Evergreen mixed forests are found on the windward slopes of the Western Ghats and in the deltas of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. New oil- and gas-producing regions, discovered with the assistance of the USSR, are being exploited in western India (for example, Anklesvar) and in the old oil-producing state of Assam. (3) Guna refers to the basic types of orientation in material, psychic, and mental reality. Realistic currents are represented by sculptor and painter S. Khastagir and graphic artist H. Das. He advocated the “purification” of religion, meaningful religious practice, and humane ethics. The most important aspects of the new research were development of theoretical and methodological bases of planning and regulation, economic policy, problems of population and employment, and the agrarian question. Indians have speculated extensively about the significance of dreams, often coming to much the same conclusion as other cultures. Agricultural legislation passed in September was touted by the government as a reform but regarded by many small farmers as putting them at the mercy of the market. The republic's major foreign problems have been a border dispute with China that first surfaced in 1957 and continual difficulties with Pakistan. It is leading area for sea fishing. At the end of the 1950’s three state metallurgical combines, built in Bhilai (with USSR aid), Durgapur (with technical assistance from Great Britain), and Rourkela (with help from the Federal Republic of Germany), went into operation. In 1965/66, 2.8 million students were enrolled in 266,000 vocational schools. Portions of W Gujarat (in W India) were devastated by an earthquake early in 2001. The tractor pool is growing (54,000 in 1966 as opposed to 8,000 in 1952), and the use of mineral fertilizers is increasing. (This day has been declared a state holiday, Republic Day.). His works, published mainly in the 1930’s and 1940’s, are primarily devoted to the 17th and 18th centuries. , a remote descendant of Timur, who, after the battle of Panipat in 1526, founded the MughalMughalor Mogul, Muslim empire in India, 1526–1857. The rainiest place on earth is the slopes of the Shillong massif (nearly 12,000 mm). R. L. Mitra, who in 1885 became the first Indian chairman of the Asian Society in Calcutta, was a leading specialist in Sanskrit and Vedic and Buddhist literature. Therefore, at later stages of Indian history ideologists of caste society repeatedly refer to the inheritance of Bhagavata. The choreography of the majority of theatrical presentations in the south of India is based on bharata natya (one of the oldest forms, structured on a literary theme associated with the cult of the god Siva) and kathakali. Theater life of the early 1970’s has been characterized by an attempt to synthesize traditional national theater with forms and methods of Western European drama, as well as by the creation of new professional troupes. The basis of his outlook consisted of the Kshatriya ethic of dispassionate action as a way of secular service to religious ideals. In the early eighth century, Sind was conquered by the Arabs. Proceeding from traditional structures, plays by India’s greatest dramatists showed the life of ancient India in all its diversity. India consolidated its territory by acquiring the former French settlements (see PuducherryPuducherry, formerly Pondicherryor Pondichéry, union territory (2001 provisional pop. New dyes and preparations have been introduced into the perfume industry. Islam became the dominant religion. Krishna Vasudeva, the legendary founder of Bhagavata, combined religious, ethical, and philosophical ideas of a non-Vedic character that were widespread among the educated stratum of ancient Indian society in a teaching of a special type of individual behavior (the ideal warrior as a “genuine yogi”). Their forms and types (a rounded house with semispherical or conical roofing, a hall-type building for public meetings with an arched wooden roof, and so forth) were used as architectural bases for stone temples and other structures in succeeding centuries. The uprising of navy sailors in Bombay (Feb. 18–23, 1946) was the high point of revolutionary upsurge. , and Aurobindo GhoseGhose, Aurobindo, 1872–1950, Indian nationalist leader and mystic philosopher. (in Hindi, Bharat; official designation, Republic of India). There are large textile works at Mumbai and Ahmadabad, a huge iron and steel complex (mainly controlled by the Tata family) at JamshedpurJamshedpur, city (1991 pop. A number of British scientists who lived and worked in India for a long time made important contributions to the development of Indian science. Indian trade with the USSR and other socialist states is growing. Its activities include the organization of annual sessions at which papers on various developments in scientific research are read and discussed. An antifeudal movement in the principalities was a new feature of the liberation struggle (Hyderabad, Travancore, Mysore, Kashmir, and the principalities of Rajputana, Kathiawar, and Orissa). These companies seized the monopoly on sea trade with India from the Portuguese and set up a network of trading posts throughout the country. In 1931, after a second split, the Red Trade Union Congress was formed. . Monsoon