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© Cockatiel.com | Terms of Use And Privacy. It keeps standing in one leg. Stress is a big killer of even healthy birds and when a bird is ill or injured, it is even worse. It would only be in their at night. In such situations, the budgie is not able to move its body or hold up its neck. Of course, it is best to take your budgie to an avian vet for a physical examination if it is showing signs of severe illness. They can end up pressing on the nerves and blood supply to the legs causing these symptoms. My Birds My Foods & Supplements Always treat your pets as family members. Your doctor may refer you to an otolaryngologist, a doctor with special training in problems of the ear, nose, throat, head, and neck. Injury takes time to heal, generally requires isolation from other chickens that may attempt to bully a weaker one. Poor little girl, she's really taken a turn for the worse. Could you please help me. I don’t know how that closet looks but I think it is better if your cage stands freely and your budgie gets enough fresh air. That is very much a life threatening emergency. Thanks to all! A budgie that seems to be unsteady and off balance needs immediate medical attention. It also makes the bird less itchy. Your email address will not be published. And of course any dietary changes should be checked out by your avian veterinarian as well. : herps, pocket pets, rabbits, poultry, dogs, horses. Budgies are scared when they arrive in their new homes and they need to get used to it first. You may find your parrot preening a bit more during a molt or if you have two that are a bonded pair or are simply friends, they may choose to help each other out with stubborn keratin sheaths surrounding the feather. He thought that it was either an infection or a virus. 2. I think 8 is towards what is the average life expectancy of a budgie. my parakeet cannot move his right leg and seems to have ruffle up his feathers what should i do? Veterinarian, UC Davis graduate, emphasis in Dermatology, Internal Medicine, and Pain Control. But meanwhile, it would be best to quarantine a sick budgie and keep a close eye on it. Usually birds that are sleepy and not capable of getting about in their cages are poorly. Any possibility of coming in contact with maggots or an overload of earthworms? His droppings are yellow and liquid. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hello, i had this question. We can no longer get her to eat or drink at all, her legs no longer work, and her comb is getting really pale. Infections, undesirable high toxic levels in your cockatiels body like lead, tumors, and lack of certain vitamins can make your bird lose its balance. i have a conure parrot,and i took my bird to go his nails trim,and the employee at the pet shop might have cut to much nail,and my bird does not balance right,and when he tries to balance, sometimes, I have a 23 y.o. However, if this is not the case and the budgie’s droppings are consistently loose and wet, it could be sick. However, if you see an unusual excess of feathers, please consult with an avian veterinarian to see if there is a health problem that might be causing the excessive loss. Announcements, Feedback, Issues, & Guides. A budgie vomiting could also be a red flag for liver disease, if it is accompanied by symptoms such as loose droppings with green coloring, labored breathing, swelling on the abdomen, etc. Join BYC FREE here to see fewer ads, post questions, upload pics, & more! She falls to the left side, and she moves her head over to the side as well. At this point, I don't think that there is anything you can do. My Amazon lost a feather! So you might find yourself sweeping and vacuuming more often. Ask-a-doc Web sites: If you've got a quick question, you can try to get an answer from sites that say they have various specialists on hand to give quick answers... Justanswer.com. Ataxia in dogs refers to a loss of coordination or unbalanced gait due to sensory dysfunction. If prompt care is received, the bird could be returned back to good health in some cases. Im so worried…. Hair falls out or is pulled out in the process of brushing or combing it and it is replaced with fresh strands of hair that continue to grow. Were your chicks vaccinated from the hatchery, or were they swap or local purchases? He also seems quite sleepy and keeps shutting his eyes and also seem to be keeping his head on one side. If it is Marek's, it is best to go ahead and put her out of her misery. he was holding the leg away from his perch and leaning on the side of his cage. Budgies in captivity are also good at concealing their illness as long as they can, even though they are not in any apparent danger of a predator attack. Basically, I love all animals. Still, you should definitely take your budgie to a vetto make sure that everything is all right. If the feces are dark red in color, and it cannot be attributed to the food that it ate (for example cherries, beets, etc. It also softens the keratin making the feathers easier to burst through that sheath. However, I am passing along the information to my sister-in-law (a cat-rescue person who is also a nurse), and perhaps it will help someone else who may experience the same problem. A cockatiel that does not perch or loses its balance is a sign of a sick bird. The budgie might be found sitting on the floor of the cage most of the time. Can you please tell us more? This is accompanied by other symptoms such as inactivity, weight loss, etc. I have had many get to this stage. But some birds may find it painful or uncomfortable.