tree line in a sentence

1- The above trees are six years old.. 2- Our property had every fruit tree imaginable.. 3- Our son is peanut tree nut allergic.. 4- The tree has heavy cluster bearing habit.. 5- The tree has heavy cluster bearing habits.. 6- trees are generated using standard phylogenetic methods. On the central plateau of Labrador the tree line seldom rises far above the base of the hills. There is clearly an issue with the boundary to the right and the group of trees planted outside the natural,28.

6. I was approximately half way down the road, where the park and ride is located, when I saw a huge aircraft about 200 ft in length emerge out of the clouds about 100 ft over the,25. How to use trees in a sentence. 0 0 microlepidotus, a species which, moreover, has the greatest possible altitudinal range, from the hot country of southern Oaxaca to the upper tree-line of Citlaltepetl, about 13,500 ft. Adam landed in the clearing between the.10. They do not represent the opinions of © 2020 LoveToKnow. Example sentences with the word trees. trees example sentences. Having left the tree-line far behind him, nothing is visible to the traveller for miles around but barren peaks and torn crags in indescribable confusion. Their remarkable agility enables them to travel faster by the tree line than man can follow on foot. "Basically, what you watch for is — at the edge of the,23. The changing climate forced the Inuit to work their way south, forcing them into marginal niches along the edges of the,21. Dark green native forest extends from the mountain,16. In Canada and Greenland, the Inuit circulated almost exclusively north of the "Arctic,24.
These continue to the upper.Above the tree line the vegetation continues only a comparatively short distance, consisting chiefly of tussocks of coarse grass, and occasional flowering.Another description places the snow-line at 14,268 ft., and the upper.Carmen gave Princess free rein as she followed Ed and Alex up the hill to the tree line.The backdrop was the mountains; mountains with snow tucked in their crevices and, on the higher ones, sugar dust capping their tops in white, stark contrast to the deep green of the pine forests running up their sides to the tree line and the magnificent blue of the sky above.I looked around and found a deer carcass up by the tree line.She caught up with Brutus near the tree line and that was when she saw it – half hidden under a dead limb.I could only see one orange disk now, bathing the.From behind the tree line two big comets soared upwards - the 12 inch shells - exploding in perfect unison.No recessed platforms were identified above the tree line although many sites of small shieling huts were identified.Still, the footage is fascinating, and it does look like someone or something is appearing in and out of the tree line.A dark form moved at the edge of the tree line and when she shined the flashlight in that direction, the light reflected off more than one pair of eyes.The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. This rapid zone of transition is called the upper timberline or,29. After a thirty-second pause to let us load up, Shaker took off over the forward,20. A treeless area between the icecap and the,15. Across the field, two elk grazed on the hill below the tree line.Yet there it was, big as life, walking across the field toward the tree line.There were two splashes of blood, one at the tree line and another nearer the castle.She caught up with Brutus near the tree line and that was when she saw it – half hidden under a dead limb.Somewhere up there past the tree line were the four Elk Alex had coerced from the Game and Fish Commission.Unwilling to root for either animal, Carmen turned Ed back toward the tree line.His eyes went past Claire for a moment, to the dark figure waiting by the tree line.They reached the tree line and descended to the creek.Skirting around the guest house, she put Ed to a run until they reached the tree line.Their shoulders are lifted high above the,microlepidotus, a species which, moreover, has the greatest possible altitudinal range, from the hot country of southern Oaxaca to the upper.The higher summits in the south are above the tree line and expose great areas of bare rock: mountaineering is here a delightful summer recreation, with camps in the highland forests and ascents to the lofty peaks.Above this belt the firs gradually disappear and are succeeded by the shortleaved Pinus montezumae, or Mexican " ocote " - one of the largest species of pine in the republic. 7- CNN coverage showed significant tree damage near downtown.. 8- The entire unit is above tree line.

Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2002) All Rights Reserved. I went back along with him to check the path was the,18. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!12. We broke through the tree line from the north. It was so dark he could barely make out the,19. One third of Franconia Ridge in New Hampshire is above the,22. 2. Leaving Okawi and Beruna, Miles turned away from the village and padded silently across the beach to the,17. He turned and looked at the ruins, rising pyramid-like from the tree line to the north. And then, on turning a corner, we found ourselves clearly above the,27. You start at the kitchen shack and go back from there, the whole second camping area and the grounds as far as the tree line. Tree line in a sentence 1. Kallen, Lucille C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS (2002) The captain studied the tree line for a while then stood in his stirrups to look over the surrounding countryside. One day, as the herd funneled through a gully at the,26. This is especially true for trails constructed below the.Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact:Meaning: n. line marking the upper limit of tree growth in mountains or northern latitudes.