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Exercise your constitutional right to vote.Register today! “Our fight is not over. Read information about the court's decision here. We suggest consulting the resources, The League of Women Voters of Nebraska invites you to peruse the latest edition of the Nebraska Voter newsletter. font-weight: bold; The report estimates that 10.59% of Black Nebraskans and 5.82% of Latinx Nebraskans are disenfranchised individuals with felony convictions. Something went wrong while submitting the form. The League of Women Voters of New Mexico hosted a webinar with former Senator Fred Harris (D-OK), now a resident of Corrales and an adjunct professor at UNM. “New information concerning projected post office delays in handing absentee ballots reinforces the importance of what we originally asked for –allowing absentee votes to be counted if they are postmarked by Election Day,” said Christina Schlitt, president of the League of Women Voters of Michigan. The League of Women Voters of Nebraska is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 4. The League of Women Voters is proud to be nonpartisan. Visit your local League of Women Voters website for local voting & election information. Read the entire letter here. All registered voters can access to an absentee ballot for any reason. Under-the-Straits tour of Pipeline 5 (3 min. For the first time, 13 Michigan citizens were named to an Independent Redistricting Commission. Fair Districts New Jersey urges voters to vote NO on statewide public question 3 on New Jersey’s ballot. A citizen can register to vote anytime with proof of residency. “The League is extremely disappointed in the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear our case, which would have allowed absentee votes to count if they were postmarked by Election Day,” said Christina Schlitt, president of the League of Women Voters of Michigan. The following Voter Guide contains candidate information for the state and county level candidates. When you receive your ballot, follow the instructions carefully. The League of Women Voters of Michigan (LWVMI), in both its values and practices, affirms its belief and commitment to diversity and pluralism. UPDATE 9-18-20:  In a similar but separate suit brought by the Michigan Alliance for Retired Americans, Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Stephens ruled that absentee ballots can be counted after election day in 2020 provided they have a postmark no later than November 2 and are received by the local clerk within 14 days of the election. The League of Women Voters of Houston Voters Guide is your nonpartisan source for national, state and local election information to help you prepare to head to the polls. Every 10 years after the census is completed, new political lines are drawn for federal, state, county and some local districts. Elect Justice & Voter's Edge Can Help! This is in contrast, Senator John McCollister will introduce a redistricting bill in the 2021 legislative session that will move Nebraska toward a fair redisricting process. Your submission has been received! The right to vote a secret ballot is protected. LWVWA Education Fund contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. “The Court’s decision could help prevent the disenfranchisement of thousands of voters in the November election and ensure voting is accessible and convenient for every registered voter in Michigan in November and beyond.” Read more here. It safeguards our elections with audits and more accurate voting lists, and removes barriers that can make it harder for citizens to fulfill their responsibility to vote. The League of Women Voters of Michigan was the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit filed against the State of Michigan concerning PA 608, which imposed a myriad of new restrictions on ballot initiatives. Voter’s Edge California Launches to Guide Voters and Fight Misinformation, Ballot Measure Voting Recs: Vote with the League. Plan to be a voter in the November 3 general election! The League never supports or opposes political candidates or political parties. Congressional districts and government legislative bodies should be apportioned substantially on population. The Houston Voters Guide! The League supports and encourages the grassroots efforts to initiate legislation, to amend the constitution or to recall our elected officials through the ballot initiative process. Click here if you’re not registered to vote at your current address. New issues of the Voters Guide will be published prior to the start of early voting for each election. The Coalition members are Michigan organizations dedicated to the protection of Michigan’s water, natural resources, public trust in those resources, the environment, communities, and the health, safety and general welfare of citizens. Address: 4600 Valley Road, Suite 306, Lincoln, NE 68510, LWV Convention Resolution, approved June 27, 2020:  We Resolve First, That the League advocates against systemic racism in the justice system and, at a minimum, for preventing excessive force and brutality by law enforcement. The League stepped in to push back against PILF’s bullying tactics, and we won.” “From the start, we’ve said this lawsuit is without merit,” said Eliza Sweren-Becker, counsel in the Brennan Center’s Voting Rights and Elections Program. Every election we’re so grateful to be able to provide our Voters Guide to the community. LWVNE Statewide 2020 Voters' Guide Now Available. Michigan citizens are now guaranteed these new voting rights: For detailed information about voter registration, click here.