If those who have large concentrativeness cultivate this faculty to the neglect of others, they cannot have well-proportioned minds. 3T 32.2, If certain faculties are used to the neglect of others, the design of God is not fully carried out in us; for all the faculties have a bearing and are dependent, in a great measure, upon one another. Copyright © 2021 by Ellen G. White. While they make the subject before them their principal business, other branches of the work should have a portion of their time. These men upon the most frivolous pretense ventured upon their work of disaffection. Proof does not help the case in the minds of such. We are indebted to God for all the qualities of the mind. The reason of this is that one organ of the mind was specially exercised while the others were permitted to lie dormant. 3T 344.1, Korah was not satisfied with his position. These testimonies bore rich fruit in the lives of Seventh-day Adventists and in the work of the denomination. To be more sure of accomplishing his purpose, he drew Dathan and Abiram, descendants of Reuben, into his rebellion. They take many things for granted. Because God thus honored the Levites, they became ambitious for still higher office, that they might obtain greater influence with the congregation. One cannot be effectually used without the operation of all, that the balance may be carefully preserved. To the Levites was also assigned the office of erecting the tabernacle and encamping around about it, while the hosts of Israel pitched their tents at a distance from it. To be more sure of accomplishing his purpose, he drew Dathan and Abiram, descendants of Reuben, into his rebellion. My parents, Robert and Eunice Harmon, were for many years residents of this state. In early life they became Testimonies for the Church Volume Seven : Page 3 1. The nine volume-set of counsels from the Spirit of Prophecy contain spiritual commentary of a general nature, along with many letters of intimate instruction to members of the church Christians are under obligation to Him to so train the mind that all the faculties may be strengthened and more fully developed. 3T 35.1, If this class of minds have a special work, requiring thought, they should not exercise all their powers upon that one thing, to the exclusion of every other interest. If those who have large concentrativeness cultivate this faculty to the neglect of others, they cannot have well-proportioned minds. Testimonies for the Church, vol. With many, assertions will go further than long arguments. 31 TO 33, WHICH COMPRISE VOLUME 5. These deficiencies, so apparent, need not and should not exist. Testimonies for the Church Volume One : Page 9 3. The mind cannot thus be healthfully exercised, and, in consequence, life is shortened. THE TIMES OF VOLUME FOUR A SEVEN-YEAR PERIOD OF 1875 TO 1881 WAS SPANNED BY THE FIVE PAMPHLETS WHICH NOW MAKE VOLUME 4 OF TESTIMONIES FOR THE CHURCH THESE WERE THE LAST God had established Moses as chief governor, and the priesthood was given to Aaron and his sons. viii Testimonies for the Church, vol. They saw the glorious light which covered the divine form of Christ. Korah determined to compel Moses to change the order of things, that he might be raised to the dignity of the priesthood. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram first commenced their cruel work upon the men to whom God had entrusted sacred responsibilities. If all the attention and strength are given to one, while others lie dormant, the development is strong in that one and will lead to extremes, because all the powers have not been cultivated. E.G.White Library| HOME Testimonies for the Church Volume Five : Page 3 1. At first they hinted and expressed doubts, which took so readily with many minds that they ventured still further. Men who cultivate one or two faculties, and do not exercise all equally, cannot accomplish one half the good in the world that God designed they should. The most essential points of truth may be made indistinct by giving attention to every minute point. Had he exercised all the organs equally, all would have had a healthy development; all the labor would not have been thrown upon one, therefore no one would have broken down. 31 TO 33, WHICH COMPRISE VOLUME 5. These reasoned that, being descendants of the eldest son of Jacob, the chief authority, which Moses usurped, belonged to them; and, with Korah, they were resolved to obtain the office of the priesthood. While they make the subject before them their principal business, other branches of the work should have a portion of their time. THE WORK OF ELLEN WHITE DID NOT CLOSE WITH THE ISSUANCE OF TESTIMONIES FOR THE CHURCH, VOLUME 9. By God's appointment these men had been entrusted with special honors. All the powers of the mind should be exercised, all the faculties cultivated. Perception, judgment, memory, and all the reasoning powers should have equal strength in order that minds may be well balanced. THE TIMES OF VOLUME SEVEN VOLUME 7 WAS PUBLISHED LATE IN 1902, ONLY ABOUT TWO YEARS AFTER THE ISSUANCE OF VOLUME 6; BUT IN THOSE FEW viii Testimonies for the Church Volume 3 as to how it should be conducted. These three became very, God had honored the Levites to do service in the tabernacle because they took no part in making and worshiping the golden calf and because of their faithfulness in executing the order of God upon the idolaters. Chapter 3—Unbalanced Number Twenty-One Testimony for the Church An Appeal for Burden Bearers. Those who put the whole strength of their mind into one subject are greatly deficient on other points, for the reason that the faculties are. They saw the glorious light which covered the divine form of Christ. This would be much better for themselves and for the cause generally. He was connected with the service of the tabernacle, yet he desired to be exalted to the priesthood. They are one-sided men; only half of the power that God has given them is put to use, while the other half is rusting with inaction. But a change had come. Copyright © 2021 by Ellen G. White. 