kindness sentence

Kindness cannot be defined in proper words but in simple words kindness can be defined as a caring and righteous attitude towards others.
I can hardly thank you enough for your,14. 15. So, always try to do your part and help make the world a kinder place.We must behave with others as we want them to behave with us. Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. I can hardly thank you enough for your,6. The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully 19 have been.28.

proved, kindness is in fact contagious, even when you're 1532 miles away.On the first, it came down to a lot of hard work, a lot of kindness from the people we worked with, and pure good fortune.Though a star of the highest magnitude, she was enormously taken by a stranger's kindness, which is how we happened to meet.Real kindness is the kindness of the Samaritan, who helps because a stranger is suffering, who does not need gratitude as recompense.In the first week of October they landed on the shore of France and travelled on to Rouen, receiving nothing but kindness from the French.Usually he prefaces his turn with a plaintive speech in which he refers to the kindness and fair play shown him by his Australian audiences.I heard of Jenny's worth and kindness from the Englishman who had been so grievously affronted by Captain N---, and sent for her to come to me.I heard of Jenny's worth and kindness from the Englishman who had been so grievously affronted by Captain N____, and sent for her to come to me.I could hardly hope to meet with the sympathy and kindness from the Frenchmen of Martinico that I found in Grenada among the natives of Scotland.To the philistine, civilian participant this kind of activity is seen as "kindness" - subversion of a foreign culture into a modern bedlem of sophistry.She recalled his kindness when her father disappeared, how he had taken the young girl into his own home until Otik had given her a place to live and work.It taught me the real meaning of the word kindness, without which, not only toward human beings, but toward all living things, man will never rise above the savage state.He had, of course, received the letter we had written to him from Tripataly, and quite pained me by the gratitude he showed for what he called my kindness to his daughter.Kindness begets kindness, which is what I tell myself whenever I think about giving that apron to the Santa Barbara Arts Commission for its silent auction fundraising event.Then we need to reflect on every sentient being's having at some time been our mother, we need to recall their kindness and nurture a wish to repay it by achieving enlightenment for them.He exasperates me every moment by his stupidity, which you call his kindness; by his dullness, which you call his confidence, and then, above all, because he is my husband, instead of you.As he threaded his way back to his fort, he would reflect comfortably that he'd not given them a word of a lie, and doing old friends, a kindness was a very good way of earning a hundred drachmas.The bill was the subject of an act of kindness from the Danish consul, who negotiated it at face value at a time when bills upon England could only be cashed in Port Louis at a discount of 30 per cent.But papa was stern for once, and vowed that I had been served quite right, declared that I should not be removed from school, and sent old Swishtail a brace of pheasants for what he called his kindness to me.In this tale of Dickensian contrasts in kindness and cruelty, Brooklyn comes alive with the details of time and place, but it is the shadow of pain and transcendence cast symbolically by the bridge that haunts and compels.If reader-visitors notice that these crowds do not behave in familiar ways but conjecture that the unfamiliar kindness is superior to the norm, and worth cultivating, they have activated the utopian estrangement of the text.Your letter was very gratifying to me, from which I gathered that you fully appreciated my devotion to you: for why use the word kindness, when even the word "devotion" itself, with all its solemn and holy associations, seems too weak to express my obligations to you?However, it is not the all-encompassing message of love and kindness, which is spread with engaging lighting, photographs and live music, that seems to attract people of all backgrounds and classes; it is the action they put behind their words and the services they provide for the poor and homeless.The intention of the apostle in this place is, to hold out consolation to believers in affliction or under any distress; which he doth, verse 31, in general, from the assurance of the presence of God with them, and his assistance at all times, enough to conquer all oppositions, and to make all difficulty indeed contemptible, by the assurance of his loving-kindness, which is better than life itself.You may have an easier time writing sentences with kindness if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.Words that often come before kindness in sentences.
during his eastern campaigns, he wrote to the loyal Jews as their fellow citizen and general, exhorting them to preserve their present goodwill towards him and his son, on the ground that his son would continue his policy in gentleness and,Saxony established a penitentiary at Zwickau in 1850 and in its earlier management exhibited exaggerated,Your dog cannot help his physical state of being at this time, and this is one of the last acts of,You can ask a global volunteer to perform a Random Act of Genealogical,Sweet Cancer does best when he or she is giving of their time and their feelings; giving,If you're ever in need, you can trust Aquarius to respond with,Some of the things that will quickly get Gemini to warm up to you are a sense of humor and,While its true that the crab might change his or her mind on a whim or lash out in anger when confronted, it's also true that Cancer's well known traits of,He can appreciate this approach and responds to,The movies and television show incorporate a lesson for the characters, including friendship and,These gentle, family-oriented creatures are also symbols for,The same writer greatly praises him for his,From her visions, neither of them was capable of any measure of,Cynthia and her husband were appreciative of his efforts, which Dean knew came as much from nerves over his pending jury duty as early morning,Deidre glared at the phone, comparing Logan's unconcerned response with Dr. Wynn's,"Besides, you should be resting," he said with a forced note of,Charles, however, subsequently granted her a pension and treated her with,Shamash the sun-god was invested with justice as his chief trait, Marduk is portrayed as full of mercy and,He accompanied his uncle Marcus to Cilicia, and, in the hope of obtaining a reward, repaid his,His anxiety to be believed is very great, and I must say his personal promises I am inclined to believe; then his feelings are very strong; he feels,incomparable riches of your grace expressed to us in your,Neither did he have any difficulty encouraging his students to repay the,When they saw the chain reaction of helping others out, they realized that,It is your responsibility to teach your child to treat your pet with.They only offer cards that express real values like honesty, love,Many crafters are generous with their time and resources and that's part of what fuels RAK Scraps (RAK=Random Acts of,Your Financial Situation: In the same way that it is a great,The Miss USA winner, who just turned 21, had a tearful apology at the press conference and expressed her gratitude for Trump's,You want to make it a wonderful experience, full of love and,The Chinese saw the moon as representing the Yin or feminine principle of Yin and Yang, symbolizing purity and,Parents should monitor leadership behavior to make sure these children learn to lead with,After searching the website, you can ask a global volunteer to perform a Random Act of Genealogical,Many see the importance of carrying out this generous, yet incredibly simple act of,These works may regard the birth of Jesus or simply about the wonder and,Don't sweat the small stuff, and do include everyone who wants to participate, following Jesus' example of love, leadership, and,Her beauty is found in her ethereal grace and her absolute,Let him know that you appreciated his time and would like to reciprocate the,Maybe he cares about others and treats them with respect and,He has a limitless capacity to love, yet he won't tolerate being taken for granted or having his,According to Charm School producers, this season's show will focus on self-development through random acts of,Val McDermid has contributed a foreword out of the,(See NEW Jersey.)