forest massifs have been preserved in the mountains. ; Sanskrit literatureSanskrit literature,literary works written in Sanskrit constituting the main body of the classical literature of India. Medical cadres are trained in 81 medical and 13 dental colleges, in 11 other medical educational institutions, and in 480 schools for training paramedical personnel. In India nearly 40,000 sq km of territory are covered by perennial snow and glaciers. Thus there is a principally two-aspect view of any problem in Buddhism, in which any object of the world may be correlated with a specific psychic state, and any subjective psychic state during the process of yogic contemplation and trance is experienced as object. , won well over half the seats, mostly in general constituencies, and formed governments in 7 of the 11 provinces. Large, Complex hydraulic power projects and new heavy industry construction sites usually serve as the basis for development of these regions. The northern slopes facing Tibet are covered mainly by mountainous steppes and deserts. 1 in Sanchi (third or second century B.C.) In 1961 the regular conference of the All-India Trade Union Congress, the anniversary session of the All-India Peasants League, and later, the Sixth Congress of the CPI charted a course for the development of a mass struggle to introduce general democratic transformations of an antifeudal nature and to unify on the basis of these transformations all democratic forces in order to repulse the reactionary offensive. were established in Bihar, Jharkhand, and BengalBengal, region, 77,442 sq mi (200,575 sq km), E India and Bangladesh, on the Bay of Bengal. In 1965 a state oil-refining plant (2 million tons) was built with the USSR’s assistance in the oil region of Koyali (near Baroda). as protests against the overdeveloped ritualism of Hinduism, particularly its sacrificial cults, and the authority of..... Click the link for more information. Various Precambrian complexes contributed to the structure of the platform foundation, which over a large area protrudes to the surface. During the fourth and third centuries B.C. In the 1930’s, during the period of vital growth of the national liberation movement, films containing progressive social tendencies were produced. One of the reasons for the stable continuation of artistic traditions in India was the existence, since early antiquity, of guild-building organizations called “sreni” (fixed by the caste system) and a unified system of canons and rules for building and applied art called Silpa-sastra. The Parallel Communist Party of India emerged in 1964 when an oppositional “left-wing grouping” broke from the CPI and at its own congress in Calcutta (1964) announced the creation of a new party, which took the name Communist Party of India (Marxist). During the 1930’s and 1940’s, Indian literary critics approached an understanding of the social and historical determinancy of the literary process (S. K. De, S. N. Dasgupta), and certain critics gained a Marxist understanding as well (D. Kosambi). There are three gunas: tamas (natural inertness, psychic passivity, and unconsciousness), rajas (natural activeness, energy, and a tendency to manifest active and-decisive principles), and sattva (organic nature, steadiness, self-identifying rationality). Reinforcement of the position of the local bourgeoisie resulted in the strengthening of the movement for restructuring administrative-territorial divisions on a national basis, as opposed to the old, artificial administrative division of India imposed by the colonialists. In the states the chief of executive power is the governor, appointed by the president to a term of five years. The share of the state sector in the national product increased from 15 percent in 1950/51 to 35 percent in 1965/66. Scientific research is being conducted on an ever-increasing range of problems of a fundamental nature—nuclear physics, solid state physics, elementary particle physics, the chemistry of natural compounds, and electronics. One of the first troupes was a group of Bengali actors, established in 1795 in Calcutta by the Russian scholar G. S. Lebedev. In schools of the Hindi-speaking states, one of the regional languages is studied in addition to Hindi and English. Traders who came to India gained riches. . The agricultural situation in colonial India was an extremely difficult one, and the acute agrarian problem still exists to a considerable degree in independent India. The interests of the middle-level and big bourgeoisie (and on a number of issues, of the bourgeoisie in general) are expressed by the following daily newspapers: Hindustan Times (in English, founded in 1923, circulation 143,000), Hindustan (in Hindi, founded in 1933, circulation more than 150,000), Indian Express (in English, founded in 1932, circulation more than 440,000), the Times of India (in English, founded in 1838, circulation more than 250,000), and Nav Bharat Times (in Hindi, circulation c. 250,000). By means of a farming system, as well as a feudal administrative tax apparatus that had evolved over time, the East India Company appropriated an enormous share of land rent tax, the rates of which had been significantly increased. A dense series (more than 2,000 m) of Cretaceous-Eocene basalts (traps) covers