Royal and Divine Statuary in Egypt's Dazzling Sun: Amenhotep III and his World, (Cleveland, 1992), nos. [60] He directed Amenhotep III to use his mace to knock on the temple doors. Philipp von Zabern, Mainz, (1997) p.190. It is likely that Amenhotep III was, but his mummy was later moved to a side room in the tomb of Amenhotep II (KV35). The stela is believed to have been displayed prominently in Akhenaten's new capital city of Akhetaten (current day Amarna). Victor Loret found it there in 1898, beneath a docketed shroud recording its restoration in the 12th or 13th year of King Smendes rule in the 21st Dynasty . Amenofi III ( ellenizzazione dell'originale Amenhotep III; nell'antica pronuncia egizia: Amāna-Ḥātpa; integralmente: Nebmaatra Amenofi) ( Tebe, 1400/1390 a.C. circa – Malkata, 1350 a.C. circa) è stato un faraone egizio della XVIII dinastia . Fotografia d'epoca (1854) di uno dei colossi di Amenofi III. 0 0 1. Many rulers are famous for their heroic and legendary feats, like David defeating the giant Goliath. Another eleven scarabs record the excavation of an artificial lake he had built for his Great Royal Wife, Queen Tiye, in his eleventh regnal year, Regnal Year 11 under the Majesty of... Amenhotep (III), ruler of Thebes, given life, and the Great Royal Wife Tiye; may she live; her father's name was Yuya, her mother's name Tuya. She was generally considered to be the daughter of Artatama the king of the Mitanni (the allies of Egypt), but many now question this assumption. The Egyptologist Peter Dorman also rejects any co-regency between these two kings, based on the archaeological evidence from the tomb of Kheruef.[29]. Bruno Amato. By the time of the Sed Festival, Queen Tiye would be past her child-bearing years. Inoltre il re intraprese dei lavori al decimo pilone, al Tempio di Amon-Ra. Dubbed "the Magnificent," this fourteenth-century B.C. Le Rocher, Champollion collection, 2000. [52] It was mounted on a sled, and may have been a cult statue. Amenhotep III was the son of Tuthmosis IV. Alla sua morte, suo figlio cominciò a regnare come Amenofi IV, per poi mutare il proprio nome in Akhenaton dopo 6 anni di regno[18]. Read more on Wikipedia. For instance, 123 of these commemorative scarabs record the large number of lions (either 102 or 110 depending on the reading) that Amenhotep III killed "with his own arrows" from his first regnal year up to his tenth year. Amenhotep wanted his Sed Festivals to be far more spectacular than those of the past. Viceroy of Kush was Merimose. Kozloff, Arielle; Bryan, Betsy (1992). Amenhotep III or as he was used to be called “Nebma’atre, Amenophis III, and Amana-Hatpa” was the 9th ruler of ancient Egypt during the 18th dynasty.All of his names are highly associated with Amun just to satisfy his deity and he was the son of Tuthmosis IV. [20] The palace, called Per-Hay or "House of Rejoicing" in ancient times, comprised a temple of Amun and a festival hall built especially for this occasion. During his reign, Tuthmosis IV helped make Egypt a prosperous nation, bringing in gold and making alliances with other nations. Moran, William L. (1992). La lettera EA 23 è datata "36º anno di regno, quarto mese d'inverno, giorno 1"[67]. Brooklyn Museum, New York. Tushratta non fa riferimento alle malattie di Amenofi in alcun punto della missiva. Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Neues Museum, Berlino. Unfortunately, his mortuary temple, the largest of its kind ever built, was destroyed when Rameses II used it as a quarry for his own temple. [19], Amenhotep III celebrated three Jubilee Sed festivals, in his Year 30, Year 34, and Year 37 respectively at his Malkata summer palace in Western Thebes. The likeliest explanation is that the statue was sent to Egypt "to shed her blessings on the wedding of Amenhotep III and Tadukhepa, as she had been sent previously for Amenhotep III and Gilukhepa. His reign is usually dated from 1427 to 1401 … The jars were stored without respect to their origin.[65]. Proclamations informed the people living in Egypt of an upcoming Sed Festival together with stelae. Museo del Louvre, Parigi. [66] Few Egyptian kings lived long enough for their own celebration. Questo curioso avvenimento, dovuto ad un fenomeno di espansione della roccia, fu talmente famoso nell'antichità che anche alcuni imperatori romani vollero udirlo. This page was last edited on 10 April 2021, at 09:11. The Amarna Letters. Nella Lettera di Amarna EA26, il re di Mitanni corrisponde direttamente con Tiy per rimembrare le buone relazioni di cui aveva goduto con il defunto Amenofi III, ed esprime il suo desiderio di continuare, nei rapporti amichevoli, con il nuovo faraone Akhenaton[54]. Read More on This Topic ancient Egypt: Amenhotep I La scoperta di nuove sculture facenti parte, un tempo, di quel set immenso continua ancora oggi nel sito del tempio funerario[87][88]. William L. Moran, The Amarna Letters, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, (1992), EA 3, p.7. [55] In Europe, Dr. Eric Cassirer at one time owned the stela. Like his father, Amenhotep II was a warrior pharaoh, who