conscious allusion to the six days of the Creation in the book of Genesis. I'd never heard of a professional army so completely breaking and running in the face of enemy. This definitely is the most comprehensive work to date on the Six Day War. As usual, reality is more complicated than that. It is a great resource for anyone interested in this time period. Covers all the major players and conflicting motivations. Ambassador Oren's narrative confirms those vague impressions, but he also provides the detail to flesh out the story. At the time I remember following the news about the war on T. V. I have read biographies of many of the key people in this book so I am very familiar with the events. Can send you an ebook if you want? He discusses every diplomatic move and counter-move that the belligerent countries and their superpower allies (the U.S. and U. S. S. R.) made, and how those decisions impact Middle East policy to this day. Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? My actual, literal, fake-wood-and-screw bookshelf has two shelves devoted to unread books that I have accumulated, and continue to accumulate at a fantastic pace. I must admit the start of this book left me a little confused. Six Days of War begins with a Strategic Segment of card play and counter-play as each side adjusts its diplomatic standing and “war footing” and shifts unit positions on the map. I think Oren did an admirable job of being objective about the circumstances and events of the war, although with any book about such an ideological war I think there is never any complete lack of slant. One of the more readable tracts on the Israeli offensive. ISBN: 9780195151749 It's an impressive work, no question, and highly educational. ...IT'S RARE for one discrete historical event occurring over a few days to have an impact that persists for decades. In the absence of a condolence message Israel retaliated, reasoning that although the Jordanian state was not behind the attack, the people of Jordan had offered shelter to the attackers — this became one of the series of episodes that led to war. I found this book about the Six Days of War by Michael B. Oren most interesting. Are you still there? One resource website I found while writing this review is. PDF | On Jun 1, 2017, Efraim Karsh published the Six Day War: An Inevitable Conflict | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate As one former classmate remembered, “He was a liar, a braggart, a schemer, and a prima donna—and in spite of that, the object of deep admiration.” Equally contrasting were the opinions about him. Devotees such as Meir Amit found him “original, daring, substantive, focused,” a commander who “radiated authority and leadership [with] … outstanding instincts that always hit the mark.” But many others, among them Gideon Rafael, saw another side of him: “Rocking the boat is his favorite tactic, not to overturn it, but to sway it sufficiently for the helmsman to lose his grip or for some of its unwanted passengers to fall overboard.” In private, Eshkol referred to Dayan as Abu Jildi, a scurrilous one-eyed Arab bandit.”, Los Angeles Times Book Prize for History (2002). That the book is mostly objective, if not without bias and blind spots was a pleasant surprise to me therefore). That's not to say he lets the Arabs off the hook for the many. A Hebrew translation of Six Days of War was made available in June 2007. Hardcover. You are thrown in at the … Oren is noticeably weaker when discussi. This is a wonderfully concise, well-written history of the war between Israel and Egypt, Syria, and Jordan that lasted only six days in June 1967. Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East ... Book Author. As usual, reality is more complicated than that. Oren has really done his homework: he presents the decision making and personalities on all sides of the conflict: Egypt, Israel, the USSR, the US, Syria, and Jordan. ), people for whom 7 days is just way too long for a war. 6-1/8 x 9-1/4 inches . Every important detail (and some unimportant ones..the book is long) is covered and the bias is usually limited to careful word choice or perspective, and does not extend to misreporting the "hard facts". . Nervous breakdown, fog of war, big-power politics and numerous other features are added to provide a clear picture of this uniquely short war that is still going on. The task of writing a balanced, dispassionate, but not falsely "objective," history of the Six-Day War is daunting, but Michael Oren meets the challenge about as well as I can imagine. This is a comprehensive, panoramic, and very well-sourced history of a pivotal conflict in Middle Eastern history. Michael B. Oren's Six Days of War is probably the most comprehensive book published on Israel's 1967 conflict with the Arab world to date. The PLO formally came into being during a 1964 meeting of the first Palestinian Congress. I'd bought it on a lark back then, and my expectations going into it now were that it would be a detailed, unbiased telling of the 1967 Middle Eastern conflict, and that it would live up to the subtitle and draw connections to contemporary personalities and events (from 2002, when it was published). A towering work of history and an enthralling human narrative, Six Days of War is the most important book on the Middle East conflict to appear in a generation. The New York Times Book Review wrote positively of Six Days of War, as did the Washington Post which calls it "not only the best book so far written on the Six Day War, it is likely to remain the best." Key Facts & Summary The Six Days War, also known as the June War or Arab-Israeli War, happened between June 5-10, 1967. How this limited operation snowballed into a major war that led to the capture of the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai, and Golan represents a central theme of Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East. That's not to say he lets the