what is ephedrine

It is of unclear benefit in nasal congestion. Ephedra can also speed up the nervous system. (check all that apply),What factors are most important to you? For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version.© 2005 - 2019 WebMD LLC. These alkaloids have been linked to stroke, seizures, psychosis, and death. Ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin: "over-the-counter" drugs that interact to stimulate thermogenesis in the obese. Anybody still selling it is most likely selling expired product that could be very dangerous to take. Ergot derivatives can also increase blood pressure. Taking ephedra with these medications used for depression might cause serious side effects including fast heartbeat, high blood pressure, seizures, nervousness, and others.Ephedra might increase blood sugar. Dulloo AG, Miller DS. Taking ephedra along with stimulant drugs might cause serious problems including increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Ephedrine is a central nervous system stimulant used to treat low blood pressure problems (hypotension).Ephedrine is also used to treat breathing problems (as a bronchodilator), nasal congestion (as a decongestant), myasthenia gravis, narcolepsy, menstrual problems (dysmenorrhea), or urine-control problems.. Ephedrine is available under the following different … Ephedrine is sympathomimetic amine, on the other hand, Pseudoephedrine is an isomer of Ephedrine. Avoid taking stimulant drugs along with ephedra.The body breaks down dexamethasone (Decadron) to get rid of it. Ephedrine also interacts with muscle cells, increasing heat expenditure in them as well as fat cells. Unfortunately Kaizen Ephedrine HCL, aka Ephedrine Hydrochloride, is no longer available. All rights reserved.WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.This survey is being conducted by the WebMD marketing sciences department.All information will be used in a manner consistent with the WebMD,Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes,Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats,Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts.How Long Does Coronavirus Live On Surfaces?COVID-19 Vaccines: Updates You Need to Know,Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter.Uncontrolled Blood Sugar: How Dangerous Is It?Vitamins and Supplements to Avoid with Hepatitis C.Quiz: What Do You Know About Vitamin B12 Deficiency. It works by reducing swelling and constricting blood vessels in the nasal passages and widening the lung airways, allowing an individual to breathe more easily.Ephedrine is available over-the-counter (OTC) as an oral medication in combination with the expectorant.Do not use medicines containing ephedrine unless you have been diagnosed with mild, intermittent asthma by a doctor. (check all that apply).This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. By affecting chemicals in the brain, ephedra may decrease the effectiveness of medications used to prevent seizures.The appropriate dose of ephedra depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for ephedra. An ECA stack is a combination of ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin tablets. Taking ephedra with ergot derivatives might increase blood pressure too much.Ephedra contains chemicals that stimulate the body. Monitor your blood sugar closely.

It occurs as fine white crystals or as a powder. It can be taken by mouth or by injection into a muscle, vein, or just under the skin. Ephedrine is a medication and stimulant. Its action and uses are the same as those of ephedrine. By increasing blood sugar, ephedra might decrease the effectiveness of diabetes medications. Ephedrine is a natural product of the ephedra plant (Ephedra sinica), and is a mixed-acting, noncatecholamine sympathomimetic with both direct and indirect stimulating effects on α- and β-adrenergic receptors.