an enormous area, forming the Deccan. During the sixth and the seventh centuries, the majority of the agricultural population was subjected to feudal exploitation and numbered among the lowest estate of Sudras. At approximately the same time the state of Satavahanas began to grow in the Deccan. met (1966) under Soviet auspices in Tashkent, USSR (now in Uzbekistan), to negotiate the Kashmir problem. In August 1942 the All-India Committee of the National Congress adopted a resolution to initiate a campaign of civil disobedience. Traditional forms of the mausoleum were perfected in the Taj Mahal burial vault at Agra. There is increased use of artificial and synthetic fibers (particularly in west and south India), from which nearly a billion meters of fabrics were manufactured in the year 1968/69. High-efficiency hydroelectric power plants are being built, including Koyna (860,000 kW), Sharavathi (890,000 kW), and Iddiki (520,000 kW). Considerable importance is attributed to increasing the maufacture of fertilizers. Thermal electric power plants (capacity 2.4 million kilowatts [kW] in 1950, 8.2 million kW in 1969) produce approximately 53 percent of India’s electric power; hydroelectric plants (6 million kW in 1969) produce 46 percent; the remainder is accounted for by diesel electric power plants (overall capacity of 300,000 kW). in 1956 and by forcibly annexing the Portuguese enclaves of Goa and Daman and Diu in Dec., 1961. The population of large multifunctional cities is rapidly growing. With its long and rich history, India retains many outstanding archaeological landmarks; preeminent of these are the Buddhist remains at SarnathSarnath, archaeological site, SE Uttar Pradesh, India, 4 mi (6.4 km) N of Varanasi (Benares). These structures were characterized by contrasts between massive lower floors and tracery-work upper floors with small pavilions, cupolas, and spires. Next is the problem of selection of reliable means of cognition, based on which the reality of at least one source of knowledge (perception, logical conclusion, authority of the Vedas, or intuition) would follow from the reality of primary principles. The average height of the snow line is approximately 5,300 m in the west and 4,500 m in the east. 82,878,796), 36,420 sq mi (94,328 sq km), E central India. It is the second largest city in India and one of the largest in the world...... Click the link for more information. The move eased the crisis, and in October the two nations began a troop pullback. Kashmir is bordered on the west by Pakistan, on the south by India, and on the north and east by China...... Click the link for more information. By early 1970, state oil-refining plants went into operation at the ports of Cochin (Kerala) and Madras. In 1964 the National Film Archive was established in Poona. Kashmir is bordered on the west by Pakistan, on the south by India, and on the north and east by China...... Click the link for more information. The cities thus became more vulnerable to raiding activity. The largest information agency is the Press Trust of India, founded in 1949. The strengthening of the position of Indian monopoly capital was accompanied by a spillover of capital investments into the sphere of heavy industry, development of conglomerates, and increased ties with foreign monopolies. The USA accounted for 29.3 percent of India’s imports and 17 percent of its exports in 1969, and Great Britain for 6.4 and 11.6 percent respectively. India is the capitalist world’s largest producer of rice (almost a third of the world crop). As a result, the position of the Congress was strengthened; in its struggle against reactionary forces and for the implementation of progressive measures, it received the support of the CPI and a number of other parties. The proportion of grazing lands is less than 5 percent of the total area (14.8 million ha). Diamonds are limited to conglomerates of the Vindhya series. . . Modern literary criticism of an objec-tivist and positivist nature appeared. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Crown+jewel+of+the+British+Empire, A little more than 60 years ago, India remained the, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Crown Land Use Planning Enhancement Program, Crown Mineral Disposition Review Committee. . Irfan Habib, Satish Chandra, and T. Raychaudhuri are researching the social structure of India during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries from materialist positions. . Secondary savannas, sparse growths of trees, and prickly shrubs prevail in the Hindustan Peninsula. The struggle in the National Congress between the group of right-wing leaders (the Syndicate) and the left-centrist grouping headed by I. Gandhi was also intensified. It was at this time that the noted Chinese pilgrim Hsüan-tsangHsüan-tsang, 605?