spike meaning

Assume that the,The trade confirmation includes a description of the stock or.The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation.A trend is the general price direction of a market or asset.

A long, thick, sharp-pointed piece of wood or metal. At the end of a sprint, the spike will be determined that is done or not-done just like any other ordinary user story. Find another word for spike. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "spike" and "up.".3. I want some without.I knew that Mrs. Wilmington-Thorpe was spiked when she belched like a real country thunder-boomer.His spiked hair wouldn’t look so bad if it wasn’t orange.Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary,grab (someone or something) by the throat,the webmaster's page for free fun content,Pro Volleyball League: Calicut Heroes overcome resurgent U Mumba Volley 3-2,Tattooist Spike's red ribbon in memory of loved 22-year-old,GENE ACTION APPRAISAL FOR SEED YIELD AND RELATED TRAITS IN BREAD WHEAT,ESRI DEPLOYS SURVEY123 FOR ARCGIS WITH SPIKE,Hypersonic Flow Field Reconfiguration and Drag Reduction of Blunt Body with Spikes and Sideward Jets,ESTIMATION OF CORRELATION AND PATH COEFFICIENT OF SOME AGRONOMICALLY IMPORTANT POLYGENIC TRAITS IN TRITICUM AESTIVUM L,Correlation Analysis for Seed Yield and Its Contributing Traits in Isabgol Genotypes,Hyperbolic Modeling of Subthalamic Nucleus Cells to Investigate the Effect of Dopamine Depletion,MAYA Simulation Selected by Spike Aerospace to Help Develop the First Supersonic Business Jet,Flag leaf and awns ablation and spike shading effects on spike yield and kernel weight of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var.

In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "spike" and "up.".5. —Albert Einstein Spikes Spikes are a type of exploration Enabler Story in SAFe. The phrase refers to the former military practice of inserting spikes into enemy guns to prevent them from firing.1. Definition and synonyms of spike from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. To become raised and pointed in appearance.2. A good example of a negative spike in the financial markets is the infamous.A spike may also refer less commonly to the trade confirmation slip which shows all the pertinent data for a trade, such as the stock symbol, price, type and trading account information.There are less drastic examples of spikes, which are seen when investors react to unexpected news or events, such as better-than-expected earnings results. A spike is a product development method originating from Extreme Programming that uses the simplest possible program to explore potential solutions. spiked synonyms, spiked pronunciation, spiked translation, English dictionary definition of spiked. A user’s spike (story) should be determined according to what the user states during basic development project phases and geared toward user software requirements. Spike is part mid-century nickname-name, ala Buster or Buck, and part word name, with an all-over cool creative dude feel thanks to directors Spike Lee and Spike Jonze. Determining the trend direction is important for maximizing the potential success of a trade.A runaway gap, typically seen on charts, occurs when trading activity skips sequential price points, usually driven by intense investor interest.A Fitch sheet is a data set covering details of historical trades in a given security.A falling knife is a slang phrase that refers to a rapid drop in the price or value of a security.Overbought refers to a security that traders believe is priced above its true value and that will likely face corrective downward pressure in the near future.Volume refers to the amount of shares or contracts traded in an asset or security over a period of time, usually over the course of a trading day. To cause something to become raised and pointed in appearance. It is used to determine how much work will be required to solve or work around a software issue. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/spike.To mix alcohol or drugs into someone's drink without their awareness or permission.To ruin one's plans or prevent one's success. A Spike is a great way to mitigate risks early and allows the team ascertain feedback and develop an understanding on an upcoming PBI’s complexity.