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I was unable to get a response to set up any practice time so what is your suggestion as to how to coach them during a game. The ball should bounce to waist height c. Keep the ball to your side d. Keep your eyes up on the court For all of the dribbling drills, you need a small basketb… I didn't want to disappoint either child so I'm coaching 1st/2nd boys and 3rd/4th girls - these tips and practice plans are a lifesaver! As a parent, I would teach character and intangibles and not worry that the coaching is not good right now. So I would suggest trying a couple different methods -- paper, try walking through it at home, try drawing up the play on paper, maybe try having him show you the play in the living room. Young players must develop a feel for and confidence with the ball. You can also start to introduce more. 15 is way too many! Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive new drills, plays, scoring tips and coaching strategies, Put them out on a basketball court (or soccer field or football field, etc) and they cease to be kids, they become players. The only thing you can do is provide positive reinforcement when they do things right. Take a big right-foot-left-foot step towards the left side of the basket, jump off both feet, and shoot layup off backboard with left hand. Your child will also benefit from improved fine motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination. Players should be able to do one-foot and two-foot layup Mikans. But those who focus on basketball too soon face some risks that can last well beyond their teen years. This is a basketball drill I did everyday growing up, and I believe it’s the main factor in my development into one of the best 3-point shooters ever in Davidson basketball history. Equal playing time ensures young children have an opportunity to experience the game. The league went further earlier this year by looking into the youth levels. Footwork - Teach them triple threat positioning, pivoting on their left and right foot without traveling. Hard in practice equals, easy in games! Two years ago, the NBA and USA Basketball established three expert working groups focused on: Health and Wellness, Playing Standards, and Curriculum and Instruction. Removing zone defenses from play among younger age segments encourages movement and physical activity, and promotes the development of individual defensive skills related to guarding a player both on and off the ball. USA Basketball's Jay Demings (Youth and Sport Development Director) and Don Showalter (10-time gold medal winning junior national team coach) discuss coaching actions for player growth. If done correctly everyday, this promotes muscle memory for young basketball players to develop great shooting form that translates to great game-speed shooting. I told them that the best advice that I had gotten (that's you) is to keep working on athleticism and fundamentals. Whether you’re doing it to spend more time with your child, contribute to your community, or just express your love for the game, proper preparation is essential for success. "I think sometimes parents and coaches can forget that there are only so many hours in the day and that when you have someone who's going to high school and they're at school from 8 o'clock to 2 o'clock, or to 3 o'clock and then they're at practice for a couple of hours and they need time to study, they need time to eat, they need time to commute back and forth to school and practices, they need time to sleep," DiFiori said. NBA guidelines: Don't focus on just basketball before age 14 | Fox News Fox News An additional problem is that we have a lack of gym availability in our school district and are limited to practice 3 days a week for 90 minutes each day.I have read various articles on this website and others regarding how to coach youth basketball, but feel that I need more than this to catch up with our opponents. They should practice all aspects of dribbling: right-handed and left-handed dribbling, dribbling with their heads up, switching hands while dribbling, dribbling around cones and chairs, dribbling on the playground, and even dribbling in the driveway. Young players also must learn how to properly pass and catch the ball. Skills are the same no matter what age and the way he runs drills, different ages can work together. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); © 2020 USA Basketball. The offensive concepts can be learned later in a hurry... and some kids develop mentally at different times... some 5th graders just aren't ready for those offensive concepts yet. Now i'll largely teach them a lot of the same things, but focus on doing things faster and more crisply with the older boys with just a few extras thrown in for a slightly more advanced game. They talk about Double Goal Coaching and really help coaches and parents see what is important. She had only been taught one I can go on and on about how they still cannot dribble well, their shooting form needs work and their footwork is awkward. Bottom line, this is where you are at.I think that you should sit down with the girls and parents, discuss your goals and objectives. Depending on the age and skill level, you'll progress through the levels at different rates. The reason why we have put them together is because we dont have much time to break them into different sesssion. Playing on a team allows your child to make friends and feel involved with her peer group. OH MY GOSH! Beyond that, if you can get a good positive conversation going, you can discuss other things. While young players learn the fundamentals, they can develop a passion for the game that could last a lifetime. The other players don't switch and help out fast enough, so we give up a lot of points that way. Been there and I am still there at times. Take a big step with the right foot towards the left side of the basket, jump off that foot, drive left knee up, and shoot layup off backboard with left hand.