Arabs off the hook for the many many disastrous choices and attitudes that ignited and then determined the outcome of the June 1967 war. Oren, Michael. I give it a rare five star rating for the effort and detail exercised by the author. Michael B. Oren s magnificent Six Days of War, an internationally acclaimed bestseller, is the first comprehensive account of this epoch-making event. Michael B. Oren's Six Days of War is probably the most comprehensive book published on Israel's 1967 conflict with the Arab world to date. Pre-publication book reviews and features keeping readers and industry influencers in the know since 1933. The Israelis worked hard, planning meticulously for the possibility of war with an army that drilled diligently. The same plan is mentioned in other sources (e.g. Though it lasted for only six tense days in June, the 1967 Arab-Israeli war never really ended. Shortly thereafter, the group began to splinter into various factions. Reads like an action novel but it's all true. If I wanted to write a dissertation on the Six Day War in particular, or even on Israeli history in general, I would probably view this book as a godsend. If I wanted to write a dissertation on the Six Day War in particular, or even on Israeli history in general, I would probably view this book as a godsend. And the balance of power changed—in the Middle East and in the world. I accept that. Secretary of State Concern of Impending War. He discusses every diplomatic move and counter-move that the belligerent countries and their superpower allies (the U.S. and U. S. S. R.) made, and how those decisions impact Middle East policy to this day. Category » The Six-Day War ... Summary of the 1967 War. He is the author of the best-selling Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East. A towering work of history and an enthralling human narrative, Six Days of War is the most important book on the Middle East conflict to appear in a generation. It isn't a social history nor is it investigative. I did find that I was wanting to get to the account of Days 1-6 faster than the book would let me. Oren emphasizes that war was intended by neither side, rather, as with the July Crisis starting World War I, war resulted from an escalating series of events, some of them purely accidental. It hit my Civil War sweet spot. Painstakingly researched and scrupulously fair, Oren's strength is dealing with the causes and effects of the war. Egyptian and Syrian military incompetence and the sense that Israel's back was against the wall; these were my impressions of the war as it was acted out. Back to Aftermath and Analysis Page We have made every effort to give full accreditation and endeavoured to ensure that copyright has been respected. In 1963, the Arab League decided to introduce a new weapon in its war against Israel the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Israel's 1967 Six Day War--from June 5 to June 10, 40 years ago this week--is just such an event.Though perhaps not immediately apparent at the time, the war's aftermath cast a huge shadow over the Middle East and the world. CHERISHED ZIONIST MYTHS GET A VENEER OF RESPECTABILITY, I think the best way to describe this book is "exhaustive but not exhausting." Ultimately, Six Days of War June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East paints a fascinating portrait of the war that still dictates Mid-East negotiations. Its major cities were no longer within range of Arab guns. It was readable and interesting, but quite dense and detail-heavy. I think Oren did an admirable job of being objective about the circumstances and events of the war, although with any book about such an ideological war I think there is never any complete lack of slant. U.S. The Yom Kippur War, the war in Lebanon, the Camp David accords, the controversy over Jerusalem and Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the intifada, and the rise of Palestinian terror are all part of the outcome of those six days of intense Arab-Israeli fighting in the summer of 1967. Reviewer. 480 Pages | 48 halftones, line drawings & maps . “Employ hindsight but humbly, remembering that life and death decisions are made by leaders in real-time, and not by historians in retrospect.”, “It is rather like arguing with an Irishman,” wrote Michael Hadow of his many conversations with Dayan. I'd say it met those expectations for the most part as a narrative, but I'm. [citation needed], Norman Finkelstein wrote a critical review, calling Six Days of War an "apologetic narrative" in which Oren "basically reiterates the official Israeli version of the June war. A highly readable, even gripping account of the 1967 conflict . Oren has really done his homework: he presents the decision making and personalities on all sides of the conflict: Egypt, Israel, the USSR, the US, Syria, and Jordan. Praise for Six Days of War “Powerful . It yields a basis for an ideology. I recommend it. Ambassador Oren's narrative confirms those vague impressions, but he also provides the detail to flesh out the story. This is a very detailed narrative of the Six Days War in June of 1967, and it follows all of the major military and political threads as events unfolded. With maps handy (I used MapQuest's terrain and satellite maps. Oren's perspective is that of an Israeli historian who has been involved in Israeli government, but he's capable of taking a few steps back and criticizing Israel for its decisions at key moments in a conflict that fundamentally reshaped world politics. Positive reviews have been published by the Atlantic Monthly, the New Republic, The Guardian, Newsweek International,[4] The Economist, and by noted historian John Keegan[citation needed] and noted Israeli New Historian Benny Morris. I'd say it met those expectations for the most part as a narrative, but I'm left wanting more synthesis and insight from the author, Michael B Oren. The best history of the six-day war I have