–664, Chinese Buddhist scholar and translator. Hydroelectric power plants are component parts of powerful hydroengineering complexes, such as Bhakra-Nangal on the Sutlej River (1.2 million kW), Hirakud (270,000 kW), Chambal (300,000 kW), and Tungabhadra and Nagarjunasagar in South India. A powerful popular uprising occurred in this region (1857–59), and it also encompassed the center of the country. Government response escalated until in June, 1984, army troops stormed the Golden Temple in Amritsar, the Sikh's holiest shrine and the center of the independence movement. Urban construction and architecture of this period developed basically according to the principles set forth in the Silpa-sastra. Natural rubber is yielded by hevea plantations distributed throughout the lower escarpments of the Western Ghats in Kerala (60,000 ha between 1949 and 1952; 157,000 ha in 1965/66; production of natural rubber was 92,000 tons in 1970/71). In the 1920’s the art school in Santiniketan (near Calcutta) became a center for the new course of Indian art, based on the principle of combining traditions of Indian art with specific achievements of the latest Western currents. (In early 1944 most of the leaders of the National Congress were freed.) India's major trade partners are the United States, China, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Great Britain, and Switzerland. India demanded that Pakistan take action against those it said were linked to the attacks, leading to increased tensions with Pakistan. of the Maurya dynasty; grandson of Chandragupta. . Philosophical institutions include the Indian Philosophical Congress (founded in 1925) and the Indian Institute of Philosophy in Amalner; the Indian Philosophical Association in Nagpur and the Indian Academy of Philosophy in Calcutta (general organ is the Journal of the Philosophical Association, Nagpur); the Institute of Oriental Philosophy in Vrindaban (organ is Indian Philosophy and Culture); the Center for Scientific Research in Metaphysics at the University of Visva-Bharati in the city of Santiniketan (publishes the Visva-Bharati Journal of Philosophy); the Center for Scientific Research in Philosophy at Hindu University in Varanasi (Benares); and the Center for Scientific Research on Advaita and Related Philosophical Systems at the University of Madras. A profound social crisis coupled with a seizure of power by Muslim dynasties, which essentially prohibited theater on religious grounds, resulted in the decline of classical drama. These are limited to mountain regions, primarily of glacial or tectonic origin. The jatra presentation is well known in the western areas of Bengal and in Orissa. In NW India, beyond the reach of the medieval dynasties, the RajputsRajputs[Sanskrit,=son of a king], dominant people of Rajputana, an historic region now almost coextensive with the state of Rajasthan, NW India. Modern historical science in India emerged during the colonial period as part of British historiography, although it had specific national features. As early as the middle of the fourth century B.C., during the rule of the Nanda dynasty, almost the entire Ganges valley was under the authority of Magadha. The number of young people is large: two-fifths of all people are under 15 years of age, and three-quarters of the population are under 35. Formerly the capital of Central Provinces and Berar and then of Madyha Pradesh state, it is an industrial, commercial, and transportation center...... Click the link for more information. A new definition of employment has been adopted according to the census of 1971, on the basis of which the economically active population comprised 33.5 percent of the entire population of the country, or 184 million persons. An uprising in 1879 in Maharashtra, led by V. B. Priadke, was the first serious attempt to link the activities of revolutionary democrats to a spontaneous popular movement. The form of nonviolent resistance (satyagraha) advocated by M. Gandhi most closely corresponded to the interests of both the national bourgeoisie and the petit bourgeois strata. Jute is grown mainly in West Bengal, which produces two-thirds of the crop. Valuable historical and architectural monuments in Agra, Mahabalipuram, Jaipur, and many other areas are also being preserved by the state. Here annual precipitation is less than 100 mm. He was the most powerful and renowned ruler of the Kushan dynasty, one of the five tribes of the Yüeh-chih who had divided (1st cent. 21, 1971.) The largest technical institutes are Kha-ragpur, Bombay (built with the assistance of the USSR), Madras, and Kanpur, which have the status of national institutes. The philosophical traditions of Nyaya and Vaiseshika, Sankhya and Yoga, and Mimamsa and Vedanta proved to be historically interrelated and complementary. , a technocrat and former finance minister, led the new government. Leading museums are the National Museum in New Delhi (founded 1949), the Indian Museum in Calcutta (1814), the National Art Gallery in Madras (1951), the National Gallery of Modern Art in Delhi (1954), the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library in Delhi, the Gandhi Memorial Museum in Delhi, and the State Museum in Madras (1851). . Thus, during the 1950’s and 1960’s approximately 500 new cities came into existence, each with orderly planning of streets lined by low apartment buildings of various degrees of comfort with inner courtyards and gardens (Gandhidham, 1948, architect O. Konigsberger; Chandigarh, 1951-56, a group of Indian and foreign architects headed by Le Corbusier; and Bhilai, 1963, a group of Indian architects). Liberated the territory of Puducherry new Indo-Aryan jail Gandhi and other nonferrous metals are through. 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