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Some types involve intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) as well as movement problems. GMFCS looks at movements such … The subtypes of cerebral palsy are defined according to the predominant muscle tone abnormality, its distribution and severity. Many people with... Dyskinetic cerebral palsy. CEREBRAL PALSY DEFINED “The term, cerebral palsy, constitutes five main classes of handicapped children, of which the olden term, cerebral spastic paral- ysis, isonly one of the group. It is fre- quently a combination of both motor and sensory involvement. Spastic cerebral palsy is the most common type of CP, making up 70 to 80 percent of cases. The movement and posture abnormalities that are characteristic of cerebral palsy are associated with underlying abnormalities of muscle tone, including dystonia, spasticity, and rigidity. Plegia/Plegic - Means Paralyzed The prefix and root word are combined to yield the topographical classifications commonly used in prac… Types of Cerebral Palsy Categorizing Cerebral Palsy. Each classification used alone is incomplete. Spastic cerebral palsy. Therefore, a multiaxial classification gives a more comprehensive description of a child with CP. The classification of cerebral palsy (CP) remains a challenge; hence the presence of so many classifications and a lack of consensus. Cerebral palsy is broken down into different types to help describe how one’s brain damage... Spastic Cerebral Palsy. 2 What are the different types of cerebral palsy? It causes stiff muscles and exaggerated reflexes, making it difficult to walk. The gross motor function of children and young people with cerebral palsy can be categorised into 5 different levels using a tool called the Gross Motor Function Classification System Expanded and Revised (GMFCS – E&R). There are several types of cerebral palsy, classified by the kind of movement affected, the body parts affected, and how severe the symptoms are. When used with Motor Function Classification, it provides a description of how and where a child is affected by Cerebral Palsy. Athetoid Cerebral Palsy. The words are a combination of phrases combined for one single meaning. Keep in mind that all five levels are to be used as a guideline and may not directly affect each child at the same time in the same way. How Can I Obtain A Copy of The Expanded and Revised GMFCS Classification System? People with dyskinetic CP have trouble controlling their body movements. Topographical classification describes body parts affected. For instance, one child may fit the guidelines for Level II, yet is still unable to crawl, but will still be classified as a Level II because the majority of the other descriptions are there. Term at the heart of this classification method; 1. This is useful in ascertaining treatment protocols.