eastenders' lola and jay

Jane was the closest thing to a mum he had, but she left, unable to endure another minute as Mrs Beale. Ian decides against selling the family restaurant when he comes under pressure from the market traders, which means they cannot afford to continue paying Bobby's school fees. Bobby is later released from prison and greeted by Kathy at home. When Tiffany's mother,The Beale family are distraught when Lucy is.On the night of Jane and Ian's remarriage, it is revealed in a flashback episode that Bobby had accidentally killed Lucy ten months before, after attacking her with a jewellery box out of frustration at her actions. Mandy took over the unlikely role of 'mum' for a while until she too left The Square.Producers decided to recast the character again in 2014 from Stroud to child actor Eliot Carrington.In the flashback episode, Bobby is revealed as the murderer with Jane hiding his secret. The Beale family (with the exception of a disgusted Peter) then agree to keep the circumstances of Lucy's death a secret from Bobby, the police, and the residents of Walford. When Ian catches Bobby bullying his cousin.Bobby and Ian visit family in America. When Ian returns from the visit he informs Kathy that he is disappointed that Bobby did not seem to respond to the news the way he expected and he walked out the visiting room without saying a word. When Ian's deceit is revealed, Bobby is left exposed and upset. He then goes to,Ian visits Bobby off screen to inform him of Steven's death and Jane being injured in a fire. However, Kathy's rapist,Sixteen months later, Ian receives a letter saying that Bobby will be released in a matter of months, but he believes that Bobby will be better off with Jane, however, Kathy encourages Ian to tell Peter that Bobby is coming home and to be a father to Bobby and bring him back to Walford. Bobby Beale is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera Bobby overhears Jane talking about this, so he angrily smashes her car wing mirror with his hockey stick. ... "It affects Ben a lot as he worships Jay but he also thinks the world of Lola. Peter later makes peace with Bobby before emigrating to New Zealand.Afterwards, Bobby continuously walks in between Ian and Jane's conversations about him killing Lucy, where they nervously shake it off and tell him they were discussing something else. The character had not been part of the official list of suspects, but Treadwell-Collins warned that any character could be the killer.Treadwell-Collins sought permission from Carrington's father before agreeing to make Bobby the murderer and told Mark Jefferies of the.Producers then placed the character at the centre of a subsequent story for the Beale family as they try to maintain the secret.Jane was written out of the series in October 2017.The character was referenced in scenes first broadcast in February 2019 as Ian receives a letter about Bobby's release date, sparking speculation that he could return.On 3 June 2019, it was confirmed that the role had been recast with actor Clay Milner Russell now in the role.Following his return, producers placed Bobby in a new story exploring,Rory Stroud was nominated as "Best Young Actor" at the 2013,Fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders,Third recast, Lucy's murder and departure,"Woodyatt "can't wait" for 'Enders live ep","Medway Eastenders actor Eliot Carrington plays character Bobby Beale revealed as the killer of half-sister Lucy","Bobby Beale actor Eliot Carrington's 'brilliant' reaction to hearing he was Lucy's killer in EastEnders","EastEnders plans 'Who Killed Lucy Beale?' Soon after returning, Bobby (now Rory Stroud) takes a romantic interest in Tiffany. ",https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bobby_Beale_(EastEnders)&oldid=978060881,Fictional characters with psychiatric disorders,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Not to mention enduring the revolving door of his father's love life...Bobby's biological mum, Laura, died in dubious circumstances. #eastenders #eastendersedit #eeedit #ballum #ben x callum #ben mitchell #christian clarke #callum highway #shut UP he is settling down they are almost married ok #mine #noned*mine #ee.20111107 #ee.20190606 #ee.20190930 #ee.20200331 She stops him leaving and when she goes to call Ian on the phone, Bobby strikes the back of her head with his hockey stick; she falls and he hits her twice more, leaving her critically injured. EastEnders' Ben Mitchell will make two shocking discoveries in his special episode tonight (June 1). Jane leaves temporarily and Bobby becomes troubled. Bobby was placed at the centre of the ",Ian enters Bobby (now Alex Francis) into a talent contest but cheats by enlisting another child to sing while Bobby mimes. When Francis decided to concentrate on his schooling, the character was recast again, with Rory Stroud in the role. This is a list of where characters live in EastEnders. ","EastEnders catch-up: Bobby Beale sentenced to prison as Lucy's murder plot reaches a conclusion","EastEnders spoilers: Laurie Brett confirms exit as Jane Beale","EastEnders spoilers: Bobby Beale returns as Max Branning takes cruel action against Jane","EastEnders' Bobby Beale release bombshell shocks Ian","EastEnders reveals Bobby Beale return details as Clay Milner Russell takes over role","Bobby Beale converts to Islam as EastEnders aims to "challenge preconceptions and prejudices" of Muslim faith","Inside Soap Awards 2013 – longlist nominees in full","Inside Soap Awards 2015 longlist revealed","Which character should be next for the EastEnders axe? ... Lola and Lexi later move to Newcastle in July 2015. She is introduced as the granddaughter of Billy Mitchell (Perry Fenwick) and Julie Perkins (Cathy Murphy), and an extension to the already established Mitchell family. The next day, Jane catches Bobby packing a bag, and he says he knows what Jane has done and is returning to the school. Lola Pearce (also Mitchell) is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders, played by Danielle Harold. The following month, Max threatens Jane into leaving Walford. flashback episode","EastEnders audience will be upset if nothing goes wrong","EastEnders boss on Bobby reveal: 'It's the start of a bigger story","EastEnders star Laurie Brett on Bobby: 'I've known since November,"EastEnders: Bobby Beale revealed as Lucy's killer in shock twist","EastEnders star Hetti Bywater on Bobby reveal: 'I was so shocked,"EastEnders boss on Bobby killer story: 'There's a lot more to tell,"EastEnders spoilers: Bobby arrested after attacking stepmum Jane – has he murdered again?