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The halides are Lewis acids; for example, ScF3 dissolves in a solution containing excess fluoride ion to form [ScF6]3−. The present main source of scandium metal is from military stockpiles in parts of the former Soviet Union (mainly in Ukraine), which were themselves obtained from uranium tailings. [26], Compounds that feature scandium in oxidation states other than +3 are rare but well characterized. This material adopts a sheet-like structure that exhibits extensive bonding between the scandium(II) centers. The chemistry of scandium bears a closer resemblance to that of the other rare-earth elements of oxidation state +3 than to that of aluminum or titanium. He and his coworkers were actually looking for rare earth metals. In 1871 Mendeleev predicted that an element should exist that would resemble boron in its properties. In part because of this similarity, scandium is often classified as a lanthanide-like element. Scandium is found in ores of tin, uranium and tungsten. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. [27] Scandium hydride is not well understood, although it appears not to be a saline hydride of Sc(II). Number of natural isotopes (atoms of the same element with a different number of neutrons): 1. Nilson prepared 2 grams of scandium oxide of high purity. WebElements: THE periodic table on the WWW [] 2H2O has a very high scandium content but is not available in any larger deposits.[21]. [3] Scandium borides and carbides are non-stoichiometric, as is typical for neighboring elements. Scandium chemistry is almost completely dominated by the trivalent ion, Sc3+. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Its low density and high melting point suggest applications as an alloying agent for lightweight metals for military and high-performance applications. [51] One type of metal-halide lamp, similar to the mercury-vapor lamp, is made from scandium triiodide and sodium iodide. Thortveitite (Scandium silicate) contain 45% scandium in the form of scandium oxide but it is very rare in nature. The cosmic abundance of scandium is relatively high. Density: 1.734 ounces per cubic inch (3.0 grams per cubic cm) 5. Nilson prepared 2 grams of scandium oxide of high purity. [33][34] He named the element scandium, from the Latin Scandia meaning "Scandinavia". Atomic symbol (on the periodic table of elements): Sc 3. Production of aluminium alloys began in 1971, following a US patent. [29][30][31][32], Dmitri Mendeleev, who is referred to as the father of the periodic table, predicted the existence of an element ekaboron, with an atomic mass between 40 and 48 in 1869. For this reason, the Sc3+ ion is a relatively strong acid and has a much greater tendency to form complex ions. It is mai… It becomes superconducting at −273.1 °C (−459.6 °F) at pressures exceeding 186 kilobars. Nilson was apparently unaware of Mendeleev's prediction, but Per Teodor Cleverecognized the correspo… After Russian chemist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev in 1871 predicted this element’s existence, tentatively calling it ekaboron, Swedish chemist Lars Fredrik Nilson in 1879 discovered its oxide, scandia, in the rare-earth minerals gadolinite and euxenite, and Swedish chemist Per Teodor Cleve later in 1879 identified scandium as the hypothetical ekaboron. [50], The first scandium-based metal-halide lamps were patented by General Electric and initially made in North America, although they are now produced in all major industrialized countries.