The Band Anna Lee

Miss Moses, and Luke -- who bears the name of the best-known chronicler of the birth of Jesus, and who is, like us all, waiting on the Judgement Day -- give way to a real person in the end: young Anna Lee. Helm didn't warn her she was in it and in the nearly 40 years since, the two never really discussed it. Anna Lee doesn't dwell on the immortality her friend has bestowed upon her. The Band use the line, but add a very important gender-shifting word at the beginning of "The Weight's" third verse: "Go down, Miss Moses." "Robbie Robertson didn't know me from Adam and he didn't know Chester, either." But if I did, I'd probably think it was pretty great. She always knew Helm loved music and would flee the farmlands, but when he's home, it's like he never left.Shortly after "The Weight" was released in 1968, Anna Lee was living in California and pregnant. In Levon Helm's autobiography This Wheel's On Fire: Levon Helm And The Story Of The Band, he explained: "We had two or three tunes, or pieces of tunes, and 'The Weight' was one I would work on. Anna Lee?

Anna Lee never heard danger's dark call And was swept to her watery grave I'll return to you, dear, in the dimming of day As the sparrow returns to her nest I'll return to you dreaming with each lullaby Hold your sweet weary head to my breast Submit Corrections. Dylan offered to help with this album, but The Band refused because they wanted to make a mark on their own.Robbie Robertson described this song as being about "the impossibility of sainthood. There was no real Cannonball except in legend: It was popularized in the song from the 1800s called "The Wabash Cannonball," and mentioned in some blues songs of the early 1900s, including the original version of ",In 2007, this was used in a commercial for Cingular Wireless. The Band broke up in 1976 but "The Weight" plays on; some fans analyzing the lyrics line by line , finding everything from Biblical overtones to post-Civil War South.

"How could a guy from Canada write that song?" Since only the writer receives royalties for a song, this created a great deal of tension in The Band.The vocals are shared by Richard Manuel, Rick Danko, and Levon Helm, who harmonize on the choruses. He's dead now but lived in Fayetteville. ".Whoa man! Like many of her generation who came from rural roots, she dropped the double name as an adult. Helm takes lead on the first three verses; Danko takes the fourth ("Crazy Chester followed me...); Helm and Danko share the last verse ("Catch the cannonball...).Nazareth, where the story takes place, refers to the town in Pennsylvania about 70 miles north of Philadelphia. And she can't remember a time when she didn't know Helm, seven months older. Band mate Robbie Robertson, a Canadian, is credited as the song's lone writer but Helm's friends say the characters are his.

CDs: Goin' To Chicago and It's About Time AnnaLee and the Lucky So & Sos is a 7-piece swing band based in Kansas City. "Islands in the Stream" was originally written by The Bee Gees as an R&B song. She was "rolling deep" with her boyfriend until he betrayed her.Christine McVie wrote "Songbird" for Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album in just half a hour after she woke up in the middle of the night with the song in her head.Stevie Wonder wrote his own version of "Happy Birthday" in an attempt to get Martin Luther King's birthday declared a national holiday.Janet Jackson wrote the lyric to "Nasty" in response to random guys calling her "baby. Few songs become classics and resonate through time. "When we get together, there are always too many other things to talk about." Robertson was intrigued by the characters in his films, who were often good people who did bad things.Robbie Robertson got the only writing credit for this song, although other members of the group claimed that they contributed to this as well as many of their other songs and were not credited. The Band was Bob Dylan's backup band, and they moved there to be near Dylan while he was recovering from a motorcycle accident. The characters in the song - Crazy Chester, Luke, Anna Lee, are based on friends of the band. She's now Anna Amsden, an operator and data entry coordinator for a security alarm company. The Brandos achieved commercial success in the United States in 1987 with the release of their first album, Honor Among Thieves and the single "Gettysburg". Anna Lee Amsden is immortalized in The Band's anthem, "The Weight," on their first album, Music From Big Pink. He said, "Do me a favor, son, won’t you stay and keep Anna Lee company?"