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London: Paul Chapman. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press). Towards the further extreme lie more formalized learning programmes of highly decontextualized learning, using material common to all the learners without paying any regard to their individual preferences, agendas or needs. Learning is “a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result of experience and increases the potential for improved performance and future learning” (Ambrose et al, 2010, p.3). Yet, for all the talk of ‘learning’, there has been little questioning about what it is, and what it entails. An individual is always learning, from his birth till his death. I strongly agree with that! It is almost as if ‘learning’ is something is unproblematic and can be taken for granted. This article is poorly written. As might be expected, educationalists often look to process definitions of learning. There is also a difference between answer 1 and answers 2-5. Experience, for him, was the ‘complex of all which it is distinctively human’ (Dewey 1929). Its categories were: receiving ideas; responding to ideas, phenomena; valuing ideas, materials; organization of ideas, values; characterisation by value set (or to act consistently in accordance with values internalised) (O’Neill and Murphy 2010). Dewey, J. Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses. New York: Oxford University Press. Guides to taxonomies of learning. If you eliminate those basic fears it will unlock even more human potential. (1989) Learning to Question. Within ‘practical’ orientation we must think about this situation in the light of our understanding of what is good or what makes for human flourishing. Regardless of the field of study, students need to have significant opportunities to develop and practice intellectual skills/thinking processes (e.g. Witkin, H. and Goodenough, D. (1981). As we grow older, the brain connections that we use a lot become swifter and more efficient, and they cover longer distances. As teaching assistants and instructors, we need to keep in mind that there is much more to learning than content and that we should pay attention not only to the content but also to thinking processes and other types of learning. Simple but very accurate info… Pretty much  the standard text for those concerned with adult education and lifelong learning. This might involve: Planning. Mezirow, J. Buckingham: Open University Press. It is also a complex social activity. Learning is knowledge gained through experience, and education is knowledge gained through teaching. They have been much more important across a wide range of historical periods and cultural traditions. London: Routledge. Every single learner is a wonder to behold. Bruner, J. S. (1966). Online Education Is Totally Worth The Effort. New York: Teachers College Press. DOI 10.3758/s13423-013-0386-3. In keeping with all historic attempts to revolutionize the social order, the elite leaders who formulated the strategy, and those who implemented it, perverted the language, using terms that had attracted a great deal of respect in new ways that turned their meanings upside down, but helped make the new order palatable to a public that didn’t quite catch on. Murphy, P. Furthermore, even young children are aware of the fact that most of what is expected of them in school can better be done by computers, recording machines, cameras, and so on. New York: International Universities Press. Learning and Knowledge. Understanding what it takes to get that knowledge in and out (or promote behavioral change of a specific kind) can help optimize learning. There are many different ways of learning; teaching is only one of them. Encouraging Reflective Practice in Education. In most cases they do not.