the night comes for us review

Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends.Ito, a gangland enforcer, caught amidst a treacherous and violent insurrection within his Triad crime family upon his return home from a stint abroad.53 of 89 people found this review helpful. So, even if the violence wasn't as extreme as it is, it would have still received the same rating. Joe Taslim looks the part of an enforcer and I did like his journey of redemption through this little girl. One of my favorite fight scenes is between The Operator and Elena. But, here's the thing, I do think the violence gives the action a lot of more impact, it feels like there's actually a fight going on, since you do get to see bones breaking, faces blown off by shotguns, skulls crushed, limbs blown off by grenades, necks snapping, etc, etc, etc.

Though, also in fairness, this has changed a tad with the success of the Deadpool franchise and Logan. The climactic fight between the two is also pretty fucking great and a satisfying conclusion to their 'feud'.

That's not saying that this movie isn't either of those things, it's just a slight step below The Raid on both regards. 'The Night Comes for Us' is savage, violent, and demented. |.The Night Comes for Us features levels of gore not found anywhere else but your most gratuitous horror flicks, so if you can't handle that sort of thing, I suggest you give it a wide berth. Joe and Iko's fight scene also lives up to the hype. But, fucking hell, if this isn't an incredible action movie, then I don't know what is.

This is ironic in a film as full of death as this one. It's not that I would expect for him to win awards based on his acting alone, but he can certainly more than hold his own and, really, even excel in something that's a little different than the roles he's usually offered. 4/5.So, before we get this review underway, I feel the need to mention four of my top 5 favorite action movies ever. |,October 19, 2018 Fatih and Bobby fight something like 30 or so guys, maybe slightly more, and, surprisingly, they actually win this fight.

I don't think the movie is as believable as it is, within its own context of course, without the violence being turned up to 100. I suppose it's the video game rule, where the more enemies you fight, the weaker they tend to be, but if it's just one person, the boss fight so to speak, then that person is stronger than those 30 people combined. With the help of a Thai-born Australian detective, Kham must take on all comers, including a gang led by an evil woman and her two deadly bodyguards.A getaway driver for a bank robbery realizes he has been double crossed and races to find out who betrayed him.Veronica Ngo stars as an ex-gangster who is lying low in the countryside after becoming a mother, but she can't escape her violent past when her daughter is kidnapped.This is my fifth Indonesian action movie. [Full review in Spanish].Timo Tjahjanto directs a movie that is dominated by two elements, which actually complement each other: action and violence.An utterly thrilling ride from the first second to the last, The Night Comes For Us is one of the best action movies of recent assault on the senses...NIGHT essentially never bores us and always gets to the chorus. | Rating: 4/5

There seems to be something with Bobby, but they never make it clear as to what it was, like Ito paid Bobby's debt or something. | Rating: A I love Deadpool and I love Black Panther, but they don't hold a candle to this as it relates to action content.

| Rating: 8.5/10 I imagine that the one drawback a lot of people will see with this movie is, again, its supremely high level of violence, blood and, sometimes, gore. The Night Comes For Us Critics Consensus.

Use the HTML below.You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin.Uwais plays a young man who washes ashore, an amnesiac with a serious head injury whose past comes back to haunt him shortly after being nursed back to health by a young doctor. WHY ARE YOU SPENDING VALUABLE TIME READING THIS REVIEW THAT COULD BE SPENT WATCHING THE NIGHT COMES FOR US?The story may discombobulate some viewers amidst all the gory-goods of its action-packed violently choreographed sequences and ultimately The Night Comes for Us is hinged on all those epic moments and scenes that tests the boundaries of bloody-good action films and is sure to satisfy and maybe even surprise those moviegoers.

Because I'm not seeing an option to watch the movie in English on Netflix. Iko Uwais is also really quite good in this movie, like even better than I expected.

This movie, from the same country, learns a lesson that the Americans have not yet learned. I do think that, in terms of narrative, the movie isn't perfect. However, I do believe that the trailer makes it perfectly clear that it's gonna be a bloodbath. No, I don't think so, I think The Raid does a better job at making its fight scenes look a little bit more kinetic and smoothly edited. Point is that, to me, I felt that American action movies have, the original Raid came out in 2011 (almost EIGHT years ago), lagged behind these two seminal works of action.