read. Reviewer Title. Professor, International Relations, James Madison College & Michigan State. Really want to read it but i am presently located at nasirabad a remote place next to ajmer. Though it lasted for only six tense days in June, the 1967 Arab-Israeli war never really ended. I had somewhat of a sketchy rememberance of the 6 Day War from 1967, but digging into the details was rather eye opening. “He enjoys knocking down ideas just for the sake of argument and one will find him arguing in completely opposite directions on consecutive days.” Indeed, Dayan was a classic man of contradictions: famed as a warrior, he professed deep respect for the Arabs, including those who attacked his village, Nahalal, in the early 1930s, and who once beat him and left him for dead. The conflict involved Israel and the Arab countries - Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq, supported by Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, and Sudan. 1967 seems to be such a pivotal moment both in Israeli and Arab psyche and had wider implications in the perspective of the Cold War. The author has consulted vastly documents, newspapers, books and interviews with important players. Widely praised by critics, the book won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for history and spent seven weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list. This is a comprehensive, panoramic, and very well-sourced history of a pivotal conflict in Middle Eastern history. Ultimately, the largest faction, Fatah, would come to dominate the organization, and its leader, Yasser Arafat, would become the PLO chairman and most vi… I, think that Michael B. Oren has created a classic in the story on the Six Days War that will be very hard to beat.With first hand interviews from all sides involved. Every crisis that has ripped through this region in the ensuing decades, from the Yom Kippur War of 1973 to the ongoing intifada, is a direct consequence of those six days of fighting. Egyptian and Syrian military incompetence and the sense that Israel's back was against the wall; these were my impressions of the war as it was acted out. Michael Oren does a great job diving into this historical event and building up suspense and making a gripping story. To see what your friends thought of this book. "Six Days of War" benefits from sources in six languages and is the first account to rely on recently opened state archives, which let the account provide the previously unknown inside story, including a number of scoops (such as the Arab plans for conquering Israel; or how Defense Minister Moshe Dayan's orders to seize the Golan Heights violated his terms of office). It tells the story of the time Lee went looking for a victory outside of the Confederacy. While it is written from a pro-Israeli perspective, the facts are not cherry-picked or outright falsified (as is common in more ideological books, from both the Left and the Right). Another example was the decision of the Israelis to refrain from parading armour in their 1967 Independence Day parade in Jerusalem: although this was designed to lessen tension as Jerusalem was divided by the 1949 armistice, it was actually interpreted as a sign that the Israelis were concentrating their armour for an invasion of Syria. Citing the breadth and depth of Oren's research and the lucidity of his writing, several reviews, including those of National Public Radio, Washington Post Book World, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the Chicago Sun-Times, described the book as the definitive account of the conflict.[2]. The war, though won by Israel, also brought that country decades of additional strife that continues to this day. Oren is noticeably weaker when discussing the actual tactics of the war, choosing to view the military units as pieces in a diplomatic chess game rather than giving the reader a sense of what the soldier on the ground was feeling, although he does do a fantastic job in describing the climactic battle for Jerusalem. Five stars with a caveat -- you have to really, really want to learn about the Six Day War in order to get through this book without succumbing to the temptation to skim or abandon it. This is a very interesting book about Israel-Arab war. One Egyptian official described his country's leadership as believing that "the destruction of Israel was a child's game that only required the hooking up of a few telephone lines at the commander's house and the writing of victory slogans. One resource website I found while, I read this book after reading Ari Shavit's My Promised Land and Abuelaish's I Shall Not Hate, as well as Paul Johnson's A History of the Jews. that was supposedly detected by Israel and stopped by US and Soviet intervention a few hours before it was to take place in the early morning of May 27, 1967. The Six-Day War (Hebrew: מִלְחֶמֶת שֵׁשֶׁת הַיָּמִים ‎, Milhemet Sheshet Ha Yamim; Arabic: النكسة, an-Naksah, "The Setback" or حرب 1967, Ḥarb 1967, "War of 1967"), also known as the June War, 1967 Arab–Israeli War, or Third Arab–Israeli War, was fought between 5 and 10 June 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Jordan, Syria, and Egypt. Widely praised by critics, the book won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for history and spent seven weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list. A poet, a writer of children’s stories, he admitted publicly that he regretted having children, and was a renowned philanderer as well. [1], While researching the book, Oren utilized primary sources from Israel, the Arab world, the United States, the United Kingdom and the former Soviet Union, much of which had only recently become available to scholars. It has a solid socio-political framework fleshed out with authentic military insights into the epitome of Israeli military prowess. . Emergency Plan for Attacking Israel. My review published in the San Francisco Chronicle in 2002: 1967 is