kawasaki h2r

HD - YouTube Parts. save your favorites add your content Sign up to create your profile favorite new vehicles. The top speed of "over 206 mph" (332 km/h) on the Sulby Straight was recorded on Hillier's personal Strava GPS smartphone app for cyclists. In June 2015, TT race competitor James Hillier rode a Kawasaki H2R as an inter-race demonstration lap, at near-race speeds, using normal Superbike slick race tires, around the 37​ ⁄4-mile road course, leading to a roads TT record of the highest top speed attained in the Isle of Man by a motorcycle.

Parts designed specifically for the Ninja H2R are for closed-course riding use only and cannot be purchased without proof of H2R ownership … Invalid fields exist in below form.Go to your Apple iTunes store or Google Play store to download today.I verify that I am 13 or over, a United States resident, and agree to Kawasaki's. My Kawasaki makes shopping for a new vehicle easier than ever. My Kawasaki makes shopping for a new vehicle easier than ever. Find dealer inventory, schedule a test ride & get a quote.

Saving your favorite vehicles, photos and videos will keep them in one place so you can go back and review as many times as you need while considering your new Kawasaki vehicle.Sign into My Kawasaki here on your mobile phone to see vehicle research previously saved from any other device. All usage of this vehicle should be limited to riding on a closed-course.

The Ninja H2 ™ R motorcycle is a closed-course riding use only model and is not manufactured for use on public roads, streets or highways. Vehicle. Official info for the 2020 NINJA H2™ - specs, photos, videos, brochure & reviews. Kawasaki H2R - World Record 400 km/h in 26 sec. Then, when you visit your local dealer, you can have all your research handy.Receive the latest news, special offers and exclusives.Sorry, cannot submit.