rougarou real pictures

If you love all things Rougarou … From Deep in the Ancient Laurentian Mountains . Legend says the Rougarou prowls Louisiana swamps to hunt down Catholics who don’t observe Lent and children who don’t behave.The Rougarou is a beastly, werewolf or dog-like creature existing in the rich Cajun folklore along the swamps and bayous of Southeast Louisiana.“Over the years in Southern Louisiana, it kind of morphed into Rougarou, which is also a correct pronunciation for it nowadays,” Foret said.Foret said he grew up with parents passing down the legend. Print Shop. Again, he urged the boy to stay silent about their encounter, but the boy wasn't able to keep the secret.

Now, as an adult, he’s learned even more about the creature while producing the.The most popular legend surrounding the Rougarou serves to warn Catholics who backslide on observing Lent, a time of fasting and abstaining in Catholicism and other Christian religions. Rougarou . Yes, my love… ”.

Creepy swamp tales surrounding one Cajun creature have spooked some families living along the bayous for generations. When that person cuts you the curse would transfer onto them, releasing you of the curse — but then, turning them into the creature.Foret also mentioned two ways people would protect themselves from the Rougarou.Placing 13 pennies or rocks on your doorstep or windowsill was one tradition to protect your home from the Rougarou. Sep 10, 2015 - Werewolves of the Swamp. Jonathan Foret, executive director of South Louisiana Wetlands Discovery Center , says the traditional French pronunciation referring to the swamp monster is “loup-garou,” the French word for werewolf. Browse / rougarou; Get a 10% discount on Shutterstock with the code PBCKT10. Medieval France and the Legend of the Loup-Garou. . The unique festival celebrates the folklore of the Louisiana bayou.“It’s important for the next generation of kids living on the bayou to understand,” Foret said.Whether you believe in transformations into the Rougarou or not, Foret said he’s not taking any chances. Browse Rougarou pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket.

It blows me away! Over generations the stories may have morphed, but remain versions of cautionary tales.“Around here the stories are centered around a man in the shape of a dog, or half-man, half-dog,” Foret said.There are apparently other ways to morph into a Rougarou.“Another way was if you were cursed by someone, and you could be cursed to become the Rougarou,” Foret said.To get rid of that curse, you have to get someone else to cut you and draw blood. Everything I Like, Fantasy Art, Sci-fi art, horror, Dark, Pin ups & Anime........via Quenchant of the curious This house is - in my eyes - breathtaking! Log in; Sign up; Help. Since the creature doesn’t know the number 13, the pennies keep the monster at bay continuously counting, until it has to retreat back into the swamps upon sunrise.“Apparently the Rougarou is not good at math because he can only count to 12,” Foret said.Another tradition is putting a colander on your doorstep to achieve the same method; the monster will keep trying to count the holes.Foret said at the Rougarou Fest each year, storytellers keep the oral tradition alive by passing the folklore to the next generation. I have fallen in love the first second...A little love and tenderness—and a lot of hard work—turn a dilapidated Creole cottage into a soulful, sustainable retreat.Explore Eikasia94's photos on Flickr. Upload. The Rougarou is a beastly, werewolf or dog-like creature existing in the rich Cajun folklore along the swamps and bayous of Southeast Louisiana. In southern Quebec, Canada, one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, the Laurentian Mountains, may hide many mysteries and legends. :Fall and red leaves:.“I am going to devour you…. Within this mountain range, …