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Efficient design and constructionIt is only two years from design to completion, which not only guarantees the high efficiency of the project from investment to operation and to return but also reserves all kinds of space and preparation for the growth and refinement of the future hospital in operation. Located on a forested site near the center of the coastal city of Xiamen, VTN Architects selected their signature material, bamboo, to create a flexible interior space capable of hosting a variety of events. The Xiamen University was established with overseas Chinese funds and has beautiful republican-era buildings and an attractive lake. There is no need for any redundant decoration here because the space only hopes to arouse users’ clear and relaxed mood. Furthermore, it will also highlight trends from design, material and market, and will also host multi-disciplinary exhibitions. Unique features include a central lagoon and village rooftop. It’s a good place for a pleasant … VTN Architects has revealed the design of the Ting XI Bamboo Pavilion in Xiamen, China, as construction on the project nears completion. This mixed-use project occupies one of four sites... Nestled between two mountain ranges at the intersection... var z='jj6f1be8277235de92f43873a3',s=document.getElementById(z),c=document.createElement('span');c.innerHTML=(function(a,b){var i,o='';for(i=0;i