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He lives in the Marineland Melanesia Zoo on Green Island with over 50 other crocodiles. The Townsville Daily Bulletin reported on May 16, 1951 that Mackay had the claim for the largest crocodile shot in Australia. After a long run and eight years of being cared for in captivity at St. Augustine, the elderly Gomek died of heart disease in 1997. This terrifying crocodile, Gustave, is recorded as Africa’s largest crocodile, as well as a feared man-eater. The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is the biggest of all living crocodilians. A tale about a monster crocodile, that would be the biggest in history is true, claims a pensioner whose late father told him stories of seeing the beast. Most people believe that Brutus lost his leg in a tangle with a Bull Shark in estuarine waters. But in 1933, that's exactly what happened in the small rural Mackay community of Pindi Pindi. Crocodiles (subfamily Crocodylinae) or true crocodilesare large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia. It was apparently substantiated by the Australian Encyclopedia, when then-curator of the Brisbane Museum, J.D Ogilvy, confirmed a 32 foot reptile was shot near the river. This massive reptile was suspected to be the culprit of several attacks and human deaths before he was captured alive. Locals report that Gustave kills for pleasure as well as sustenance, picking off several people in an area and then disappearing for a while before repeating the cycle. Krystyna 'Krys' Pawlowski had been crocodile hunting for two years when she shot the 8.6-metre monster in 1957 on the McCarther Bank in the Norman River, Queensland. Brutus has reached a considerably old age for a “Saltie,” as Australians fondly nickname his species, and is estimated to be over 80 years old. Known to frequent the Adelaide River, Brutus the crocodile stands out for more reasons than his sheer size alone; he’s also missing one of his front legs. The largest Saltwater Croc ever seen/caught or killed in Mackay was a 10.3metre crawled out the Pioneer River in the 1950s sometime around 1956. The Nile Crocodile is considered to be an apex predator, and for good reason. While there are plenty of species of crocodiles that grow to surprising sizes as a whole, today we’ll be listing individual crocodiles that stand out even among their own species for being jaw-droppingly large. Particularly bold visitors who take the renowned “Jumping Croc Cruise” down the Adelaide River just might get the chance to see Brutus for themselves as tour guides dangle bait to encourage the river’s crocodiles to jump out of the water. However, he’s reported to have developed a calm attitude towards caregivers that he’s known for years. Cassius used to live near Darwin, where he was eventually captured because he’d been attacking too many boats. He lives in the Marineland Melanesia Zoo on Green Island with over 50 other crocodiles. Gustave was originally thought to have been around 100 years in age, but was discovered to sport a full set of teeth, indicating that he’s significantly younger. Saltwater Crocodiles often have a reputation for being quite aggressive and Cassius must be handled with caution and respect like any other croc. Impressive in both size and age, Cassius the croc is estimated to be 110 years old or more, and is considered to be the largest crocodile still alive in captivity. Locals report that Gustave kills for pleasure as well as sustenance, the elderly Gomek died of heart disease in 1997, Cassius the croc is estimated to be 110 years old or more, largest crocodile still alive in captivity, Brutus lost his leg in a tangle with a Bull Shark, suspected to be the culprit of several attacks and human deaths, the records were set straight when he was measured to be 20 feet at a truck weigh-bridge. It took a two-year collaborative effort to finally capture Lolong. Impressive in both size and age, Cassius the croc is estimated to be 110 years old or more, and is considered to be the largest crocodile still alive in captivity. During his life in captivity, he was kept in a custom-built enclosure due to his massive size. While his size was often misinterpreted or exaggerated to 30 feet when he was seen in the wild, the records were set straight when he was measured to be 20 feet at a truck weigh-bridge. However, no concrete proof of the event has emerged. In other words, they live all continents except Europe and Antarctica. Feeders still used tongs to feed Gomek for obvious reasons, but could reportedly get just a few feet away from him while remaining unharmed. Claim: A photograph shows a 28-foot-long crocodile that was killed in Australia in 1957. Gustave is rumored to have disposed of more than 300 people who ventured too close to the shores of the Ruzizi River and Lake Tanganyika. After originally being captured in Papua New Guinea and changing homes once or twice, Gomek eventually wound up at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park in Florida. He quickly became popular among tourists for his calm disposition towards humans and his willingness to perform tricks such as food-tossing. Lolong the Saltwater Crocodile was the largest crocodile in the world. IT'S hard to imagine the horror of a monster five metre crocodile attacking two schoolgirls as they rode across a creek on their way to school. Average-size males reach 17 feet (5.2 meters) and 1,000 pounds (450 kg), but specimens 20+ feet (6+ meters) long and weigh… Let’s learn about 5 of the largest individual crocodiles discovered thus far, and take a look at what sets them apart.