Mother. The analysis of “The Garden Party” will be informed by Gérard Genette’s narratological terminology, method and theory, which will provide the tools that will be used to see how the experience of “The Garden Party” is shaped by its narratological and temporal strategies. He does not know that they already know. Jose Sheridan. “The Garden Party”, in a nutshell, focuses on the preparation and aftermath of the Sheridan family’s exquisite and expensive garden party, taken place in the early summer. The scene opens on the night after there has earlier been a great success where Eliza was presented as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party, as was stipulated in … He delivers the cream puffs. The Garden Party Characters Cook. The story revolves around Marxist themes such as class consciousness and marginalization of the lower-class. After the party ended, he tells everybody about the incident of Mr. Scott. Finally, regardless of any allusion, the suggestion that the garden has been visited by archangels further adds to the supernatural beauty of the garden. Act IV begins some time later and takes place in Higgins' laboratory-living room. The Garden Party Summary. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Plot Summary of “The Garden Party” by Victor Hugo. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. The scene at her house is filled with frantic preparations under the warm summer Sun. Laura A female house servant Minor character. Summary. Laura is bemused by the workers at the Party as their working-class mannerisms and attitudes are alien to her world. The analysis will specifically look at the character Laura and her The story begins with a party hosted by wealthy Laura’s family. An Analysis of Katherine Mansfield’s 1922 short story “The Garden Party”. The main character of the short story “The Garden Party” by Katherine Mansfield is Laura Sheridan.Her mother, Mrs. Sheridan, is also an important character and her opinions are often the opposite of Laura's.The story also mentions Mr. Sheridan and Laura's siblings, Laurie, Meg, and Jose. I n "The Garden Party," Laura prepares to attend her mother's garden party.. Laura watches hired men erect the tent for the party… The Party . Godber's Man Laurie Sheridan Mr. Sheridan Minor character: flat and static. In “The Garden Party,” Laura’s journey may reflect such themes of innocence lost and the necessary departure into the darkness and ambiguity of the world. Point of View Character Analysis Laura Sheridan “artistic” (206) controlling “she always felt she could do it so much better than anybody else” (206) self conscience “she was ashamed and stammered like a little girl” 207 gets very surprised when complemented on looks in outfit The lack of male characters in the story … Written between 1920 and 1922, ''The Garden Party'' still stands as author Katherine Mansfield's best-known story. Business man. The Garden Party: And Other Stories Summary. ... Laura Sheridan. Jose is Laura's class-conscious older sister.