best light cruiser ww2

If they had smoke, maybe tier up by one. But, they lack torpedoes so you have to watch your range against stuff that has those.The Japanese can torpedo spam, particularly kiting away. These CA's are quite capable of citadelling battleships by the way. At least a Light Cruiser can perform some of the duties of a Destroyer, but with more range and endurance so I can see them making good escorts, but how useful is a Heavy Cruiser as an escort? Maybe a ship like the,The final major air threats met by the County class were Japanese kamikaze’s in the Pacific. Armor protection is middle of the road- decent, but not the best. But operationally, at what point would a situation be so serious that you commit heavy cruisers, but not a capital ship? Eight Counties covered Arctic Convoys at one point or another, with,Availability, reliability, range, seakeeping were all key to these wide-ranging roles and the County’s gave generally good performance there, HMS.The two County class ships, operating out of Iceland had been specifically dispatched to cover the Strait, contact and shadow the German ships, and this they did superbly.For all the glamour and allure of ship to ship actions in WWII they were hardly daily occurrences, many ships went the entire war without sighting a single enemy ship, the RN determined by 1940 that there had been over 5 instances of air attack per instance of surface attack on its ships, while the leading cause of loss of RN cruisers in WWII was air attack, and only 28% of losses were due to surface ships.Although practically every County class ship suffered some level of combat damage (see table below) only 3 of them suffered heavy damage from sustained action with enemy surface ships, and cruisers in particular –.Less than two months later, on Christmas Day 1940 and with Y turret still inoperable,In her two engagements with much larger Japanese cruisers,Sources differ from ’20 salvoes of 8in’ to ‘at least 24 major caliber hits’ to ‘27+ 5in or 5.5in hits.
You'll want to keep your distance, and use your stealth.

It also starts the trend of tanky brawler type cruisers that continues through tier 10.

The ultimate fire support ships. 18,600 battles [RCNW3] Panzer1113 392 Lieutenant; Members; 392 1,919 posts; 18,600 battles; Report post #5; Posted March 13, 2018. Prefer the Boise over the Fiji, Leander, Exeter. In the role of trade interdiction the County class fared fairly well, though the British blockade of Germany and Italy and different geography there made that task far harder, as did the war situation with Germany. Ships in class. However, when the guns hit, they hit hard. I have had a lot of fun with them.Like stealthy cruisers? The US and Japanese lines both have lots of good premiums for captain training, first win bonus collecting, etc.i would wait to play the british heavies. Just getting into the tier 8, and I finally figured out how to survive long enough to do something, lol. The increase in firepower comes at a price- the longer hull doesn't turn as well as the previous ships, so you can get SPANKED for using those rear guns if you aren't paying close attention.

What one person likes another could hate.

For example Yubari is hated by a lot of people but it just worked for me and I have a high win rate in it.. Conversely the Yamato is technically one of the strongest ships in the game but I am abysmal in it.I play the IJN Zao as a long range sniper (with range module) or sometimes as DD escort on caps. ).Russia/Soviet Union:   Great guns attached to extremely fragile hulls with 4km torps.

Like I said, mine tends to be gunfighting.