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T-Rex is an all-star who is typically more concerned with video game covers and his own stats than his team winning games. It’s more a work of art than a movie script. Donovan: “What do you mean you don’t know? And the way actor Margaret Whitton delivers the line, full of utter contempt, is absolutely perfect. The Indians win it! What does that mean, too high?” remember me reset password. While Kelly Leak was being a prima donna, Whurlitzer was the workhorse on the mound who would do anything to win. Doyle: “Vaughn into the wind up, and his first offering … juuuust a bit outside. So great. Rise to the moment, kid. Taylor, to the hitter, Rexman: “You’ve got a chance to be a hero on national television, if you don’t blow it. Also, when Ricky Vaughn shows up on the back of a motorcycle, hops off and Leach says, "Look at this f—in' guy," well, that's pretty great, too. Jimmy Dugan has some issues, but when it comes down to it, the man can straight up manage a team. No. And others, of course, but those are the ones that spring to mind. While the Angels and Roger were mostly responsible for the team's winning ways, Knox was still the man ultimately making the decisions. I’ve gotta put anything on it I can find. You can’t just … you’re welcome.”Why it’s the best: Dorn, who just flexed in front of Vaughn, is so completely intimidated by Cerrano. Executive: “This guy here is dead.” Taylor: “Win the whole f—in’ thing.Why it’s the best: Makes you want to run through a brick wall, doesn’t it? The setup: Tie game, ninth inning. Vaughn: “Stole a car.”Why it’s the best: Quick, to the point, no judgment. Last updated: 2019-10-30 . It’s perfect. All I know is that there are no right answers, just best guesses. Doyle: “Ball eight.” Action documented by Uecker. Mickey is the prototypical utility infielder. So, what are we going to have?” 1. Brown: “Let me think it over, will ya, Charlie? The third fan: “Who gives a s—? Dorn: “Yeah? The setup: In the conference room, looking over the list of spring training invitees. But he wasn't merely a good player on a bad team, he was a very good player, and as the heavenly angels helped Mel Clark and the rest of George Knox's team, Mitchell continued his high-powered offensive performance without the aid of God's henchmen. Cerrano: “Is very bad to steal Jobu’s rum. The music is building. Dorn: “What’s that? Vaughn: “What’s that s— on your chest?” And that guy she was with? Pitched for the Chicago White Sox, Toronto Blue Jays, St. Louis Cardinals & Milwaukee Brewers. Basically, he's the equivalent of Rickey Henderson, except he doesn't speak about himself in the third person. And it’s my list, so it makes the top 30. Dip on brothers. George Knox was a manager of a perennial contender in Cincinnati before coming over to the Angels. Harris: “I wouldn’t leave that rum sitting around here with this group.” Who else would you rather have hitting in the three-hole? You must be very, very proud. By the way, I saw your wife at the Capri Lounge last night. Let’s have a toast. Brown can relate to players better and calm them down when Jimmy inevitably spits in their faces and pees in their lockers. Taylor: “Well, then, I guess there’s only one thing left to do. Even if he's kind of a dick. Too hard, right?” Manager Lou Brown: “Now I’m much for giving inspirational addresses. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. But after Crash Davis' tutorial with the Durham Bulls, LaLoosh is ready to become a 20-game winner up at the show. Of course, if the umps are watching me close, I just put a little jalapeño inside my nose and get it running, and if I need to load the ball up a little, just wipe my nose.”