a pivotal year in the Middle East. It helped me to understand the events better as well as what is going on today in Israel. We've got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day. One aspect of the war that the book discusses in detail is the capture of the West Bank and Jerusalem. This was a very well researched and well written book. Audio-booked this one with a great British narrator. June 3rd 2003 Refresh and try again. I just read this review, An excellent history of the 1967 war, this books is even more useful in its coverage of the months leading up to the war. (Who, interestingly enough, gave up his American citizenship to serve as Israel's ambassador to Washington. Israel emerged from the war in control of that part of Jerusalem that had been controlled by Jordan – East Jerusalem. Every crisis that has ripped through this region in the ensuing decades, from the Yom Kippur War of 1973 to the ongoing intifada, is a direct consequence of those six days of fighting. Nervous breakdown, fog of war, big-power politics and numerous other features are added to provide a clear picture of this uniquely short war that is still going on. It is a must read for all modern middle east studies. Because our generation witnessed this war and not looking at it only in retrospect it is especially interesting for me. Start by marking “Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East” as Want to Read: Error rating book. A towering work of history and an enthralling human narrative, Six Days of War is the most important book on the Middle East conflict to appear in a generation. One of the great enigmas of the modern Middle East is why, forty years ago next week, the Six-Day War took place. Written by an Israeli diplomat, this book should be read with a grain of salt. Still, I felt like it was a balanced narrative and it gave me a much, much broader and deeper understanding of political dynamics in the Middle East. Still, it's pretty even handed, well-written, and informative. The Six-Day War: U.S. State Department Summary of the War. This book is basically about how the IDF/IAF spanked all of Israel's neighbors in a matter of days. "[5], "Six Days of War" by Daniel Pipes, New York Post, June 4, 2002, "Oxford University Press: Six Days of War: Michael B. Oren",,, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 1 April 2021, at 11:06. We’d love your help. Ignorance Can be the greatest ally or the greatest enemy of an army at war. This is a highly detailed and meticulously researched history of the Six Days War and the events and players involved. It is pretty detailed, and people who don't like diplomatic history that cycles through decision-making, Cabinet meetings, and military reports probably won't love t. Audio-booked this one with a great British narrator. A stickler for military discipline, he was prone to show contempt for the law. With a few exceptions, Israelis regard this war as a defensive war, a morally justified war, and a war of no-choice, a war imposed on them by their predatory Arab foes. The war that Israel launched and won overwhelmingly created what are now core issues in the area that hinder peace negotiations and give the appearance of a forever conflict. It also made the Arab nations more determined to wipe out the Jewish state. The task of writing a balanced, dispassionate, but not falsely "objective," history of the Six-Day War is daunting, but Michael Oren meets the challenge about as well as I can imagine. anybody interested in sharing this with me? People with a serious interest in the Six Day War, Five stars with a caveat -- you have to really, really want to learn about the Six Day War in order to get through this book without succumbing to the temptation to skim or abandon it. A lover of the land who made a hobby of plundering it, he had amassed a huge personal collection of antiquities. Painstakingly researched and scrupulously fair, Oren's strength is dealing with the causes and effects of the war. For example, the attack on the USS Liberty is presented accurately but it is clear that the order and tone in which the facts are presented is consciously meant to justify the Israeli story (which I personally think is likely to be close to the truth in any case, so there is always that). The fighting ended on the sixth day. Author Bio: Michael B. Oren Michael B. Oren, an American-born Israeli historian and author, was Israel’s … Outstanding. (Thanks a lot, cheap white wine and Amazon’s one-click shopping! The book Six Days of War by Michael B. Oren covers a lot of the military aspects of the Six Day War with its focus on the Israeli side. It was in control of the entire West Bank, the Sinai and the Golan Heights. $30.00, hardcover. The author has written this book in an excellent narrative style with his accurate grasp of … Six-Day War, also called June War or Third Arab-Israeli War or Naksah, brief war that took place June 5–10, 1967, and was the third of the Arab-Israeli wars. Published: 06 June 2002. Every important detail (and some unimportant ones..the book is long) is covered and the bias is usually limited to careful word choice or perspective, and does not extend to misreporting the "hard. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published A highly readable, even gripping account of the 1967 conflict . Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East is a 2002 non-fiction book by American-born Israeli historian and Israeli ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, chronicling the events of the Six-Day War fought between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Because our generation witnessed this war and not looking at it only in retrospect is... It tells the story as what is going on today in Israel 's narrative confirms those impressions! Was made available in June, the Arab League decided to introduce a new weapon in its war against the... 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