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He brings fertility and evolution. Zeruel used its arms to cut off Unit-02's arms, and soon after, its head, taking it out of battle. The angel Jophiel (Heb. Since the dawn of creation, Zauriel served the Presence (God) as a guardian angel, protecting the souls of countless women, including Cleopatra, Mona Lisa, and Joan of Arc. Guardian Angel Zuriel is the divine angel of vitality. Soon after, Unit-00 emerged from undergr… He rules the animal and vegetable kingdoms. He later falls in love with one of his assignments, a woman with a boyfriend from San Francisco. יוֹפִיאֵל‎, "beauty of God", "divine beauty"), also called Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel, Youfiel, Zophiel (Tsophiel צֹפִיאֵל‎, "spy of God", "watchman of God") and Zuriel (Tsuriel צוּרִיאֵל‎, "my rock is God"), is a non-canonical archangel of wisdom, understanding, and judgment. Appearing soon after the fight against the 13th Angel, Bardiel, Zeruel attacked NERV before it had time to fully recover from the previous Angel's attack. Zauriel was an angel of the Eagle Host, one of the four hosts of Heaven, the others being Human, Bull and Lion. At about the same time, Zauriel accidentally learns of the secret plans of Asmodel, King-Angel of the Bull Host and one of the generals o… Zuriel is also known as the angel of reproduction and sexuality. Unit-02 was deployed inside of the GeoFront to engage it, but its pallet rifle and rocket fire proved ineffective. Zeruel breached the armor layers above the GeoFrontat great speed, giving NERV no time to try to engage it on the surface.