boasted of the military training he had acquired in Memphis, as well as his exploits in the multiple hunting expeditions that he was pleased to organize. Amenofi III intraprese imponenti campagne di costruzione nel Complesso templare di Karnak; il Tempio di Luxor, composto di due piloni, un colonnato dietro alla nuova entrata si deve in gran parte a lui, così come un nuovo tempio alla dea Maat. Amenhotep III was the father of two sons with his Great Royal Wife Tiye. L'esame della mummia, condotto dall'anatomista Grafton Elliot Smith, ha portato alla conclusione che la causa della morte del sovrano, avvenuta probabilmente intorno ai 50 anni[65], fu una setticemia cagionata da gravi problemi dentari (con disturbi dolorosi quali mal di denti, gengivite, ascessi, periostite e infiammazione dell'osso[75]). Amenhotep III also built the Third Pylon at Karnak and erected 600 statues of the goddess Sekhmet in the Temple of Mut, south of Karnak. He effectively extended Egypt’s boundaries in Nubia (modern Sudan). He ruled Egypt from 1386 to 1349 BC, or other sources say, 1388 to 1351 BC. The pharaoh's reign was relatively peaceful and uneventful. Grimal, Nicolas (1992). Tempio funerario di Amenofi III. Though he was not the eldest, he inherited the throne because his older brother, Amenemhat, and his brother's mother, the chief queen of Egypt, both died. Amenhotep was the name of four Egyptian pharaohs of the 18th dynasty; Greek name Amenophis. Amenhotep III. Another striking characteristic of Amenhotep III's reign is the series of over 200 large commemorative stone scarabs that have been discovered over a large geographic area ranging from Syria (Ras Shamra) through to Soleb in Nubia. Fece smantellare il quarto pilone del Tempio di Amon a Karnak per poi costruire un nuovo pilone - il terzo - e creare una nuova entrata per questa struttura, dove provvide a erigere, al centro di questo nuovo cortile, due file di colonne con i capitelli a forma di pianta di papiro aperta[80]. May Šimige and Šauška go before her. Quel giorno non toccai cibo né acqua.». Si sono conservate varie altre statue di divinità realizzate durante il regno di Amenofi III, anche molto raffinate, come una statua di Amenofi III e Sobek a Luxor e una statua di Nefti in diorite al Louvre. Un ushabti del Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York indica un certo Yey con gli stessi titoli di Yuya. [...] Uno venne a dire a Sua Maestà "Il caduto del vile Kush ha tramato una ribellione nel suo cuore." Il viceré di Kush per conto di Amenofi III fu Merimose, che ebbe una grande importanza durante la spedizione in Nubia. Amenhotep III was the son of the Pharaoh Thutmose IV. Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Neues Museum, Berlino. novembre 1383/1 a.C.]. [57] Other gods displayed on the stela, Re and Ma’at, showed no sign of vandalism.[57]. the previous visit mentioned in lines 18f., perhaps on the occasion of the marriage of Kelu-Heba [i.e., Gilukhepa]...and note, too, Šauška's role along with Aman, of making Tadu-Heba answer to the king's desires.[35]. Fletcher, Joann (2000). King Amenhotep III. 1335 a.C.). A daughter of the ruler of Ammia (in modern Syria). The letters cover the period from Year 30 of Amenhotep III until at least the end of Akhenaten's reign. Cleveland. [citation needed] The forecourt between the Third and Fourth Pylons, sometimes called an obelisk court, was also decorated with scenes of the sacred barque of the deities Amun, Mut, and Khonsu being carried in funerary boats. [20] One of the king's most popular epithets was Aten-tjehen which means "the Dazzling Sun Disk"; it appears in his titulary at Luxor temple and, more frequently, was used as the name for one of his palaces as well as the Year 11 royal barge, and denotes a company of men in Amenhotep's army. Nebmaatra era il leone dagli occhi feroci, i cui artigli ghermirono il vile Kush [e] che calpestò tutti i suoi capi nelle loro valli, schiantati nel loro stesso sangue, uno sopra l'altro.[48]». High stewards were Amenemhat Surer and Amenhotep (Huy). [54] When a king served 30 years of his reign, he performed a series of tests to demonstrate his fitness for continuing as pharaoh. The king changed his costume at each major activity of the celebration. [61], Based on indications left by Queen Tiye's steward Khenruef, the festival may have lasted two to eight months. Walters Art Museum, Baltimora. Beckerath, Jürgen von, Chronologie des Pharaonischen Ägypten. Its length is 3,700 (cubits) and its width is 700 (cubits). [52] Several beautiful black granite seated statues of Amenhotep wearing the nemes headress have come from excavations behind the Colossi of Memnon as well as from Tanis in the Delta. Collocando, per ipotesi, il concepimento del futuro Amenofi III poco dopo l'incoronazione del padre, e tenendo conto dei 9 mesi di gravidanza, Amenofi III non dovette avere più di 7 anni quando fu incoronato[41]. Talmente famoso nell'antichità che anche alcuni imperatori romani vollero udirlo a dire a Sua Maestà `` il caduto vile! 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