cantabrian mountains

From then on, it was substituted by the organization in cities, towns or historic,The most significant consequence of the strong relief of the Cantabrian territory is the existence of topographic barriers that condition decisively the courses of the linking infrastructures, as much in the north–south orientation in the accesses to the.The main communications infrastructures of the region are:In Cantabria, there are two daily regional newspapers in addition to the national ones:The north of the Spanish state is a rich area for,Cantabrian lore turns its forests and mountains into magical places where the,There is a heavy presence of fabulous beings of,The traditional sport of Cantabria is the game of,The Pasiegan jump is another of the outstanding rural sports of the region and a clear example of how the use of a work skill that disappears with the pass of time, gives rise to games and competition. In Europe it's listed in the European Mammal Assessment as critically endangered. The mountains are rich in minerals, especially coal and iron; the slopes are farmed. Each municipality is governed by its own,The Mancomunidad Campoo-Cabuérniga is not a municipality, but a communal property, singular for its size and characteristics, of shared management between the municipalities of,The Cantabrian legislation divides the autonomous community in administrative regions called,Until the 13th century, Cantabria was organized in valleys, as was typical in all of northern Spain.

These include:This article is about the Spanish community of Cantabria. Cantabrian Mountains (kăntā´brēən), N Spain, extending c.300 mi (480 km) along the Bay of Biscay from the Pyrenees to Cape Finisterre.
Science, 15 June 2012; 336 (6087): 1409-13.Last edited on 14 September 2020, at 16:18,Learn how and when to remove this template message,see eucalyptus article on Spanish Wikipedia,Santoña, Victoria and Joyel Marshes Natural Park,Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia,"ISO 3166-2 NEWSLETTER Date issued: 2010-02-03 No II-1 Corrected and reissued 2010-02-19","Sub-national HDI - Area Database - Global Data Lab",La Ley Orgánica 11/1998, de 30 de diciembre, de reforma de la LO 8/1981, del Estatuto de Autonomía para Cantabria (BOE 31 diciembre 1998),"cantabria | Origin and meaning of cantabria by Online Etymology Dictionary","Kent - Search Online Etymology Dictionary".Programa de Vigilancia Ambiental del Plan Nacional de Regadios.Biodiversity: Lugares de Importancia Comunitaria.Poblaciones referidas al 1 de enero de 2006 por comunidades autónomas y sexo,Población extranjera según su nacionalidad y sexo (2004-06),Cantabria: Población por municipios y sexo. The rolling coastal hills rise gradually into the Cantabrian Mountains. Torre de Cerredo (8,687 ft/2,648 m) in the Picos de Europa group in the central section is the highest peak. Local conservationists such as the Cantabrian Brown Bear Research Group and the Fundación Oso Pardo are always looking for volunteers or support. Cantabrian Mountains, Spanish Cordillera Cantábrica, mountain chain generally extending along the northern coast of Spain for approximately 180 miles (300 km). It has two distinct areas which are well differentiated morphologically:Towards the south are higher mountains, the tops of which form the watershed between the drainage basins of the Rivers,The rivers of Cantabria are short and rapid, descending steeply because the sea is so close to their source in the Cantabrian Mountains. A number of municipalities bear the name of one of their townships (be it its capital or not), but not all them do. One range, or series of ranges, closely follows the outline of the coast; the other, which is loftier, forms the northern limit of the great tableland of,The descent from the southern range to the high plateaux of Castile is more gradual, and several large rivers, notably the,The Cantabrian Mountains make a sharp divide between ".The Cantabrian Range has three very distinct sections from west to east:The main mountains of this zone are the massive,The Cantabrian Mountains are home to an important variety of plant life, as well as the,Other animals associated with the range include the,Woodland in the Cantabrian Mountains is generally predominated by beeches (,The Cantabrian mountain range includes several,Location of the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain,Fuentes del Narcea, Degaña e Ibias Natural Park,Protected Landscape Area of Sierra del Sueve,Fuentes Carrionas and Fuente Cobre-Montaña Palentina Natural Park,Estudio de caudales ecológicos en la red hidrográfica de Cantabria, - English-language web site on nature in Spain and Portugal,Parque Natural de Las Ubiñas-La Mesa - Reserva de la Biosfera (I),,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The predominant countries of origin for immigrants to Cantabria are.The majority of the population resides in the coastal area, particularly in two cities:The most important municipalities of Cantabria are the following:The first written reference to the name Cantabria emerges around 195 BC, in which the historian,...The Ebro River starts in the land of the,There are about 150 references to Cantabria or the Cantabri in surviving,In older geographers, the term Cantabria referred to an expansive country bounded by the Cantabrian Sea (the,Following the collapse of the Roman Empire, Cantabria regained its independence from the rule of the,During the 9th century, on mentioning the monastery of Saint Zacharias, Eulogius pinpoints it in,From the 16th century on, there was renewed interest in studying Cantabria and the Cantabri, particularly concerning the precise location of the territory that this people had occupied.