9 Mrs. White had seen the work of the administration of the church develop from a committee of three which was appointed in 1863 to take charge of the General Conference, to its present We see monomaniacs all over the country. Every other consideration is lost sight of. Hello, Sign in One cannot be effectually used without the operation of all, that the balance may be carefully preserved. This one favorite theme is the burden of their thoughts and the theme of their conversation. before the church. The nine volume-set of counsels from the Spirit of Prophecy contain spiritual commentary of a general nature, along with many letters of intimate instruction to members of the church during Ellen White’s time. They are one-sided men; only half of the power that God has given them is put to use, while the other half is rusting with inaction. When all the faculties are in exercise, the intellect will be strengthened, and the purpose for which they were given will be accomplished. If we neglect to do this, they will never accomplish the purpose for which they were designed. One branch of the work should not have exclusive attention to the neglect of all others. A temptation, slight at first, had been harbored; and as it was encouraged it had strengthened until the imagination was controlled by the power of Satan. Christians are under obligation to Him to so train the mind that all the faculties may be strengthened and more fully developed. By actual count 120 pages of Testimonies volume 2 are definitely stated to have been written setting forth counsel given in this vision of June 12, 1868, for the church or for individuals. We are dependent upon God for the preservation of all our faculties. Buy Testimonies for the Church (Volume 3) by White, Ellen G. (ISBN: 9781467971379) from Amazon's Book Store. “And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord?”, [{"para_id":"119.2","title":"The Times of Volume Three","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0003_eng_f_the_times_of_volume_three_119_7.mp3#duration=707&size=5738867"},{"para_id":"119.33","title":"Chapter 1\u2014An Appeal for Burden Bearers","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0005_eng_f_chapter_1_an_appeal_for_burden_bearers_119_34.mp3#duration=1900&size=15285107"},{"para_id":"119.96","title":"Chapter 2\u2014Unsanctified Ability","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0006_eng_f_chapter_2_unsanctified_ability_119_96.mp3#duration=1583&size=12750939"},{"para_id":"119.140","title":"Chapter 3\u2014Unbalanced 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Silver","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0020_eng_f_the_lost_silver_119_450.mp3#duration=176&size=1494817"},{"para_id":"119.457","title":"The Prodigal Son","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0021_eng_f_the_prodigal_son_119_457.mp3#duration=546&size=4454857"},{"para_id":"119.480","title":"Chapter 11\u2014Labor Among the Churches","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0022_eng_f_chapter_11_labor_among_the_churches_119_480.mp3#duration=1018&size=8231376"},{"para_id":"119.514","title":"The Gospel Sower","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0023_eng_f_the_gospel_sower_119_514.mp3#duration=290&size=2404297"},{"para_id":"119.523","title":"The Wheat and Tares","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0024_eng_f_the_wheat_and_tares_119_523.mp3#duration=531&size=4336295"},{"para_id":"119.538","title":"Chapter 12\u2014To Wealthy Parents","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0025_eng_f_chapter_12_to_wealthy_parents_119_538.mp3#duration=1963&size=15793531"},{"para_id":"119.604","title":"Chapter 13\u2014Proper 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Means","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0095_eng_f_chapter_45_calls_for_means_119_2399.mp3#duration=186&size=1575722"},{"para_id":"119.2406","title":"Chapter 46\u2014Duty to the Unfortunate","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0096_eng_f_chapter_46_duty_to_the_unfortunate_119_2406.mp3#duration=1561&size=12577775"},{"para_id":"119.2454","title":"Chapter 47\u2014Man's Duty to His Fellow Men","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0097_eng_f_chapter_47_man_s_duty_to_his_fellow_men_119_2454.mp3#duration=889&size=7195855"},{"para_id":"119.2480","title":"Love and Sympathy at Home","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0098_eng_f_love_and_sympathy_at_home_119_2480.mp3#duration=973&size=7870155"},{"para_id":"119.2511","title":"Family Exclusiveness","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0099_eng_f_family_exclusiveness_119_2511.mp3#duration=1524&size=12277880"},{"para_id":"119.2555","title":"Chapter 48\u2014The Sin of Covetousness","mp3":"\/mp3\/119\/0100_eng_f_chapter_48_the_sin_of_covetousness_119_2555.mp3#duration=1069&size=8636011"},{"para_id":"119.2590","title":"Chapter 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