was jesus crucified on a cross or a tree

The Romans, the ones who crucified Christ, are known to have used instruments of various shapes. ".This is a definitive verse that deals with exactly what Jesus was crucified on, and the Greek word in the verse is "stauros."

A: There are 5 verses that talk about Jesus being hanged on a “tree” (Acts 5:30) (Acts 10:39)(Acts 13:29)(Gal 3:13)(1 Pet 2:24).

From Rutherford to present day, Jehovah Witnesses have rejected the cross.

This is found in other writings outside of the Bible. 39 And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree: Acts 13:29. ),We also have this description of the cross from Justin Martyr: “For the one beam is placed upright, from which the highest extremity is raised up into a horn, when the other beam is fitted on to it, and the ends appear on both sides as horns joined on to the one horn.” The Sacred Writings of Justin Martyr (Chap. First, we need to look at the Greek word for “cross.” This word is “,I believe the best explanation is found when we look at one of the ways that people were crucified.

Golgatha was widely known as an established place of execution. However, the linguistic evidence, by itself, favors that Christ died on a stake rather than a cross. But there are many clues found in history and in scripture. These have also been dated to the 1st century.As for tradition, NUMEROUS early writers and church fathers have spoken about the cross in their writings. Let's take a look.

XL. If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross. (spec.) The Greek word for “tree” that is used in these verses is “,The “cross” is mentioned 28 times in the New Testament.

The main weight favoring a single stake (pole) being Jesus' instrument for crucifixion comes from the basic meaning for the Greek word stauros (Strong's Concordance #4716), which is … At the place of execution was a permanent “vertical beam” (called a “stipes”). He pointed to the meaning of Jesus' sacrifice, and he used the cross as symbolic of God's grace toward us, demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. But Jesus was killed on the Cross, a tree stripped of roots and branches. … The Greek word “stauros” is used for “cross,” which according Strong’s, means: “a stake or post (as set upright), i.e. 5:11; 6:12; 6:14; Eph. 22), we have the story of God asking Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac.

For one spit is transfixed right through from the lower parts up to the head, and one across the back, to which are attached the legs of the lamb.” The Sacred Writings of Justin Martyr (Chap.

Acts 5:30.

First, in (Gen Ch. Was Jesus crucified on a cross or on a tree?

Because some people might wrongly worship the cross must not mean that other Christians cannot use it rightly as a symbol of Jesus' profound sacrifice for sin.However vital the details of Christ’s execution may seem, the shape of the cross is not really that important.

Other forms were in the shape of the letters X and Y.Though information is limited, historical and archaeological evidence shows that the Romans generally used a crossbar, not a vertical post alone, when crucifying individuals. A: The belief that Jesus was executed on a stake, or upright wooden pole is primarily championed by the Jehovah Witnesses.

The reason this word was used in a few places is because the authors were making a point to the Jews. In addition, the cross is mentioned in works such as “The Epistle of Barnabas” and the “Odes of Solomon.” (I have not investigated these, as I did the quotes above. But, enough on this, let’s get to the question at hand.Is there proof that Jesus did indeed die on a cross, and not a stake/pole?

Finally “Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side,” and they ultimately won the war.3.

The image of Jesus Crucifixion on a tree amid the health crisis in the Philippines goes viral after it was posted on social media. There is a legend that the cross was made of dogwood.

Roman history does not go into specifics as to how the crosses were made or what type of wood was used. The famous Jewish author historian Josephus describes multiple tortures and positions of crucifixion during the Siege of Jerusalem as Titus crucified the rebels.At times there was only one vertical stake, called in Greek monos stauros, i.e.

Of course, Christians in general do not “worship the cross,” nor make it an “idol” (although some Catholics may commit this sin), so this charge by the Jehovah Witnesses is ridiculous.However, it is interesting that up until the late 1930’s, their own teachers and publications taught that Jesus died on a cross.

This was in essence a piece of Roman graffiti, dated to between the 1st to 3rd centuries, which shows an image of a human body with the head of a donkey nailed to a cross. Crucifixion: Matthew 27:34–36 Jesus tasted wine mixed with gall, refused to drink more.

Some tell which species of tree was used to fashion Jesus' cross.