national days in august

Tue, February 18: National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day: Wed, February 19: National Vet Girls ROCK Day: Wed, February 19: National Lash Day: Wed, February 19 August 2020 Weekly Holidays *International Clown Week: 1-7 Link *National Cleanse Your Skin Week: 1-7 Link National Lemonade Days: 1-9 Link Moved from June due to COVID-19 *National Minority Donor Awareness Week: 1-7 August 23: Ride the Wind Day, National Sponge Cake Day; August 24: Strange Music Day, Vesuvius Day, National Waffle Day; August 25: National Banana Split Day, National Whiskey Sour Day, National Kiss and Make Up Day; August 26: National Dog Day, National Women's Equality Day, National Cherry Popsicle Day; August 27: National Just Because Day; August 28: National Red Wine Day, National Bow Tie Day; …

Otherwise, scroll below and search the months to find your favorite holiday! Monday)  Moved to October 26 due to COVID-19. one also on June 26 with a dairy company as sponsor.

Be an Angel … 8 August – Quit India Movement Day Cookies help make our website more user-friendly, efficient and secure.Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings.If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. August 1. august 20 national radio day. August 20. Cookies do not harm your computer or contain viruses. (Begins 1st Friday in August for 10 days),(Always week of Orville Wright's Birthday on  19th),(First Sunday)   (Different than "International Friendship Day" in Part of Single Working Women’s Week.Sailor Moon is a popular Japanese anime/manga series, originally broadcast 1991-1997 but popular with fans who attend Sailor Moon events in cities around the world and online.No verified international August awareness days today.On this day in 1945 the USA dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, killing around 20,000 soldiers and up to 126,000 civilians. August 21. National Garage Sale Day. Campaign to conserve lion habitats worldwide.On this day in 1984 President Ronald Reagan, during an off-the-record sound check, joked “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever.

On this day in 2003 Mars was closer to the Earth than it has been since 57,617 BC. august 21 national senior citizens day. National Mountain Climbing Day & Yorkshire Day. If you want "On This Day" in History information, go to.All our holidays are validated with sponsors, organizations, proclamations, history; or, we validate the source or origin for an observance to prove it's not made up.Bizarre, Crazy, Silly, Unknown Holidays & Observances,Stone = Peridot      Flower august 19 national aviation day. July. Moved to August due to 4 August. 1 August - National Mountain Climbing Day Every year on 1st August National Mountain Climbing Day is observed. (8/19/1893 by Frank J. Wisner, Cripple Creek Daily Holidays. Get involved to end the legacy of social injustice and combat racism so we all have an equal role in society.#IDRSTA or add year #IDRSTA2020 #SlaveTradeAbolition #TimeToRemember #VictimsofSlavery #RememberSlavery.On this day in 1939 Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union agreed a non-aggression pact which made World War II more likely. 4 August. Within a few months it went bankrupt and was converted for pedestrian use with a toll of one halfpenny, and was used by 1 million people each year. Crow Fair (Powwow) + Cartoon Fun!History On August 19th, 1988, a proclamation was made by the then-president that deemed August 21st as a national day to give older U.S. citizens thanks and a heartfelt salute. Voyager 1 is the most distant man-mad object in space.Proposed by Congresswoman Bella Abzug, USA Presidential decree.National day, Suffrage day, Women’s Rights day, Women’s Rights awareness day.On this day in 1920 the 19th amendment to the USA constitution granted women the right to vote.On this day in 2003 Mars was closer to the Earth than it has been since 57,617 BC.

august 23 national sponge cake day. National Ice Cream Sandwich Day.