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16. Will it help you attract better candidates, hire faster and save money? Each day you interact with thousands of companies across a ton of different channels. The Top Branding Facts and Statistics for 2020 and Beyond. Source: LinkedIn. Required fields are marked *. The Effect of a Logo in Personal Branding. Branding stats from 2018 show that the company budgeted over $10 billion for branding and marketing, making it one of the biggest spenders in the US. 72% of consumers will make a purchase from a brand if they follow that company on Twitter  (Source), 68. 90% of users expect to have the same branding across all platforms/channels (Source), 26. Consistent branding across all avenues increases revenue by 23%. The surest way to have your product get more sales is by marketing it to the target audience. , the company’s branding spend is even more fascinating. The success behind employer branding also depends on their blogs’ social sharing. The company encourages employees to lead with their heart because it believes the dollar will follow. An employee value proposition is a set of rewards or benefits an employee accepts in exchange for their workplace performance. When buying a product, 93% of buyer focus on brand color (Source), 38. Whether you need writing help or want a fresh set of eyes, the team is dedicated to your success. Customer loyalty is 10 times as valuable as a single purchase. 9% of brands didn’t include their company name in their logo (Source), 59. With 65% of all business coming from them, it’s imperative that companies do everything in their power to retain every ounce of brand loyalty they can. The Ultimate List of Employer Branding Statistics features employer brand insights that every hiring manager, HR professional, and recruiter should have. show that companies producing trustworthy branded content attract more followers. 94% of the world population recognize the Coca-Cola logo. The moving parts include your candidate experience, employee value proposition, and other factors. 29% of consumers say creativity is the most important brand attribute (Source), 20. 21. Below are a few employer branding statistics. Keep reading to learn what employer branding strategy is, see real company examples, branding statistics, and more. Employer branding is a popular buzzword in HR, but how important is it really? 89% of marketers say that brand awareness is their top goal. 37% of users will stick with a brand if they are part of a community (Source), 24. more likely to refer their friends and family to that brand. the search engine giant processes over 63,000 search queries every second. Find the right talent without worrying about a lengthy recruitment process. poor program design and poor program execution. It can seem challenging at times to create a unique branding strategy. As we can see, just three years later, the number shoots up even higher—demonstrating just how early brand name recognition starts. , check out some of the branding stats below. Here are the top 6 employer branding statistics every HR professional and recruiters should know: According to LinkedIn, 75% of candidates will research a company’s reputation before applying for a job opening. Customers are likely to buy and associate with a brand that is a breath of fresh air, something unique, a voice that cannot be associated with any other brand. These URLs collect data based on the clicks your links are getting, meaning you can see the types of content people prefer, what times of the day — or even days of the week — they interact with your brand most, and lots more. 50% of candidates say they wouldn’t work for a company with a bad reputation. 78% of Pinterest users want more branded content on the platform (Source), 78. 67% of small businesses are willing to pay $500 for a logo design (Source), 57. The companies that stand out have spent a lot of time and effort perfecting that brand image. 6. The success behind. Only 8% of the recruiting budget is spent on employer branding. Only 48% of marketers say they measure metrics related to branding (Source), 14. 66% of Pinterest users would make purchases from branded content (Source), 79. 18. Featuring your company and brand in monthly best lists that help you stand out amongst your competitors. Use this collection of statistics to inform your employer brand strategy. The Candidate Experience Awards is a great place to find examples of companies with excellent candidate feedback.