may this be love lyrics meaning

Judi Brown (author) from UK on December 30, 2011: Hi pmccray - thank you so much for your kind comments - very much appreciated! Meaning hill, it is a great traditional name. 'So I suppose I'm a divine leader! This is a good choice for a fair haired baby, since it means "fair brow". Wales is a small Celtic nation in the United Kingdom rich with history and symbolism. facts about its history, culture and people. Baby names for girls with Welsh origins can come from the language, what's hot in the country, or history. Please help us improve. There are some Welsh baby names that have been popular for years – such as Bronwyn, Rhiannon, Gwen, Dylan, Ewan and Gareth – but more and more are coming into favour with new parents looking for something traditional or quirky for their newborn. 30. Irish names are intricate, beautiful sounding, and wonderfully unique. Geographical features, weather, flora, and fauna can all inspire nature names for boys. It means "supplanter". Once you choose a Welsh name for your baby, do a little extra research to see what authentic meaning, spelling, and pronunciation variations there are. If you need more guidance, you can pick anything from a girly name to a moniker inspired by feminism or even a stylish Scandinavian name full of mystique. All registered in England and Wales. In Welsh mythology Dylan was the sea god. If you have immigrated from your home country and have finally arrived in your land of dreams and opportunities, an ethnic name which reflects your original culture just might pose a minor challenge or two. Do you mean Illtyd? What's on Rochelle Humes' Amazon Baby Wishlist? Nature names are always in style and are charming for boys and girls. Sign up now and get our FREE newsletters packed with fun ideas and things to do with the kids, family-friendly recipes, expert advice, parenting tips and great competitions. The boys ones are great, very different and bold. Eilir, or Ilir, is pronounced "AY-lir" and means "butterfly". Judi Brown (author) from UK on February 08, 2013: Thanks Ffion - I'll make a note of it next time I edit - thanks for taking the time to comment. As an avid foodie and domestic goddess-wannabe, she is most likely to be found in the kitchen. Boys & Girls. © 2006-2020 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. Ieuan Evans is a former international Rugby player, the third highest try scorer of all time for Wales. Judi Brown (author) from UK on May 31, 2012: Hi StellaSee - yes, Iago is also used in Spain, both being variants of James - in Cornish, which is a language related to Welsh, it is Jago. As always, I appreciate your comments :-). Judi Brown (author) from UK on August 15, 2012: Hi DreamerMeg - thanks for the info - will add and amend! Consider your own interests and passions or your hopes for your daughter when choosing a word name. Thanks for your comments, much appreciated :-). A name for bright, shiny babies! 9 things mums really shouldn't judge each other about (but probably do). Yet, unlike the bedroom colour scheme or the outfit your little girl wears in her first photo, her name is something you’ll want to get right. If you're Welsh or of Welsh heritage, you can choose to embrace your roots and give your baby girl a traditional Welsh name. These different forms of the same name mean "born of yew". John is ultimately a derivative of the Hebrew name Yochanan, comprised of the elements yo, meaning “God” and chanan, “to be... Read More, This cross-cultural name, found in Wales, Brittany, and Spain, is a surprise star in the U.S. in recent years, largely thanks to actor Gael Garcia Bernal. I think the spelling of Haydn should be as I have written it. Choosing a name of Greek origin means your baby boy will always have a meaningful, mythological and masculine name. Besides, if anyone can understand all of the feeding issues and potty training trials, it's other parents…. Welsh names in the US Top 1000 for girls include Brynn, Gwendolyn, Morgan, Reese, and Tegan. Emlyn means "work". My name DeAnna is an old English name that means 'leader' and is a variant of Diana meaning 'divine'. We've got you covered! It sounds simple doesn’t it, choosing the perfect name for your new arrival? Linda, diolch yn fawr - which, I hope, is "thank you" in Welsh! That perfect baby name is out there somewhere, carefully concealed between the folds of a baby naming book... Fire. Nappy pants help baby from the moment they're on the move! I'm a Welsh-Canadian, married to a Welsh man, so I get excited every time someone showcases something special and unique about Wales! Perhaps you are looking for a traditional Chinese name or a modern name. Gender Neutral Welsh Baby Names . Girl. The name means "raven". Great to hear from you again, thanks for stopping by :-). Planning for a baby can get expensive, so start your Amazon baby wishlist now to keep everything in one place and spread the cost. Judi Brown (author) from UK on January 01, 2012: Hi Angie - I have realised that my interest in names stems from dissatisfaction with my own. The literal meaning of this name is ‘beautiful’. My name means "little" in Latin...and obviously it's not in reference to my MOUTH!! CASE1WORKER from UNITED KINGDOM on December 28, 2011: Well its a good job HP wasn't around when I was naming our three- I had enough difficulty sorting their names out with my limited knowledge! Enter our competition to win a 3 months supply! Though I visited London last year and enjoyed it a lot, still I would like to visit Wales in the near future. This name is derived from the Welsh for love "car" and fair or pure "wyn", so it means fair or pure love. editorsupremo from London, England on March 03, 2012: Lovely hub and lovely Welsh names. I must also add a Happy Birthday to you!!!:).