what country code is 223

The country code +223 (223 area code) belongs to Mali.

(Country Code +223) Numbers in the capital Bamako begin with +223 202. Our Malian reverse phone lookup gives you more information for country code 223. Use suffix +223 country code to call telephone, mobile or cellular numbers in Mali. Mali: Current local time; Mali Country Code: ML; Unknown or missed call from Mali? All numbers have 8 digits after country code +223. The country code 223 (223 area code) belongs to: Mali 223 code country is preceded either by 00 ( 00223 ) or 011 ( 011223 ) for calls made from USA and Canada and by the sign plus (+223). Prefix / Phone Code: +223; Capital: Bamako; Where is Mali located? Give me food and I will live give me water and I will die what am I?What is the biggest number you can make using the digits 641?What is the greatest common factor of 35 and 56 and 63?How can you write a letter to join a church choir?Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time?What does the "S" in Harry S. Truman stand for?How much caffeine can you drink if you are pregnant?What kind of attitude do most young people have towards there elders these day do you approve of it why not comment with reference to khuswant singh The portrait of a lady?Why is bihar-Bengal region regarded as the Ruhr region of India?What are the possible activities that you expect NSTPRO1 facilitators to be giving you in preparation for your community immersion?What are the things that are dependent on date identification?Who bought the Malibu estate from mega mansions jack and catherine?Of anybody who is like lam ang how is he similar to lam ang?What is the Plot summary of the bamboo dancers?Why did abs-cbn choose to compete with IBC-13 than with GMA 7?Country code +223 (dialed as 00 223 from many places) is Mali. Country code 223 is the country code for Mali Republic. Country code +223 (dialed as 00 223 from many places) is Mali. Calling Mali from any other country is simple, you can dial 00223 before the desired number. Country Code + 223 is assigned to Mali. Country information Mali.