antebellum period apush years

Put the chart on page 67 of your ISN and reading on page 68. From: Wilson, Charles Reagan, and William Ferris, eds., Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1989. Jackson lost his bid for the presidency in the House of Representatives, but won the next year at the head of the new Democratic Party. 3. Historians usually defi ne the antebellum years as 1815–1860—from the successful conclusion of the War of 1812 through the onset of the Civil War. Nat Turner Rebellion This was a slave rebellion lead by Nat Turner in Virginia that lead to 55-65 people killed, the rebellion was put down swiftly in 2 days, but Nat escaped only to be found 2 months later in hiding. Antebellum Era. Posted by. Cities continued to grow as the size of urban families shrank. Steam power, national roads and factories with power looms (invented by Francis Cobot) changed the way people lived. The commercialization of agriculture, shown by the transfer from subsistence farming to growing crops for market, continued. Transportation advances were heralded by the development of turnpikes and canals (such as the Erie Canal), but most importantly by the construction of railroad networks. This era saw increased industrialization and urbanization. Unit 5 APUSH Antebellum Period Timeline created by Mostlikelyonetimething. User account menu. The debates also created the Freeport Doctrine, which didn’t please either side with it’s option to exclude slavery if a state’s laws wouldn’t protect it.An effort by John Brown to cause a major slave rebellion that would abolish slavery, he tired to raid a Virginian arsenal with 18 heavily armed black and white men to give arms to slaves to cause the rebellion. Archived. Traditionally historians have demarcated historical eras by wars because these armed confl icts usually indicate a signifi cant shift in or challenge to political power or national identity. Aug 21, 1831. The industrial movement moved the economy from an agricultural economy to an industrial and technological one. The presidential election of 1824 ended the Era of Good Feelings, a period with only one major political party (the Federalists had dissolved in the wake of the Hartford Convention during the War of 1812). This outraged the North with this open dismal of human rights, causing a frenzy of news spread around the North bashing this ruling.A series of arguments between Douglas and Lincoln a for seat in Senate. Women and children could work in factories and Andrew … (reading and chart linked below). This lead to Bleeding Kansas, where people who were for and against slavery went to occupy Kansas and fight for the popular vote, rather brutally. This also brought up more moral topics about slavery as well.This was the result of the rebellion of U.S immigrants ( both illegal and legal) believing that there rights were being violated when Mexico adopted a new constitution that created a stronger central government and dissolved state legislature, thusly a rebellion and eventual indepdance from Mexico, creating tension between Mexico and U.S as well as even more future tension between the Northern and Southern from North fear of slave states having too much power from such a large amount of land.A war between Mexico and U.S over land that was caused by the U.S annexing Texas, this caused a rise in a political party named the Conscience Whigs, who thought that Polk was waging war to add more slave states with the gained from the war. Current Student. Log in sign up. This further divides the two parties by showing how real this disagreement is and what people are willing to do to achieve their ideals for the country.The election of 1860, where Lincoln won with not votes from the south The election of Abraham Lincoln was the final straw for the South, who threatend succession if a republican, which was stirred by the fear of a president that would eliminate slavery and Calhoun’s literature, and thusly the south started to succeed. This outraged the Southern Democrats, both from the nw combative party and the suggestion made by them, further fueling tensions between the North and the South.An group of people that’s wanted cheap to free land that was gained to the south, as well as to fight slavery from becoming a permanent part of the national law.