what happens if you leave a glass splinter

If you don’t remove a wood splinter, the bacteria on it can cause tetanus, which gives you muscle spasms throughout your body. #9 Mikkel, Jan 10, 2013. Most splinters come out on their own in a week or two, so I want you to keep that in mind as I give you some more information. As long as it's not showing signs of infection, then you're golden.

... Fiberglass pieces, fishhooks, bits of glass, plastic and other similar objects. French doc tried to dig it out, but the penicillin did the trick!Ah thanks for your reply bigTillyMint. The foreign body must be lodged inside tissue to be considered a splinter. As you revel in the joys of summer, the wind ruffling your hair, the sun warming your face, the deck sticks your bare foot with a tiny, pointy gift: a glorious splinter. There is very little redness or sign of infection but I'm wondering if I leave it in will it never heal or am I asking for trouble. If you have medical concerns,To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to.A week ago I trod on something in our bathroom that felt like a tiny glass splinter.

Another piece of glass may be deeply embedded. ).Mumsnet hasn't checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. Wash your hands with soap and water before you remove the glass splinter. Save money on clothes, holidays, days out, pregnancy and baby gear, homeware, garden furniture and more with exclusive deals!This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 7 messages. There is very little redness or sign of infection but I'm wondering if I leave it in will it never heal or am I asking for trouble. You’re uncomfortable trying to remove the glass. Here's how to tell if you need to see a doctor for a glass splinter. There’s four vaccines available that protect against the infection. First is the location of the splinter. You might need to see a doctor to ensure the glass is completely out and there's little chance for infection. Find Primary care doctors near you. If you still cannot locate the glass splinters after trying all the methods or the site continues to give you pain after removing the glass, see your doctor. I tried to remove it but i'm not sure that I was successful as a week later it still hurts to walk on or touch. If you can't tell, and it still hurts, then get it checked out ... By the way this was the third time in three runs that I caught splinters with my feet! Before you attempt (or even try to attempt) to remove a splinter you must first take a couple things into account. You can probably be a bit more relaxed if you think the splinter is a bit of glass, metal or plastic, Dr Sheridan says, but it's a good idea to keep an eye on it. What might happen if you just leave the splinter in?
I'm not adverse to poking it about but it's a bugger to reach.Well worth getting it looked at , glass normally works it's way out of the body one way or another but the constant weight on your feet just pushes it back in, I know this because had a piece dug out of my heel at accident and emergency , if it was anywhere else they would of sent me home with a flea in my ear!kickass how big was the glass in your foot?It was only a small shard from a glass but I was in agony for days! If you don't fancy A and E go to your local walk in or minor injuries , it's bloody painful even if it's tiny !To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account.Let’s talk rail safety with Network Rail - £100 voucher to be won,UK MNer? I can often probe around a bit and feel through the tweezers if there is a piece of glass. See a doctor who can help. ... they also show wood splinters can be much worse than a glass or metal splinter. Another infection that can occur is called rose gardener’s disease , which is caused by a fungus on rose thorns that can lead to painful sores. Please complete our new survey - £100 voucher to be won.Suffer from dry or irritated skin? I feel embarrassed as it's so tiny but I'm thinking I might unless someone can suggest any other ideas. Glass splinters, one of the most common materials that can be wedged into the skin, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians, are often tricky to remove because clear glass is hard to see. What Happens When Foot Splinters are Left Untreated? By SJ Feet, Neighbor Sep 18, 2013 3:35 a m PT. He didn't tell us and it got infected/swelled, etc. The physician can perform an ultrasound to locate the glass and apply a local anesthetic before removing it. Have considered having another dig with a needle but it's on the ball of my foot and I'm not as agile as I once was.DS got a shard of something in his foot when he was five, climbing on rocks. You’re unsuccessful in removing the glass. Will it teach martial arts to turtles? A splinter (also known as a sliver) is a fragment of a larger object, or a foreign body that penetrates or is purposely injected into a body. Glass splinters are common, and they can be tough to get out especially if they're hard to see. Want to test octenicare repair creme?Glass or something in my foot, can I leave it?Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads,Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox.Anyone know when we'll get the new announcement?to think that this woman was very selfish,My life turned upside down when GP advised me to leave with DS. I tried to remove it but i'm not sure that I was successful as a week later it still hurts to walk on or touch. Your body will naturally expel most foreign objects on its own eventually. A week ago I trod on something in our bathroom that felt like a tiny glass splinter.